Saturday, January 26, 2013

21 weeks!

Dear Ellie-bean,

You are 21 weeks old today! Wow, baby bean, I just can't believe it. You are growing up so fast and learning so much every single day. Just thinking back over the week, I am SO amazed.

So what happened this week? Well, Sunday we had our last competition of the season to go to, Indiana state. Luckily, it was only at Bethel, so we didn't have to go far. Grandma and Grandpa came again to watch you, which you always like! Grandpa sang more jingle bells to you and you fought naps like a crazy girl! Some of our NE kiddos were there too, and Daddy was showing off your newest tricks for them. Little daredevil that you are, you now do "fulls" where Daddy tosses you up and spins you around. You giggle SO much at that. You also sit up and balance on Daddy's hand. All the cheer kiddos thought that was pretty awesome, but a lot of the cheer parents wanted to kill Daddy for doing that! They are a little protective of you, bean!

After that excitement, I definitely wanted to stay home and relax, but we couldn't on Monday! I had a doctor's appointment. But, you got to go over and chill at Aunt Lori's house. Haileigh and Yanni were off school too, so you got LOTS of attention, and they were even able to get you to take a good nap! You took an awesome nap when we got home too. Yay for good naps! You also got to play in your exersaucer a bit. It is so cool, you are really playing with the toys now. It is so cool to see you figure all that out! 

Speaking of figuring things out, you also figured out your Jumperoo on Monday, and you are IN LOVE! See? You love, love, LOVE bouncing in it now. It is good to wear you out, and it buys Daddy and I a couple minutes with you content. You even get fussy when we try to get you out, silly bean!

You did give Daddy a surprise too. He was laying back on the couch holding you up by your ankles. You guys were face to face and you were giggling up a storm, spit up ALL over his face. I was laughing soooo hard, but he took it like a champ.

Tuesday was a nice, relaxing day around home, thank goodness! BUT you only wanted to take half hour or less naps, you little stinker! You were overtired and king of a mess. Thank goodness for some Daddy help when he got home!

Wednesday was a much better day. You napped better, and we got in some good play time. You are so intent on figuring out all your toys. And trying to eat them. You are just amazed by your tongue these days. You move it all over and play with it like crazy!

Wednesday night at the gym was a little messy. You skipped your late-afternoon nap, and so you were TIRED when you got there. Even Aunt Andrea couldn't get you to sleep.

Thursday we were getting a little stir-crazy, so we went to the mall with Grandma. We had a good time for the most part, but then you started getting a little bit crabby, so I left the store to walk down and change and feed you....when Grandpa showed up! You were ALL smiles for him! Especially when he was bouncing you! The two of you are making plans to go on the BIG jumperoo at the mall, but for now, I think you should stick to this one!

Grandpa met up with us again at Kohls, where Grandma and I were getting you your very first doll! We found one with a birdy on her dress. How perfect for my little baby birdy! You were giving her kisses in the store. Or trying to latch on to her nose. One of the two!

Friday you hadn't slept too well, but I managed to get my tooshie out of bed and go workout. I am really trying to get more healthy so that I can keep up with you, jumping bean. So you went to hang out with Grandma a bit. Then we did a little more shopping. Just when I think your wardrobe can't get any better, Grandma finds more cute things. 

Even with shopping two days in a row, you weren't too worn out to jumperoo it a little bit. No sir! You are getting better and better at it, and even got some "air" launching yourself out of the seat. Whoa girl!

Friday night you went with Daddy and Truffle to get a pizza and I got a little break for a bath and a nap. Have I mentioned you have the BEST Daddy? You do. He  is so great with you, even when he is exhausted too. Truff hasn't been sleeping well, so he has spent the last couple nights on the couch, and he still pitches in and helps with you. What an awesome guy!

Speaking of awesome Daddy, he let me sleep in a little Saturday. Yay! I loved that, but I admit, I was also happy when you came out and wanted to cuddle and nurse, at about 9am. Love cuddles and nursing. It is the best!

We got some groceries, then came home and spent the rest of the day around the house. While I was working on putting away some of your new clothes, we had a little fashion show.  I can't wait for this summer! You are going to rock your new sundresses, bean!

You had lots of fun with Dad today too. And apparently you can do unassisted handstands today. Your new tricks just crack us up!

You had your first solid food tonight too, completely unintentionally! You won't be having any more until 6 months, like I planned, but I had you on my hip when Dad handed me a piece of homemade bread (YUM). I apparently got it a little too close to you and you latched onto it and starting sucking. That is crazy! You even managed to swallow a little bit. I am NOT ready for this, little one. You are growing up WAY too fast!!!

Even though you are growing up so, so fast, it is simply amazing to see all the growing and changing you are doing. You are so much fun. From your giggles in the morning to your sleepy cuddles at night, you are the absolute highlight of every single one of my days. You are so amazing and so precious, and I just love you so much, my little baby bird!

I love you!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy 20 weeks!

Dear Ellie,

Happy 20 weeks old! And I am actually writing this on the correct day. Yay! Go Mommy!!!

So what happened this week? Well, we left off on Wednesday. Wednesday we did a bit more Gymboree-ing with Grandma. You were a very good girl and took some good naps in your car seat.

One thing that I am noticing more and more is that you really are starting to get interested in food. You watch me eating like crazy, even straining your head back if you are on my lap to see where I am putting that food. And sometimes you even mimic chewing. I think you will be ready to go in another month or so when we start you on solids. 

Wednesday night was BUSY. We went to the gym, as usual, but then we also dropped by dinner for Grandpa Mason's birthday. We couldn't stay long because it was late, but I think he liked seeing you. 

Thursday we needed a break so we stayed home! You have not been sleeping well at all. We're up with you about three times a night. Where did my good sleeping bean go? I am trying to just enjoy the extra snuggles that you want, though. 

Since we stayed home, though, we played dress up with some of your new clothes. That was fun, and you were pretty tolerant for the most part. Look how adorable, baby bean:

That evening you were playing with Daddy and you had a important first. You sat up by yourself. And not just for a second or two, for about a whole minute. Way to go, bean. You still much prefer standing to sitting, though, so sometimes when I try to work with you on sitting you just pop right up into a standing position. You can also stand up with very little help. We don't even have to hold you when you're standing up sometimes. How is my little baby bird getting so darn big???

Friday was a tough one. You went over to Grandma's for awhile while I worked out, then we popped by Lori's, then home. The problem? You did NOT want to nap. All day. Ever. Arg! Talk about driving Mommy crazy!

You are getting so much more into toys too! You can pick things up, turn them around, stick them in your mouth, and just otherwise inspect everything. I did figure out that I can get you to do some tummy time on your mat if I bring the toy bar down to the floor for you to play with! You need to be entertained constantly. And you talk up a storm! See?

After the rough day with you, Daddy sent me to nap and you guys played together and went to get a pizza for dinner. You have the best Daddy! He takes care of both of us so well!

Last night was another rough night. You only want to sleep curled up with me. Even when we manage to get you in the co-sleeper, you scootch all the way over to the side by me. I love that you are such a snuggle bug, even when you happen to want to snuggle at 12am, 2am, 4:30am and 7am. You do so much better snuggled up with me in our bed, and LOVE taking it over when we get up. 

So that brings us to this morning, 20 week old! Since we didn't get much sleep, I sent Daddy to sleep in and we went for a nice long walk with your brother. The sun was shining and it wasn't too cold, so we had a lot of fun. And you tried to eat your sunglasses:

I am so amazed by you, little one. Seeing you learn and grow is just awesome. I love spending time with you, even when it is at 3am. You are such a special little girl, and so funny and loving! I love being your mommy, and I love YOU!

I love you LOTS, 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

19 weeks

Dear Baby Bean,

Happy 19 weeks! Well, actually 19 weeks and 3 days. It was a LONG weekend and I didn't get a chance to write you a letter. I feel like a bad mommy, so I am trying to make up for it now.

Sunday it was back to go-go-go for us! We went to church, then you and Daddy went to Grandma and Grandpa Mason's house for awhile. They really enjoyed seeing you. You were a very good girl and napped well for them, especially when Grandma Mason wrapped you up in your blanket and got you nice and toasty warm!

Then it was off to the gym. I didn't have the best night at the gym, so I really needed Ellie snuggles when I got home, and you obliged! I love Ellie snuggles so much, they are the BEST!

Monday was a big day too...Notre Dame was playing in the National Championship game. You donned your new ND outfit from Grandpa Zaher. You looked so adorable!

Unfortunately, the team didn't look nearly as good as you did and got beat by Alabama pretty badly. Booo.

Tuesday we had to run some errands together. Nothing too dramatic there, but guess what the UPS man brought while we were taking Truff for a walk? Your new exersaucer! You are loving it. It is still quite big for you, but you love playing with the toys, and you especially like how you can annoy your brother with the toys.

Wednesday we were up early and you went to Grandma Zaher's house while I went to the Y and worked out. You did not want to get up in time for me to go. In fact, you tried to fall back asleep on your changing table after I had carried you out. 

See that thumb? That is where it ALWAYS is these days. It is always in your mouth. It is soooo cute, but this germophobe mommy is going crazy trying to keep it clean!

After we got back from working out, we stayed home and tried to get prepped for the weekend. More on that later...

That night you slept so well! You were out until about 7am! I really appreciated that, as your sleeping has definitely been hit and miss these days. Sometimes you sleep awesome and sometimes...well...sometimes I make sure I dress you really cute the next day because you were a complete pain in the rear!

You are definitely an active sleeper these days. You kick your legs in bed so much that it shakes MY bed. And you scoot all around, especially when you are just in a sleeper. See? I found you laying almost sideways this week! Silly bean!

Thursday we went to Target to check out the toy clearance. We didn't find anything too exciting, unfortunately. You need new toys like you need a hole in the head. I did get you a little puppy, Violet that says your name! I was excited that it has Ellorie as an option! And I love how it says it "EllorIEEEEE" so cute! You love it, and we spend a lot of time these days dancing and singing to the songs it sings. 

We also had a very interesting incident. Daddy was changing your diaper. You had made a mess. Well, Dad called me in to look at something in your ended up being a ball of Truffle's fur! You had eaten that, and it has gone all the way through you. Yuck! We did get a good chuckle out of it, though!

Friday we were going crazy packing for the weekend. You require so much stuff, and I am always so worried about forgetting something when we travel. It is stressful! You slept horribly that night too. You would not go down. Not what I wanted when you were going to have to get up at 3am!

Saturday and Sunday we were in Grand Rapids for a cheer competition. You got to spend lots of time with Grandma and Grandpa, who convinced you that all the people were clapping for you! You got to see Aunt Janel, Aunt Mandy and Grandma Katie too! You sported your NE uniform that came off the teddy bear I had. I can't believe it pretty much fits you. You're such a tiny bean! It was the hit of the competition. 

Daddy had fun throwing you around too! You love being thrown around and giggle your little toosh off! It is so cute!

We got home pretty late Sunday. We were all fairly tired and went to bed pretty quick. You just aren't sleeping so well these days, so most nights you end up in our bed. I wouldn't mind snuggling with you, but you squirm all around and like punching my ribs when you're sleeping. I am hoping that you get past this little sleep regression soon. I miss those 10 hour nights from you!

Monday was competition hangover day. It really doesn't seem to effect you, though. You were still all smiles. 

Neither of us got out of our PJs. Sometimes we need days like that!

And that brings us to today. We went to the mall with Grandma to put some stuff on hold at Gymboree for tomorrow's sale. We found some great stuff. You were pretty cranky and didn't nap well, though which was a bit tough. You are also so squirmy in your stroller. If I don't buckle you in your carrier, you try to roll over in it. Go figure, you will never roll from back to belly on the floor, but in your carseat you will try your darndest. Silly bean. 

Even when you are an overtired mess, little bird, I still love you so, so much. You are amazing. You are growing so much every single day and I am so lucky that I get a front row seat to all that. Just seeing you discover things and master new skills is so awesome. And you are SUCH a snuggle bug! I just love being your Mommy!

I love you,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

18 weeks

Dear Miss Ellie,

You are 18 weeks old today! Yay! You are getting so big these days, and doing so much that I am really glad I started writing you these letters so that I can remember all our adventures and everything about you! I just want to etch everything into my mind, because it is going so fast!

Saturday night we took a big step, and let you sleep unswaddled with your arms out. Daddy and I were both very scared that you would be up every 45 minutes. proved us wrong big girl! You did awesome, and were even able to get yourself back to sleep by sucking your thumb when you woke up! You are so stinking cute when you sleep with your little thumb in your mouth, or on your side with you arms in a bow and arrow position. I think you knew how proud of you we were for only waking up once that night, because you were all smiles. I wasn't so much because now you look like such a big girl sleeping! I might have teared up a little about that!

Sunday started off the week busy! We went to church, and then Aunt Mandy came down for a visit. You were a bit cranky because you didn't nap well, but hung in there through lunch, and lots of snuggles with Aunt Mandy. One funny thing when we were at lunch: the waitress asked if you just came from getting pictures taken. Why, are just always dressed to the nines. You are a stylish little bean.

Monday was New Year's Eve! We did some shopping. You did very well! Then we went over to the Trujillos to hang out for a bit. They all love you so much! And they were very impressed by how well you can stand on your own. In fact, you can stand up only holding one of Daddy's hands. See? Such a strong little birdy!

I think this means you are going to be walking a lot sooner than I would like. 

We also made sure to wake you up for the ball drop. You, me, Daddy and Truffle all cuddled up on the couch and counted down to 2013. It was very emotional for me and Dad. We are both just so incredibly happy to have you here and be able to ring in the new year with the best 2-legged AND the best 4-legged kiddos ever! You teared up too...but it was because you were NOT happy being woken up to watch a silly ball. You wanted your BED!!!

We had a pretty low key day for the first day of 2013. We all hung out together. You are loving your toys these days. The only way I can get you to stay on your tummy for tummy time is to get you playing with those toys. You especially love your O balls, and anything that lights up. You also really love your sing along songs DVD. Daddy and I love it too, as it buys us 15 minutes that we can actually scarf down dinner.

We did have a "first" on New Year's Day, though. Your first bubble bath. You loved being surrounded by all those bubbles! One try to eat the bubbles. So of course, because I am  a LIIIIIITTLE protective of you, I was rinsing bubbles off your hands constantly. 

Wednesday we hung out at home, just the two of us. That was nice. Truffle liked it too. You are even more aware of him these days, which is so cool. You love to laugh at him, and you are always watching him. He does so good with you too. He does not bite, even when you rip out fistfulls of hair. And yes, you have done that already. We bundled you up and took Truff for a very long walk. It was REALLY cold, so I bundled you up. You didn't mind the cold, and stayed nice and toasty!

Thursday was a rough day. I haven't been feeling well, and had gotten kind of concerned about my health, so you came with me to the doctor's in the morning. You were so good in the office. Barely a peep, and you gave lots of smiles to everyone. Then we came home, I got you to nap, fed you, and then went back out to your doctor appointment. Daddy met us there again, so like usual you had big gummy smiles for him. The good news is that you are still doing very well. You are 12lbs 1oz (16%) and 25 inches tall (76%). Tall and skinny. You had to get shots again too, and you were a trooper. You did not like the oral one this time. You had three shots in your poor little legs. You cried, of course, but then calmed right down when they were done. Such a brave little girl! Daddy and I were so proud of you!

Friday we went shopping with Grandma! You got to try out your big girl car seat in her car. I think you liked it, as you napped pretty well in it. We managed to add to your wardrobe even more. Although, on this shopping trip, you had a little wardrobe malfunction:

Today I had to go get poked for a blood draw, so you and Dad went with, then we all went out for Indian food for lunch. The waitress loved you and even had to hold you for a minute. You are quite the hit everywhere you go, you are such a special girl. 

Baby bean, I love you so, so much. I am so lucky to be your Mommy! I know I tell you that a lot, but it is completely true. I still just stare at you, multiple times a day, thinking about what an incredible blessing you are. You are the answer to so many of my prayers, and I simply cannot fathom any other baby being quite as perfect for us as you are! You just absolutely melt my heart. Your smiles and snuggles are better than anything else!

I love you so much!!!