Friday, May 30, 2014

You are 16, going on 17...

Dear Baby Scarlett,

Well, you are not 16 weeks, you ARE actually 17 now. I've been so good at writing your letters and keeping on top of it. Then the last couple weeks happened. I've been a bit of a mess on a couple different fronts, and, well, last week's letter bit the dust.

To make up for it, though, this week's will be obnoxiously long and contain a bazillion pictures. Which, let's be honest, is most of the reason why anyone follows along with this blog. They wanna see pictures! So I will oblige.

Alright. Let's start at last Friday. Well, we went up to Grandma and Grandpa Mason's house. We went out to eat and then back to their place to let your sister run amok. You did great, even though it was WAY past bedtime. You gave Grandma and Grandpa sweet snuggles, as always.

Saturday we had our family "Mother's Day", which I already posted about. We got some amazing pics of you, pretty girl! You were kind of a crab during dinner, though, and only wanted to be held by Dad. You are SUCH a Daddy's girl. He can calm you down immediately, just by picking you up. I don't blame you, he is pretty cool.

Saturday night I was feeling REALLY icky as I overdid it at my bootcamp class Friday, so we stayed home in the morning, then I went to the gym in the afternoon, and you joined later. We had more Daddy drama! You were losing it at one point out in the waiting area. Daddy walked out and they told him you had a belly ache. He picked you up and you stopped crying immediately. Nope, you just were bored and wanted Dad. I don't really understand why people don't get that...babies cry, and babies will be babies. It is not like they are sick or hungry every time they cry. Sigh.

Monday we enjoyed the nice weather by hitting the park. I decided that we were going to do a week with no TV, so we hit a bunch of parks. I really worry about the amount of TV you are exposed to, especially because your sister had so little exposure to TV when she was small, and it has been shown to inhibit brain development and vocab skills. Hopefully this week will be a "reset" button for us all.

Anyway, we enjoyed checking out a new park. Your sister had a blast climbing and sliding. And you chilled with me in the shade and watched her!

Tuesday was another day and another park. We went to riverfront to walk and play! You were a doll, as usual and had fun looking around, taking it all in.

That night we decided to head to the park again with a picnic dinner. We had a nice little picnic and everyone enjoyed some much needed family time.

Wednesday we stuck close to home, but enjoyed some sprinkler time. Are you seeing a pattern here? We are outside. A LOT. Your sister loves it, and I have to say, you love stretching out on my new outdoor blanket and just taking in everything around you.

Thurs we headed out to the mall to do some shopping You were a good girl, and hammed it up! Between you and your sister, we sure do get lots of attention these days. I even got asked for the first time this week if you guys are twins! Ellie is running and you are not even sitting up. I am sure I'll be getting that question more and more as you grow. Anyway, you found a hat that you liked, and proceeded to show off your ear-to-ear grin for everyone in the store. The cuteness? Oh. my. goodness.

Thursday night I had a little bit of a rough time (not related to you two!) so we headed up to the beach for some family play time. We stopped at our favorite sandwich shop and you two flirted with the other customers. Your Daddy and I really are in some serious trouble as you two get older! Then we hit the beach. Ellie had fun climbing and sliding on the playground equipment. And you even got to swing a little with me. Overall it was a great way to make an icky day much better!

Friday I had to deal with some work drama (icky) but you were very patient with me and put a big smile on my face when it was all over. You sure are good at that, Smoosh. I keep telling Daddy that Smoosh snuggles are like some kind of drug...definitely the best mood-enhancer there has ever been!

Saturday was the start of an awesome weekend! We were able to spend lots of time as a family and have lots of fun. Those are the BEST weekends! We started out with a trip to the Farmer's Market. Your sister was into everything, as usual, and you enjoyed looking around, seeing all the new things. Daddy and I picked up some of our favorite coffee...which we definitely need with you two crazy girls to try to keep up with! Then it was back home for naps while I ran to the gym, and then to top the day off, we went to Urban Swirl for some fro-yo. Of course, you had to just watch the chocolatey disaster, but I cannot wait until I have 2 hot fudgey messes on my hands!

Sunday after church we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa Mason's. The weather was perfect and we enjoyed some lake time.

All that fresh air did you in, though, because you zonked out on my chest. There is nothing better than a beautiful day being curled up with my Squish!

After that, you guys went to Grandma and Grandpa Zaher's while Daddy and I went to the gym. They had a lot of fun with you two, even when you got a little bit fussy. 

Monday was Memorial Day, and we were up early to be Daddy's little cheerleaders. He was doing a race called the Murph. He did a mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups and 300 squats followed by another mile run. Isn't that crazy? He finished it in under and hour. Now that is what I call SuperDad! And he even *kinda* had the strength left to pose for a picture with you two.

After a quick stop home for Daddy to shower, we hit the parade. The sun was shining, and you were...sleeping. That's right, you slept through most of your first parade. Sirens and all! Ellie had a lot of fun with her BFF Lily.

After naptime we trekked to Toys R Us. We finally gave in and got a playset for Ellie. The girl is a climbing/sliding monster, and we definitely needed a way for her to get some of her energy out. The good news is that she LOVES it, and so we've spent a lot of time outdoors since that point. 

 Tuesday you gave me a couple little scares. There were some abnormal things about you, and while none of them would concern me ALONE, put together I got a little concerned that my Smoosh wasn't feeling so well. First, you went about 7 hours overnight without wetting your diaper. Also, you were up at about 4am, and those kind of middle-of-the-night wake ups are VERY uncommon for you. Then, you spit up a couple times BIG TIME...and you are not normally a spitter. See how you worried me? So we just spent the day having lots of cuddle time. You kept a smile on your face through it all, even if you weren't feeling the greatest. 

Wednesday it seemed like you definitely felt better...except for the sleep thing! I fully admit that your amazing sleeping habits have spoiled the crap out of me. So you being up twice, 12:30-2 and then again at 4:30 made for a very rough night and tired Momma! It made for a tired Smoosh too, as you would zonk any time, any place after that!

And while being tired really does stink, seeing THIS smile makes it all worth it. Oh how I love you, little one!

I was really worried that the last couple nights of poor sleep were the introduction to the dreaded 4 month sleep regression. With Ellie, that phase was BRUTAL. Easily the hardest time in her infancy. I'm telling you, new moms need help at 4 months. That is when people should be arranging meals, etc. Everyone expects that you have it together, and it is like you hit a wall or something. BUT, I am happy to say, Thursday we were back to our good sleep patterns and so Daddy and I got at least a little bit of much-needed rest. 

Friday it was a gorgeous day, so we hit the zoo! I love doing fun activities with my favorite girls! Ellie got to play on the playground while we cuddled, and see the animals. She was really into the tiger this time! And the kangaroo exhibit as open, so we got to see them hop, hop, hop, although I think she was more excited about the stray bunny that ran across the grass! Go figure!

What else is going on these days? Well, since you are getting more and more aware and alert, you are loving your big brother. He likes you too, and keeps trying to share his toys with you. You know, by placing them over your head. Really, Smoosh, your autobiography needs to be titled "Survivor" or something similar. Because both of your siblings equate "sharing" with "smothering".

But Truff does love you, a lot. He loves to do tummy time with you, although he is a blanket hog and usually takes up most of your blanket space. You like looking at him, even more than your mirror!

And he even shares Daddy's lap with you. He doesn't mind getting nice and close, as you don't have the reflexes to pull his fur like, AHEM, someone we know...

You are also becoming a PRO roller. Still always back to front though. Then you typially get angry that you are on your belly. Silly girl. I assume you'll be rolling the other way soon, but not yet!

You and your sister? Stinking adorable. You IDOLIZE her already. You smile at her like crazy, and she is so good at getting you to stop crying.

Often times when I am in the bathroom getting ready, I'll put you down in your whale tub. Your sister is CONSTANTLY crawling in it with you, and sometimes singing to you "Row, Row, Row, DREEEEEEAM!" 

She is constantly telling you "I kiss you" and "I hug you" in the cutest little high-pitched voice. Oh, and she can say your name now too."Baby Scott". Not perfect, but we're getting there, and it melts my heart nonetheless. 

I love the way you both light up when you see each other and I pray that will always be the case. I want so badly for you two to become the best of friends and I promise that I will do absolutely anything I can to facilitate that!

One little mistake I did make this week: you and Ellie woke up about the same time, so I went and got you and then took you to Ellie's room and set you in her crib while I got her changed and read for breakfast. Uh, now Ellie expects to see you every time she wakes up. And after I change her she wants to be back in the crib so she can play with you. I love it! I hope you two are this inseparable always.

Of course, there are also sometimes issues. Ellie still has a little trouble with sharing and tries to take your toys. We're working on it. Oh, and we had a funny conversation with Ellie at dinner:

"Do you love Truffle?" "Yes"
"Do you love Daddy" "Yup!"
"Do you love Scarlett" "No!"
Hmmmm....I'll try again
"Do you love blueberries" "Um-hmmm"
"Do you love climbing" "Climbing...Yes!"
"Do you love Frozen" "Whooosh. Yay"
"Do you love Baby Scarlett" "NONONO"

I think she is fibbing. But that sister of yours sure is a stinker!

So, those are the happenings these past couple weeks. And while it has been crazy like usual, I remain so thankful for all those little moments that we get to steal where you give me sweet smiles, or look at me all milk-drunk and woozy before you fall asleep. Time is going much too fast for my liking, but I also just love seeing your personality emerge and you interact with others. You are such a special little girl, and I am so lucky that I get to be your Mommy!

I love you,

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

2 under 2...for real.

I thought I should take a minute and write a post about how 2 under 2 is actually going. Now that the post-partum dust has settled a bit, I feel like I can look at life objectively.

Life is crazy. I asked Ryan the other day if he felt like we were just treading water. He laughed at me, gave me a hug an said "nope we're sinking."

And we are. The reality is that we will never catch up with everything we want/need to do. But at this stage of our lives, we just need to be okay with that. And we can't let the craziness of life take away from our time and appreciation of our little ones.

Overall, though it is easier than I expected. Some of that is due to Scarlett being an amazing baby. The work is constant. Don't get me wrong. I expect some of the work load will go down once Scarlett gets out of the baby phase a little and I can just double whatever I make for lunch, for example, instead of having to make Ellie something and then sit down to feed Scarlett. There are definitely some days where I feel like all I can do is change diapers and feed babies. The trick to my sanity, though, is realizing that like anything else, this season too will pass.

I love the chaos. Yes, I wish that I could walk through my kitchen just once without stepping on the fridge magnets that Ellie constantly pulls down. But there is just something about craziness and chaos that screams FUN. And we have a LOT of fun here.

Evenings are by far the hardest. Nursing 2 little ones to sleep is time consuming. When you couple that with the fact that I can't really get much done until they go to bed, and I am trying to cram all my house to-dos into about an hour of time after a full day of craziness an an hour of running between two rooms nursing, rocking, bouncing, shushing. All I want to do at that time is sit down with wine. But that doesn't work so well when there are no clean utensils in the entire house!

I am such a list maker, and the one trick that I have learned, for my sanity, is that I MUST add the little things to my list. Otherwise, it is SO easy to look at the 1 or 2 things I got crossed off my list. So I put things on there like Tummy time with Scarlett or art project with Ellie. Otherwise I feel like I got nothing done as I walk back in to restart the drier for the third time since I just can't find time to fold those clothes.

Overall, though, I really like it. I love the spacing of the girls. It is completely nutso, but so much fun!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mother's Day...part 2

So most people who know me know I pretty much hate Mother's Day. I'm trying to change that. Really, I am. It is only working marginally.

After a pretty bad Mother's Day last year, we decided to try to do something a little different this year. Sundays are SO busy for us, that they don't really work to 'celebrate'. So, we took the next weekend and made Saturday our Mother's Day. That was MUCH better.

We stuck around home in the morning. Ryan tried to let me sleep in, but the big princess got her leg caught in the crib slats (AGAIN....arg!) and was losing it until she had Mommy snuggles. I've got to say, those are better than sleep anyways.

Then Ryan made yummy omelettes for breakfast. We had breakfast, then Ryan took the 2 oldest kiddos on a walk while I got some stuff done and fed the little princess. We ha some play time, then naps, and then we set out for St. Joe.

It was chilly, but that didn't stop us from having a blast! Ellie got to play a bit on the playground. She also road on the carousel for the first time. She was fine at first, but as the carousel sped it (it goes pretty fast!) it was too much with that and the up and down motion, so I ended up holding her for the rest of the ride.

 Ryan took her on it too and she did better on a stationary horse. She was even waving then!

We went to dinner at Silver Beach Pizza (YUM) an ate entirely too much pizza.

Then we set out to take some pics on the beach. Ryan especially wanted to get some of Scarlett and I, as he wanted one to put in the new frame he got me. Well, he did one heck of a job. The impromptu photo shoot produced a ton of good pics. Wanna see?

Overall, we had an awesome day. I love spending time with Ryan and my favorite girls!

Friday, May 16, 2014

15 weeks

Dear Baby Scarlett,

Happy 15 weeks old, cutie pie! An what a week it was. We were certainly on the go!

We will start with Saturday. I had to go to Grand Rapids and Daddy had to go to Michigan City, so you stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. You hung out and went for walks and kept Grandma and Grandpa's hands very full trying to cater to both of you little munchkins. I had a whole lot of people in Grand Rapids who were VERY upset they didn't get to meet you too. But, I think you had a lot of fun.

I was soooo happy to get home and see you and your sister. Even though getting you guys home, fed an to bed by myself got a little hairy (considering patience isn't a strong suit for either of you!) I was glad to be back with my girls. 

Sunday was Mother's Day. Of course I already have the best Mother's Day presents and Ellie! But I loved the picture frame that you guys got me. We did church, then brunch with Grandma and Grandpa, then naps before hitting the gym. 

The gym was...interesting. Luckily you were too young to partake in most of the craziness, but your Aunt Janel send Urban Swirl to the gym. All the kiddos were ice-creamed up, an of course your sister was RIGHT in the middle, eating ALL THE SWEETS.

She was SUGARED UP between that and dessert at brunch. 

Which, of course led to a very fun morning on Monday morning...

Sugar coma, party of 1? Yeah, you should probably learn from your sister on this one! Luckily you were smiley an ready to go!

We headed out with Lori to visit Nana, who was in the hospital. You girls did an awesome job of putting a smile on her face. You gave her sweet cuddles and coos and your sister was the entertinment, showing off all her animal sounds. 

 On Tuesday we had to run some errands. We went to both Micheals an Target. Even though you are getting more alert an awake, you still are awfully easy to tote around. It is funny for me to think about how hard I thought it was to take Ellie around when she was your age. Then again, I've heard it said that however many children you have, minus 1, seems easy. I am getting better at managing both of you, though.

Wednesday was another dreary day and another visit to Nana. Luckily, she is feeling better and we were there when she got the news that she will be getting out of there today. Yay Nana!

Thursday it was COLD.  We like warm days where we can play outside, not cold ones! We did bundle up and take a walk though.

We also headed to the breastfeeding coalition meeting. You were certainly a little fussier, but you did fall asleep on me, which was super sweet. AND, we got you weighed...13lbs 8oz! I am so glad that you are gaining so well, even with your propensity to sleep all the time. That just means I can enjoy these Squishy cuddles without having to interrupt you!

Speaking of Squish, your sister has started calling you that. She can't quite get out Scarlett, but she's great at "Squish" or "Squishy". She's still being an awesome big sister and giving you lot of love and kisses. Well, that is when she's not shouting at you to "WAKE UP" when you are snoozing in your swing. Or trying to pick you up (yup, we had that for the first time this week). Or, saying those 3 words that make my blood run cold when I am not in eyesight..."BAYBEE, watch me!" She loves you lots, but she can sure be a stinker!

Speaking of being a stinker, you are getting to be one too, at least during bath time. You LOVE it, but kick so much that the entire bathroom and everyone in it ends up drenched. These smiles are worth it though, Smoosh!

Then today, we started out the day bright and early with some time at Grandma's while I went to work out. We came home for naps and then went out with Grandma and Grandpa Mason for dinner. You were so good and gave lots of coos and belly laughs for them too, even when it was way past bedtime.

So, we survived another crazy week. Regardless of how crazy our schedules get, I love having two little reminders that I need to slow down and cherish all the little things. I know you will get SO big and independent, just like your sister, in the blink of an eye, so I am loving the extra time that we spend curled up before I put you to bed and watching you grow an learn at what seems like the speed of light. I am SO, SO glad I get to be your Mommy and I love you so much!

I love you,

Saturday, May 10, 2014 strange Smoosh

So, the Smoosh rolled over for the first time today.

We were on the floor having some naked baby playtime. And she did it.

But, uh, she rolled from her back to her front. You know, the not-so-normal way. She still hasn't rolled front to back.

She's so strange.

But awfully cute.

Friday, May 9, 2014

14 weeks!

Dear Scarlett,

Can you believe it? 14 weeks already? I was thinking the other day how time just seems to be flying by. In just a couple more months you'll be starting on solids. That seems crazy to me. Where did my little baby go?

Well we had another great week. Saturday started off with family cuddle time in bed, which is amazing. I could spend all day cuddling with you guys. Luckily, though, your sister would have nothing to do with sitting still that long. Good thing, or else I'd get NOTHING done!

Sunday was extra busy, as I had to spend extra time at the gym. Daddy does awesome with you two girlies, though. I will say, you are getting more like your sister in that you are not a fan of taking a bottle. I can't say I mind. I love the sweet snuggles I get when you are nursing!

By Monday the weather was getting nicer and nicer, so we enjoyed time outside walking and running. I have the two cutest running buddies ever! You guys both like being outside so much (well, okay, Ellie doesn't like being strapped in the stroller...but...) and it is super good for us all to get some fresh air. 

Tuesday we dropped Ellie off at Grandma's and had our own little Saint Mary's for a retirement party. You were quite the hit! You got passed around to all the staff and gave everyone snuggles. I didn't think Dorothy was even going to give you back. They all remarked on how alert you are and how you love to be looking around. 

Speaking of being alert, that hand-eye coordinating is getting better. You are grabbing onto your toys hanging from your playmat, and you've started to grab your O-ball. Of course the toy wars are now starting as Ellie automatically wants whatever you have 2 seconds after you grab it. Sigh.

Wednesday was spent around home and getting things ready for a crazy weekend. All our weekends really seem to be nuts. I'm sure as you and Ellie get to be bigger this will only get worse. 

You know what isn't getting worse? Sleep! You're still the best sleeper ever. Naps have gotten a bit shorter (you are falling into a 2-3hr cycle of eat-sleep-play, which means I now rarely get a nap over 1h) BUT night sleep is magnificent. Still easily 10-12 hours a night. You are getting increasingly good at busting out of your swaddle, though. Look at that hand, my little Scarlett Stinkerpants!

Thursday it was GORGEOUS out, so we hit the zoo. Zoo trip 2 was a success. Even though it was pretty toasty, you did great, and slept through most of it.Your sister loved seeing all the animals. The turtle was a new favorite for her, and the otters were playing in the water right in front of us, which was really cool!

Of course we enjoy our walks too. Every night we are taking our family stroll around the neighborhood. Funny enough, though, this is about all we have time for between dinner and bed. It usually takes an hour by the time we find people to talk and play with (your sister loves it when Craig is out!) and going to see the animals (especially Virginia the pig!) and of course Ellie 'walking'...which really means her running into every yard and picking up every rock she can find. But, it is so nice to spend time with you all!

That brings us to today. We had errands to run this morning to get ready for a busy weekend and now we are home and I am TRYING to get some naps out of you two. It definitely isn't always easy to be the Mommy of you two, but I have to say, I love it. I love your little coos and how you talk with such big expressions on your face like I should understand exactly what you are saying. And I love seeing your face light up when you see me. Or Ellie. Or Daddy. Or Truff. I love that you are starting to belly laugh when I tickle your neck. I love how you kick your legs like you are swimming in the Olympics CONSTANTLY these days. I just love you, my little Scarlett, and I am so happy to have you as part of our family.

I love you, Squish!

Monday, May 5, 2014

My girls have the best Dad!

I've been meaning to write this post for a week now, but even though it is very late, it definitely still needs to be written.

Ryan = best. Dad. ever.

For like a million reasons. But really, last Saturday morning took the cake.

I was speaking at a conference for educators of teenage girls in Math and Science. Early in the week, we were driving my Chick-fil-a and they had a sign for a princess breakfast. It was Saturday morning. Bummer, that was a no-go.

Until Friday night when Ryan asked where the girls' princess dresses were. Turns out he looked up the breakfast and was going to take the girls. How stinking adorable was that. So, he got them both dressed in their Cinderella outfits and out the door to breakfast at a reasonable time. That in itself is a small miracle.

They had a blast. Ellie got her face painted, and they made frog crafts and got balloons and saw a horse drawn carriage (but not too close as Ellie didn't like the horses so much...

Ellie was in 7th heaven with her "crown" all day and had a meltdown when we had to wash it off.

Ellie was talking up a storm telling me ALL about it when I got home. She clearly had an awesome time. 

But really, it takes his awesomeness to a whole new level. I just love how much he loves those girlies! 

Friday, May 2, 2014

13 weeks

Dear Little Smoosh,

You are lucky 13 weeks...or should I say we've been lucky to have you for 13 weeks? I think the latter is more like it!

We had another busy week. On Saturday you went to breakfast with Daddy and Ellie (see the other post about this...) and you got to dress up like the pretty little princess you are! I think you had fun, but you sure zonked when I got home. It was nice, though, so we got in some good walks. It is so nice that the weather is warmer and we're able to do that!

Sunday was the usual routine of church then home, then gym. You were awesome in church again and slept cuddled up to Daddy the entire time. You're such a good little Squish. He loves that cuddle time with you too. He has a giant smile on his face the entire time!

Monday we went to dinner at Hacienda. You wanted to be up checking everything out. You had a bit of an 'incident' too which led to Daddy trying to clean you up in the bathroom. But on the way home you zonked out. I love this sleepy little face.

Speaking of sleep, there have been a couple nights recently where you haven't quite been sleeping as well as normal. To be honest, Smoosh, you have spoiled me big time. You are such a super sleeper! I shouldn't be complaining when you *only* sleep 7 hours, right? But when I was getting 12 hours last week...

See? Spoiled Mommy. The positive, though, is night feedings mean extra cuddles. And I do like that! I honestly kind of miss those middle of the night times I had with your sister. But again, I like sleep too. So I'll just keep seeing the positive in either, okay baby girl?

Tuesday we ended up walking around the mall with Grandma, then headed home for naps. You've been getting so much better at your tummy time these days! You love to talk during tummy time, which I love. See? You're still not really into trying to roll over or anything, though. You definitely let me know when you are done by giving me these kind of "teenager looks".

Your sister likes to keep you entertained during tummy time. We will sing songs together, and sometimes she will point out body parts. We did have a bit of a tummy time incident. Your sister fed you a bunny cookie. I love that she's trying to share, but of course, no cookies for you yet. Looks like I have to keep an eye on her.

You are also strong enough now to use your Bumbo, so you've been sitting in there for a couple minutes each day. Of course, this comes with its own challenges. Namely a big sis who is still teeny tiny and can fit in the bumbo too. Yeah, those Moms that complain about babies outgrowing it at like 4 months? Nope, not me. Anyway, we've had to deal with some issues with that, but for the most part things are going well. 

Wednesday night we were at the gym like usual. You have fun just taking in all the craziness. We are are lucky that you don't get overstimulated easily! 

Most of Thursday and Friday were spent at home. Which is a-ok by me. I love time with my girls! 

I must say, you being more aware of your surroundings is pretty darn fun. You are Truff are getting to be best buds. He loves to sit by you when you are on your play mat. You love to touch his fur, and you let out belly laughs when he sniffs you and all that fur touches your face. I think "Fuffle" likes you a little better than your sister these days, as you are much less mobile! 

Of course, after Ellie goes to bed then you both want Dad's attention. I understand. Dad is pretty awesome!

You are so goofy these days too. That talking and giggles...I love it. The other day you were giggling up a storm every time Dad would say "orange". Go figure! Such a funny Smooshers!

You know what else you love? Baths. You are SO into kicking your legs in the water. You get so excited at bath time. Your little shrieks are adorable. And you are now getting the entire bathroom wet from all your splashing. Love it!

It is crazy to think that you are 3 months old already. And while I can't wrap my brain around time going so fast, I do have to say that I am  just so incredibly excited to be your Mommy. You are one amazing little girl, and I am so lucky that I get to be the one to spend all day with you and your silly sister. 

I love you, 