Saturday, August 24, 2013

51 weeks

Dear Ellie,

Just typing that, I had to blink a couple times. Gosh, I am an emotional MESS these days. I just cannot wrap my brain around the fact that in a week, you will be 1 whole year old. I just can't!

But let's not rush into that. I am sure next week I will write you the mushiest letter ever, so when you are a teenager you can read it and gag and roll your eyes. For now let's talk about week 51!

Monday was nap boot camp. I told Daddy that after a weekend of staying up late and crappy naps, we were focusing on getting you back to normal. You were up early, so I assumed you would nap early. NOPE. You did your gymnurstics where you like to flip around like a crazy woman while you nurse, and then looked up, grabbed my cheeks and giggled. Now how could I get annoyed with that? So I gave you another half hour, and then you finally went down. You are a stinker!

Then we went to the breastfeeding group. There were a lot of really little babies there, and you enjoyed being entertainment for everyone, crawling around, pulling up on everyone, and even pretending like you were patting your own little baby. In good news, you were up to 17lbs 6oz. Go baby bean!

We went on a couple other errands and then headed home to get that afternoon nap in. Same deal as before. Ellie-2 Mommy-1. But on attempt number 2, you did actually nap. Phew! I was getting worried I'd have a crabby princess to deal with all night!

Tuesday was my first day "back to work." I wasn't teaching but I had department meetings, so you headed over to Grandma's. But you sure made my back-to-work day memorable! While I was getting ready, you were in the living room, playing. Or so I thought. Actually, you managed to toddle over to a nearby window where there was a fly trap filled with apple cider vinegar. You then proceeded to dump the vinegar in a cardboard box. Which, I didn't notice until Truffle started rolling in it, after it had seeped through the cardboard. Sigh. Bean. What am I going to do with you?

You had a very good time with Grandma, though, and even went out to eat. You played lots in the water table. You love that!

Wednesday was Daddy's birthday! We tried to take some pictures for him, but you weren't too cooperative.

Oh well! It is crazy, I remember telling you last year that you had to stay put until Daddy's birthday, and you listened! Guess that is the once you'll listen to me.

That afternoon you went to see Grandma again while I had another appointment. As usual, you had fun, although you not having an afternoon nap made for an interesting night at the gym that night. You were pretty fussy until Mr. Jack walked in. You and your older men! Huh...then you were all smiles!

Thursday we were both glad that we got to stay home, I think. I missed you way too much the last couple days, my love. And you just melted my heart, you were such a snuggle bug. I would be on the floor playing with you, and you would just climb right into my lap and snuggle in tight to watch your sing a long songs DVD. I love your sweet cuddles. Nothing is better!

Well, okay, one thing might be better...Friday you took GREAT naps and woke up like this:

Yes! That is my girl! I just love your goofiness, and that smile! You were so playful all day. One of your new favorite things is look through different objects. You find the silliest things to look through and use as 'toys.'

We did run a couple errands with Daddy that night to get stuff for your party. I have NEVER seen Daddy have so much fun in craft stores! You two were looking at everything, and he was finding all sorts of things to tickle you with. You were giggling your behind off, and he was loving every second of it. You two are so precious to watch together. Oh, and you were playing the "dump you over the shoulder" game which you find hysterical, but I think set off the pacemakers for some of the little old ladies in Hobby Lobby. The best moment of the night, though, was Daddy strapping you in your car seat (which usually you HATE) and you reaching up, grabbing his cheeks, and just giggling. I know he just melted and I did too. You are such a sweet girl!

That brings us to today. We stayed around the house today and got stuff done for your party. You were trying really hard to help Daddy, because apparently the ladder is the coolest thing you have ever seen. Hmmm...looks like trouble to me!

We also found out tonight that you are a BIG fan of lasagna. You weren't crazy about spaghetti, but I think the cheese in here made you a much bigger fan! You are so silly with food. You will pretty much eat anything, except for strawberries and watermelon. I don't understand that, little one! That is some good stuff that you are missing out on! But regardless, you eat a LOT!!! For such a little bean, you can pack it away. 

Like I said, I've been an emotional mess this week, but that also means that I am taking extra time to rock you and snuggle you, and try to memorize every little thing about you. You are so amazing, and I love every last bit of you so much, that I just don't want to forget a thing about when you were this tiny. I feel like I've forgotten so much of newborn-Ellie already that I just don't want t forget any 1-year-old-Ellie. I'm so grateful that I get to be your Mommy and I hope you know how incredibly loved you are, little one. 

I love you, 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The big 5-0

Dear Miss Ellorie,

You were the big 5-0 yesterday...weeks, that is! That means you are getting SOOOO close to a year. And no, I am not doing well with this AT ALL. I mean, I am in full fledged party planning mode and all, so I KNOW it is coming up, but I am not the least bit ready for you to be an entire year old. I just *might* have teared up this week ordering your birthday present, and I just *might* have teared up again today when you got your very first birthday card. Even though it was just from Toys R Us, it still made me all misty. You better just get used to your Mommy being a sap, little one, you will be dealing with it for a long time. Where did these 50 weeks go???

While I can't answer that, I do know where this week went! Monday we were out and about running some errands. We went to Target and then ran to the berry farm to get a box of frozen blueberries. I don't think we will be able to pick any more good ones, but since we all love them so much we decided to 'cheat' and buy them pre-packaged. You did pretty well on the errands, although I did have to bribe you with my keys and then my credit card to make you stay quiet in Target!

Tuesday we had to run more errands. We got your birthday invites (yay!) and had to stop by Grandma and Grandpa's house to pick up a couple things too. You had a very good time showing them how you get into anything and everything these days. Ha! Like I didn't know THAT!

Speaking of getting into things, we baby-proofed pretty much the entire living room so you can wander. You are Miss Independent and just love getting into everything. 

That evening I was not feeling too good, so you got to have a little date night with your Daddy. You were awesome with him, as usual. And he loved the singing you do in the car. It is one of my favorites too!

Wednesday we did some more errands. Can you tell the party is coming up? I feel like we are running all over in a million different directions! But at least I am getting things together. I really want this to be the most special party ever for the most special little girl ever! You are 'helping' me too. Like that roll of tulle I bought? I meant it to be decorations, but it kept you entertained for a good 20 minutes, so we'll go with that...

You're also learning SO much right now! I can ask you "where is Ellie's nose?" and you will point to your nose, smart, girl! Oh, and wait for me to make HONK HONK noises, and then giggle like a maniac. You, giggle? Nooooo....

You're also up to 5 words now. Mama, Daddy, Da (dog), Hi, and Bye-bye. I love that you are getting more vocal. I think...

Thursday I had a doctor's appointment, so you went to stay with Grandma for a bit. I think they have created a monster. They let you UN-decorate the fan, since they are going to be changing the decorations. You know, turn it on at warp speed until the garland flies off, and then lift you up to touch it. Mark my words figure stuff like that out QUICKLY and you will remember that, and expect to do it all the time. I know this because you are the same little girl who spit out all her carrots tonight at dinner because they were not sweet potatoes and you wanted sweet potatoes. Sigh.

In other big news of the week, I finally let you have a blankey in your crib this week. And, of course, you love it, and I feel slightly guilty for not letting you have one earlier. I guess if that is the extent of my Mommy guilt, I am doing okay, right? But seriously, look how happy you are to be all cuddled up with it. You melt my heart.  

Friday we went to Michigan City with Grandma in her new car. It survived the first road trip, and I think you like it. You definitely liked the shopping too, although you were a stinker and did not want to nap. You were in a pretty good mood, so it was hard to complain, but COME ON princess...take those naps! You need them, AND Mommy needs them! 

Friday night we went out for ice cream with Dad. The weather has been so nice it is hard to turn down the opportunity. You loved sitting on my lap, sharing the ice cream, and would give me a big, ice creamy kiss after every bite. Snuggles and kisses? I'll let you have a little more sugar for that!

Saturday we went grocery shopping, then spent the rest of the day around here, until after dinner when the 4 of us went to the park for a walk. Your brother LOVED it, and you loved the swing, as usual. It was pretty crowded so you got to watch and talk to lots of little kids, which you enjoy. 

Sunday we paid for keeping you up late the last couple slept in so late that we were rushing around to get to church. You didn't make it to long in church, you definitely wanted to be on the go. Luckily you and Daddy had fun in the hallway. When we got home you napped and Daddy grilled us up some yummy steaks! After your nap, it was play time. 

You liked play time a LITTLE too much. We could NOT get you to take a second nap. I tried feeding and rocking you, Daddy tried singing to dice. So we gave up and took you and Truff to the Riverfront for a walk and then ice cream after. I'm definitely hoping that getting you back on a somewhat normal schedule tomorrow helps. I am NOT ready for you to drop a nap, bean. Not now! I have WAY too much going on...and you are a crappy mess. Embrace the nap! Viva la NAP!

Oh, and one other big thing took a step! I'm not really 'counting' it, as you were heavily bribed with sweet potato, and it was only one step after you let go of the chair, but hey, it is a start!

So, while I am hoping that tomorrow gets us back to normal, I am also not-so-secretly glad that I get you back all to myself. I just have so much fun with you. Seeing you learn and enjoy everything around you is just so amazing to me. I can remember just staring at you in complete awe 50 weeks ago, and I am still catching myself doing that all the time. So while so much has changed in 50 weeks, going from a newborn to this curious, social, funny little girl, there is still so much that hasn't changed at all. 

I love you, my Baby Bean!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

49 weeks

Dear Ellie,

You are 49 weeks old today, my little one! I cannot believe that in just a few short weeks you will be 1 whole year old! This year has gone SO fast!

This week we were busy as usual! On Sunday we went to church, came home for a nap, and then went up to see Grandma and Grandpa Mason. You weren't too sure about that as first, but then Grandma Mason started feeding you cantaloupe and suddenly she was your BFF. You are so predictable, my baby bean!

We got home, you napped, and then we tried to take your 11 month pictures (a little late, since we hadn't unpacked the car from vacation yet!) You were NOT cooperative AT ALL. We could not even set you down. Oy.

Monday we decided to get out of the house and go blueberry picking again. We had fun and got some more tasty berries. Yum! We tried pictures again that night. You cooperated a little better, at least when we bribed you with some yogurt bites! Your faces, though, Miss Ellie, just KILL me. I am downright SCARED for you to start talking more. I don't know if I want to know what is going through that pretty little head of yours.

Tuesday we decided to get you and your brother out of the house and go for a walk at the park. I think you both had a very good time! You were all about swinging and handing on the monkey bars like the little monkey girl you are!

Wednesday we met Aunt Stephanie for coffee, and like I said in the previous post, you entertained EVERYONE there. You are such a silly bean! You had a blast flirting with everyone, playing with my keys, and eating cheerios. When Daddy got home we went out to dinner and again, you were center stage. Such a little entertaining bean!

Thursday we had coffee with Aunt Demi and then you came home and took a good nap, so we hit the zoo that afternoon. The zoo was a big hit, as usual. The sea otters were the favorite this time, as they were wrestling around and pushing each other in the water, and you were just amazed watching them. Unfortunately, the lion roared again, and that scared you, little princess. You started shaking and crying. Lots of close cuddles made it better though!

Friday, oh Friday. The day that will live in infamy. I think this was our worst day in the 11 months you've been here. You woke up on the WRONG side of the crib, screaming ad crying for NO apparent reason, and continued to be a super crab ALL DAY. Nothing made you happy. I hate seeing you upset, and I hate it even more when there is nothing I can do to make you feel better. You were so upset most of the day that I couldn't even get a dose of tylenol down to see if that would help. I was SO happy to see Daddy when he came home. He took you and went grocery shopping and to pick up a pizza and apparently you were all smiles then. But holy night, he sure came home to a disaster, with both of us crying up a storm.

Saturday, though was much better. You let us sleep in a little, even, and then we made our way up to Aunt Janel's that afternoon for their neighborhood block party. You were quite the center of attention like normal, little bean. You played very nicely with Jaylee, who is only 2 months older than you. I think you were pretty jealous, though, because she could walk. You were really trying, but since we were on cement most of the time, I wouldn't let you be as daring as you wanted. You shared your puzzle with her, and the two of you were having a blast opening and closing all the little doors to find the magnets. Brad also dubbed you the coolest baby ever since you were trying to get all the beer cans. Not sure that I agree with the reasoning, but I agree with the conclusion. As usual, you had a lot of fun being the center of attention.

Today, we went to church, where you were again Miss Social, and walked right down the row to someone and started playing with them. Silly girl. Then we went out and you saw your friend Ella and played nicely with her too. After nap time, we went to the zoo (again...twice in one week!) with Daddy. You guys even found the peacocks that escaped their pen when it got damaged. You liked seeing them up close.

Now everyone else is catching a snooze. It is so much fun having family days like today. I love seeing you interact with your Daddy, and even with other people. You are such a cool little girl, so friendly and loving! I am SUCH a lucky Mommy to have YOU as my daughter. Even when we have bad days like Friday there still is NOWHERE I'd rather be with than with you. 

I love you, 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ellie the entertainer

So today I was out with Ellie twice. Once, for a meeting in the cafe at Martin's and then out to dinner with Ryan. And what I can't get over is what I little entertainer Ellie is. I mean, we've been joking that with an engineer Daddy and a chemist Mommy, she is going to end up being a musician or something. I want to revise that. I think she's going to end up being a stand-up comedian. Or some sort of entertainer.

Both times, she WORKED the room. Seriously, over the course of an hour and a half, no less than a dozen people approached my table at Martin's to talk about her. And she was hamming it up. Waving, giggling, smiling, talking...this girl is something else. There was one old lady who was so completely enamored with her that she asked me to bring her back again tomorrow. Kinda stalkerish, but kinda cute too.

And then at dinner, same thing. She started fussing, an older couple walked in the room and she was all smiles and giggles. The gentleman even offered to take her, as he was a pediatrician. And then when we left, she shrieked to make sure everyone looked at her and gave a big two-handed wave 'bye' to everyone.

Really, this cannot be normal. My kid is such a ham. Never a dull moment with Miss Social Committee.

Catching up...48 weeks!

Dear Ellie,

Almost done catching up! Whew...I cannot get this far behind again. It takes too much brain power to remember everything that was going on!

So Sunday the 28th we moved from our hotel in Norfolk to one in Virginia Beach. I think you definitely liked the hotel in Norfolk better, as we were up n the 17th floor and you could stand at the windows and watch everything below. You loved that! We did do a little walking around the docks in Norfolk before we left, which you enjoyed.

Then, off to the beach. We didn't do too much Sunday, except go find some good ice cream places. You sure liked sharing Daddy's waffle cone and Mommy's smoothie...maybe a little too much! You are a little ice cream MONSTER! We got to walk around the boardwalk a bit too, which was fun!

Monday we headed to the beach. You had a BLAST. The waves were a bit much for you at time, but you enjoyed sitting in the sand playing with Dad. 

Like I said before, my favorite part of vacation, even more than building sandcastles and sharing ice cream, was seeing you and Daddy spend so much time together. He sang you to sleep for every single nap, even when you took a nap on the beach. Look how sweet the two of you just makes my heart about want to burst!

The beach day definitely wore you out, especially after we found some of the big girls to play with. You were zonked, little sleeping beauty!

That night Daddy and I went out to dinner and you walked around with Grandma and Grandpa and watched all the cool street performers. You loved clapping for them, an managed to stay up WAY past your bed time! Yikes! But you had a lot of fun, and that is what vacations are for, right?

Tuesday we had to pack up and get going. We found out that you are apparently part monkey, as you were hanging from the luggage carts. Silly girl!

We did find time for a couple pictures on the beach. We weren't sure you would cooperate, but you did manage to, and we got some gorgeous pictures. You are such a beautiful little princess, my love. 

We had one more stop to make: the aquarium. We had a LOT of fun. You loved watching all the fish, especially when we went in the tunnels where they were swimming overhead. Hopefully that means that you will be a diver like Mommy and Daddy!

You loved watching the jellyfish with Dad, too. 

You also really liked watching the stingrays swim around. You REALLY wanted to touch them! Or go swimming with you were leaning WAY over.

We did make some time to be silly too.'s JAWS!

After the aquarium, it was time to head for home. Luckily the traffic was much less of a pain. You did awesome on the ride home, chilling in your car seat, watching Beauty and the Beast, and enjoying a pouch or two.

We decided to drive straight through instead of stopping and getting a hotel. We ended up getting home about 5am on Wednesday morning. You zonked in your crib until 8am, and then we called Grandma and Grandpa who got home a lot earlier than us, and you went to their house to play for awhile while Daddy and I caught up on some sleep!

After we were a little more rested, we picked up Truff, and then you. You were so excited to see your fluffball. We all missed him so much. I loved hearing your happy squeals as he was trying to pull toys out of your hands!

We took it easy Wednesday, and then Thursday, it was back to normal. Daddy had to go back to work, and I attempted to get you back on a schedule. Oy. That did not work. You were a nonsleeping, clingy mess. I told Daddy that we were never going on vacation again. I enjoyed having you to myself again, but WOW, little one. You sure gave me a run for my money!

Friday was more of the same. You were pretty darn difficult. I know that getting back into the groove is hard for everyone, though. 

Saturday we switched things up a bit and decided to go blueberry picking. You had a ball. You LOVE blueberries, so you definitely ate more than we got in the bucket. Silly girl! We all left with bellies full of blueberries, and about 7lbs to take home. Not too bad, if you ask me. 

I must say, even with the difficulties of getting back into the grind, going on vacation with you was still just magical, Bean. It was so much fun spending time with you and Daddy and seeing your eyes light up as you saw and experienced all kinds of new things. I just love that. You are just so much fun, and I can't even tell you how much I love you, my princess!

I love you!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Catching up...47 weeks

Dear Ellie-bean,

Okay, still more to catch up on! Now we'll start Sunday the 28th, right before we left for vacation! Things were definitely getting busier! In fact, you had to go spend the day with Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday since Daddy and I had lots to do with our cheer teams. Luckily, you had fun with them, and spent time playing in the water, taking walks, and eating EVERYTHING. I swear you must have a hallow leg, princess!

Monday was pretty rough, you were up from 1:30-4. Apparently you thought that was party time? Or maybe you just missed Daddy and I. Yeah, let's go with that one. Either way, Daddy finally got you to sleep by sleeping on the floor of your room with you. You did NOT want to let him go. So sweet. 

You went to see Grandma again so I could have an appointment. But, good news all around, so I think I finally might be getting close to being ready for vacation. Yay!

Tuesday I was pretty much in panic mode trying to get everything packed and ready to go. See a theme? Mommy panic. Good thing I have you to keep me grounded!

Wednesday we FINALLY left for vacation after Daddy got home from work. You had a pretty sweet set up going in the car for the 14 hour trip. Daddy downloaded Beauty and the Beast, Sophia the First, Vinko, and Tangled to my Nook and we got a little mount for it, so you could watch on the ride. 

The plan was to drive until about midnight and then stop and get a hotel and finish the drive the next day. Yeah, best laid plans...that did not work with you at all. You slept enough that by the time we decided to stop around 1am you were ready for a PARTY. So, it took another hour and a half to get you back to sleep, which means that Dad and I did NOT get to sleep like we had hoped. When you woke up, though, we ate some breakfast while Daddy snoozed a little bit longer. 

Then it was back on the road. You really were a trooper, even through the absolutely HORRIBLE traffic! It was certainly not the most fun drive for any of us, but you hung in there like a champ!

We were all glad to get to the hotel Thursday afternoon and get some swim time. You loved watching the big girls splash around in the pool and had lots of fun with Dad swimming like a little fishy!

Hotel sleeping is always fun with you. A lot of times I can't nurse you down like I normally do when we are in a hotel, so that is hard. Daddy came up with a good solution, though. He would sing to you and you would zonk in his arms. It was so sweet. My absolute favorite part of vacation was seeing you two together at moments like that. 

But, since you were so hard to get down, we had to be very careful not to wake you up! Thursday night, Daddy and I ended up eating pizza on the bathroom floor so that we wouldn't chance waking you. Now THAT is parenthood, bean. 

Friday I got to spend the morning with you, which I loved, and then you spent some time with Grandma and Grandpa. They found a splash pad by the hotel, and you had a ball in it!  You sure do love the water. 

Saturday was so busy with competition, and I hated being away from you so much for the second day in a row. You were awesome though, being such a good girl even though it was another crazy day. One thing, though, is that you would NOT take bottles to go to sleep, for the second night in a row. What is that about, baby bean? Hopefully you just miss Mommy cuddles!

That is OK by me, because I miss my Ellie cuddles when I have to be away from you. You are so sweet and so special, and I feel so blessed that I get to spend so much time with you, but it certainly makes me hate those times when other things get in the way of our time!

I love you!

Catching up...46 weeks!

Dear Ellie-bean,

Whew...the last month or so has been a now I'm stuck trying to catch up! I guess we'll start with 46 weeks and go from there. The good news is that we have had SO much fun the last couple weeks that there is lots to write about!

So we left off on Sunday the 14th. As usual, we went to church and then to the gym later. Of course you managed to throw off our 'schedule' by not going down after your first wake up at about 6am. Which made you just LOVELY to deal with as church was getting out about 10:15. Luckily, with enough cheerios, you are fairly agreeable. You love walking up and down the rows too, so that keeps you entertained.

Monday we had some errands to run. I wanted to do a first pass through Target before our trip. We, of course, found something that you just HAD to have! Look how adorable your new little beach chair is, bean! You LOVE it.

You know what I don't love, though? You in shopping carts. You sit in them like a big girl with your cart cover, but are so tiny and such a little contortionist that you can stand up in them. Ugh! Talk about giving your Mommy a heart attack! I definitely need to brainstorm on how to keep your cute little behind in that seat!

Tuesday you hung out with Grandma a bit while I got my hair cut and colored. It was much needed as it has been SO hot and I've been tempted to just chop it all off. I don't pull of bald as well as you do, though, princess!

Wednesday you went with me to a doctor's appointment. I love being with you, but NEVER AGAIN! Oh my heavens, you were a touch on the difficult side. I can't blame you, we waited in the waiting area for over a half hour, which was a long time for both of us. 

Things were semi-under control until I had to have a breast examine and you got one peak and nose-dived for the boob. You kind of have a one-track mind some days, little one. At least you are cute, even when you are melting down!

Thursday was another day full of errands. We are having lots of those with the impending trip! We did get a chance to meet Grandma for lunch, and then you got lugged around with me. You are so tolerant of my chaos sometimes!

But the bad thing about naps is that you often fall asleep in the car and that is the only nap I get out of you at that point. Grrr. And then without naps, the night time is a bit fun. Unless, of course, you surrender to a snooze on a walk with your brother. 

Friday I was still going batty trying to get things under control for vacation. You sure do take a lot more planning, bean. And you need so much STUFF. Okay, maybe you don't NEED it, but I feel like I at least need to have it. My packing lists are out of control this time around. 

Saturday you got to hang out with Daddy as I ran a couple errands by myself. I missed you, but you and Dad had a really good time together. You sure do adore your Daddy. You just shriek and jump when he gets home from work every day. I know he loves that!

After I got home, we got to hang out while Daddy finished up working on the car. It was super hot, so we spent some time on your splash pad. That certainly made you happy (as long as it wasn't on too high). 

So, that was week number 46, little one. Crazy and hectic, but SO so fun to have you around, as usual. Even though you often make things more difficult, you also make things much more fun. In the midst o all my chaos, that gummy grin just makes me stop, smile back, and think about how lucky I am so have such an awesome daughter. I love you, baby bean!
