Friday, November 21, 2014

Catching up...again

Dear Scarlett,

Man, life is CRAZY! I just can't keep up with this blog. I am plugging away though, and making lots of notes. I promise that at some point I will have all these letters finished and out of draft form.

So what has happened at our crazy house this week?

Well Friday afternoon we took off to Wisconsin. You did awesome in the car again, and Grandpa had lots of fun playing with you. Just like normal, you were talking up a storm. Crazy girl!

When we got there you gave Great Grandma some love and snuggled with Aunt Susie as she fed you some Gigi muffins. You are pretty much BFFs with anyone who will give you food, my little butterball! In good news, though, you slept awesome, even in a new place. You slept completely through the night until almost 8am. Go Squish!

Saturday we did a little shopping. Ellie had a lot of fun with Grandma and Aunt Susie! And you were a doll, snuggling with Daddy in a blanket most of the shopping trip since we hadn't brought your stroller. 

Then it was back to Aunt Susie's where everyone came over and got to spend some time with you. Both you and your sister especially enjoyed playing with Maddy and Carter. And, you were so worn out you slept well again.

Sunday we had to head back. You did great again traveling, but it was a long day, as you were back at the gym that night. You are so tolerant of crazy schedules, it is insane. You really are the most easy going baby ever!

Monday we all needed to recoup...but didn't get too much of a chance. You had to go get your second flu shot. Poor thing. We got some good snuggles before hand.

You did great at your shot, and your big sister sang "Twinkle, Twinkle" to you so that you only cried for a minute, then you were back to all smiles. 

We ended up going for a big grocery shopping run Monday night too. They predicted a pretty bad snow storm, so we stocked up. At least if we're snowed in, I've got my girls, and some yummy food!

Tuesday came and we did get a lot of snow. So we stayed in jammies and played together.

Really, though, I cannot even stand your cuteness. You are so adorable, my little Smoosh.

You know who else is adorable? Your sister...the Gigi muffin monster...

Wednesday did not turn out to be the best day. I had planned to go to the Y. I got us all ready, went out to the car and....the car battery was dead. Arg! That made for a bad morning. So we stayed home and kept calm by making brownies (yes, I see the irony in this). You sat in your exersaucer smiling up a storm...

And got tortured by your sister...
 While Miss Ellie and I made some yummy brownies.

 That night we decided to get out of the house and go to Hacienda for dinner. Yum. You were, f course, a flirt like normal!

Thursday I went to the gym, so you hung out with Grandma for a bit. You are getting used to taking good naps there, which is really helpful. You are an even happier baby when you are well rested!

The bad news is that Daddy had to work late, so we didn't get as much family play time. But, when he did come home, we went for quality over quantity.  Your new favorite game with him is sticking your hand in his mouth as far as he will let you and laughing hysterically. Silly, silly, girl! Of course he would do anything to hear that laugh so he allows it.

I have to say, the coolest thing right now is watching you and Ellie. You two are awesome together. Even though we've had a couple hitting incidents lately, you guys really are inseparable. Ellie loves to give you kisses and hugs, and has to throw your Sofia doll into the crib every single night for you. Oh, and last night...the cutest thing...she pushed the door open just a little slit while I was trying to get you down for bed...smooshed her face through and started saying 'I luuuuuv yoooooou' over and over and over. How adorable is that? I just love you both so much that I think my heart is just going to explode.

So Miss Scarlett, One more week down. It was busy and crazy, stressful and choatic, and just wonderful. I love you so much, and I am so roud of you. I feel like you have grown up so much recently, that I just blinked and now you are so BIG. But regardless, I really do just love being your Momy more than anything!

I love you!