Thursday, June 7, 2012

Um, how did this happen? 27 weeks!

This entire pregnancy has really been about countdowns for me. I knew the entire 40 weeks would be such a hard hurdle to overcome emotionally that I needed to break it into smaller pieces. So I downloaded this countdown widget for my phone. It has since been set a number of different times for "milestones" that I considered successes. So I've seen it tick down to 0 before. Yet this morning when I woke up and it was at 0, it felt so, so, different.

Oh. My. Goodness. I am in the third trimester. I am just in utter disbelief. And overwhelmingly thankful that I have made it this far!

Now that being said, I got the opportunity this week to hang around with a number of ladies due a couple months before me. One thing I realized as they were talking about wanting those kiddos out is the fact that I have just wrapped my brain around the "I am pregnant" stage. And that I am not even KIND OF ready to mentally go to the fact that I will actually have a baby, God willing, in a couple months. And I am CERTAINLY NOT WILLING to think about the fact that she has to come out of me somehow. This, my friends, is what complete denial looks like.

I also got my first "Was it a surprise?" question this week. Not only is that pretty darn personal, I really struggle with that, because I don't know how to answer it honestly without giving the complete wrong impression. I think the best answer is yes, it was a surprise. But certainly not in the way that is most often interpreted. It was a complete surprise that it worked, and it was certainly an answer to many, many prayers. And I must think of a concise way to answer this question. Hmmmm...

Okay, on to the "normal" stuff:

How far along:  27 weeks!
How big is baby: The size of a head of cauliflower. 14.4 inches and about 2lbs.
What I've done to prep for baby: Got some stuff ordered for the nursery! I couldn't find any bedding "sets" I liked, but I found some awesome fabric I'm in LOVE with. My mother-in-law is like the sewing queen of the world, so I recruited her to make a crib skirt and curtains. Check out the fabrics:

I am so excited to get them. Then I can start picking paint colors!
I seriously have SO MUCH to do and get before she gets here. being in the 3rd Trimester now really is a wake up call. E is probably going to need more than the crib, 7 diapers, 3 bibs, and 4 outfits that she has. I see some serious shopping in my near future!
Sleep: I've actually slept better this week. Not really sure why that is...maybe because I feel like some of the exhaustion is back. Either way, I am very thankful to be sleeping more and having my hips feel better!
Best moment of the week: Last night, talking about Baby E with Black. They all want to be texted when I go into labor so that they can come to the hospital. When I pointed out that they would probably not let them all in, they came up with a plan that involved basket tosses and a camera. Love those kiddos, and it was really cool to see them all so excited about E. I definitely still feed off of others' excitement.
Food cravings: Last Friday I went to get my requisite icee to be told that they are running a promotion where icees are now only 74 cents. With tears of happiness in my eyes, I asked how long this would be going on, and was told it would be going on through August. I feel like I won the lottery.
Symptoms: I mentioned before the exhaustion is back a bit. And I have zero appetite. Other than that, I feel really good.
Movement: I'm shocked at how much stronger she's gotten just in a week. I'm not offically supposed to start kick counts until next week, but I had a scary stress out moment and did one this week. No problem, she passed with flying colors!
What I’m looking forward to: I'm looking forward to it starting to feel more and more "real." And checking things off my to-do list!
Next appt: I have to do the diabetes screening Monday or Tuesday. Fingers crossed I pass without any drama. Then I have a doctor's appointment on Friday. 

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