We certainly have a lot to be thankful for here at the Mason house. And I would totally be lying if I said I didn't get a little misty-eyed throughout the day thinking about how blessed we are. Never did I think I'd be in the position of having the best husband, best 4-legged kiddo, best 2-legged kiddo, AND best not-yet-hatched kiddo all under one roof!
Ellie, like always, is hysterical! We've gotten a crazy amount of snow the last couple days and she has been loving it. Truff loves the snow too, so they go out and play in it quite a bit. Ellie thinks it is hysterical when Truff runs by and "dusts" her with snow. Well except for when she was laying down making a snow angel and snow got on her face. She didn't like that at all.
They are playing together so much these days, it just makes my heart explode. Truff is SO good with her. Even when she sticks toys right in his face or accidentally runs into him. Oh, and they've started napping together. I mean, really, how cute is this? Truff is the best big brother ever!
E has a new obsession with climbing into things. So she will throw toys out of her toybox and then climb right in. This girl is crazy!
We went to the breastfeeding group this week too. Gemma, one of the LC's goes to our church and she gave us a hard time for not being there in awhile. E is up to 19lbs 13oz. And she got to work on her big sister skills with the babies there.
We are, however, still in teething hell. We are officially up to 5 teeth. She has both bottoms, both "fangs" and one of her fronts has *just* broken the skin. I have a new trick that I use to see teeth (and the brush her teeth). I ask her how old she is and then we hold up one finger. But then she grabs my finger and sticks it in her mouth. No idea where that came from, but hey, if it gets brushing and checking done without screaming, I'll take it!
She is talking up a storm too! Momma, Dada, Fuffful (Truffle), That, Wawa (water), Food, Belle (any TV is "Belle" since Beauty and the Beast is our go-to car movie!), Grandma, Grandpa, No, Done, Milk. And I think she learns new words every day. She knows a bunch of body parts and can point them out (head, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, belly button). We are working on animal sounds (she does lions and dogs). And I know this is going to sound crazy, but I swear she can count. We were stacking blocks the other day, and I counted them...one...two...three...four...and then she went and grabbed another block, handed it to me and said "fai" (five). I did like a triple take on that one. For real???
She is a handful...but just SO much fun. She has such a big personality. There is never a dull moment with her, and I just love her SOOOOO much. She's the best.
In baby S news...I had an ob appointment Tuesday. I had my favorite nurse, Kim. She made a comment that she hadn't seen me at all this pregnancy. Thank goodness! I'm still proud I've only had one freak-out appointment and the rest have been regularly scheduled, boring appointments! But, of course, since I had her my blood pressure was great, and we had fun chatting about the upcoming addition.
The actual appointment, though, was...meh. Heartbeat sounded great, but the doctor insists I am measuring big, and asked if Ellie was a big baby. Yup, a whopping 6 lbs 4 oz. *Rolls eyes*. Funny how this doctor has now told be TWICE that I'm measuring ahead, but no one else in the practice seems to mention anything to me when I see them. Whatever. Next appointment I have an u/s. Fine. Not like size is the biggest concern, since I will be having another c-section anyways, but whatever floats your boat. Oh, and my next appt is with MY doctor, which I am excited about. That means I get to have the "You WILL let me out of the hospital after 48 hrs" talk with him.
How far along: 30 weeks 1 day. S will be here in 63 days.
How big is baby: The size of a large cabbage. 15.7 inches and 3 lbs
What I've done to prep for baby: Hmmm...well, I did some shopping! Can't pass up some of the great Thanksgiving sales! I got a new carrier for S. I'm a big fan of good carriers and I am going to need to wear S while I am chasing around E, so I got a new K'tan wrap. I have a Moby from E, but that thing is SO hard to put on. I tried the K'tan on, and stuck E in it, and she loved it so hopefully her sister will too. Oh, and S's namely pillow will be done this week. Squee! I keep stalking her facebook page to see if she's posted pics of mine yet.
Best moment of the week: Thanksgiving morning cuddles with the family <3
Food cravings: First...wooohoooo...I managed not to get sick on Thanksgiving. Yay! But I do have a new craving. And it is Thanksgiving-realted...Cranberry. Sauce, juice, whatever. Normally I like cranberry stuff as much as the next person, but not enough to eat it out of the can!
Symptoms: Sleep is rough as I am just sore. But other than that, nothing too major!
Movement: S is crazy! Every morning at 5am, I get the dance party wake-up call. Apparently my kid didn't get the memo that Momma likes to sleep in.
What I’m looking forward to: We have some family time planned this weekend, which is much needed, so I am definitely looking forward to that.
Next appt: OB appointment on the 12th.