It has been nine weeks today since I met you! And you get more and more fun every single week! This week has been a busy one. Last Saturday was VERY tough for me. I was away from you for the longest time ever. You went with Daddy to get a new tire on my car, and then up to Grandma and Grandpa Mason's house. Grandma got lots of snuggle time with you while Dad and Grandpa pulled the pontoon boat out of the water. You were SO good, and slept most of the time, I was told. In the mean time, I went to a shower for Lilly! I think Lilly is going to love the NE onesie we made for her.
Then, I had to go to the gym, because Aunt Mandy's teams were coming down for a stunt clinic. You stopped by the gym for awhile, and Aunt Mandy got to snuggle you up! But I was missing you TERRIBLY this entire time, and was learning how much pumping while I'm away from you really stinks. I would gladly do it to make sure that you get the best food possible, but I like our cuddles when you're eating so much better!
Then we went back to the house just in time for the Notre Dame game. They won again, thanks to the best little cheerleader EVER. Both you and I zonked out before the game was finished. These night games are killing us!
Sunday, we paid for the fact that you had been sleeping all day Saturday. You were a crab! You didn't even let Daddy stay in church and listen to the message. At least you looked cute, though!
Monday, both you and Mommy were happy to get back to "normal." You're pretty well set into a routine where you wake up around 9am, go back down for your morning nap from about 10:30-noon, and then another afternoon nap around 2. That schedule keeps you happy and smiley during the day. You've been smiling SO much more these days, and those gummy grins just make my day!
Wednesday was your first Halloween! We actually had to go out Trick-or-treating both Tuesday and Wednesday to hit all the houses we needed to! We went to the Black's, Troyer's, King's, Trujillo's (Schopbachs were there too!) Reabe's, and Grandma and Grandpa Zaher's. I think our costumes were a hit, excpet for the fact that your brother was NOT happy about having that hood on his. He was going down the stairs at Grandma and Grandpa's and froze on the stairs because the hood fell over his head. Silly puppy!
Thursday marked your 2 month birthday, so it was photo time! You were a ham, and gave us lots of giggles. Your Daddy can make you giggle more than anyone else in the world. You two are so cute together. We got some great pictures, though, and it is so cool to see how much you've changed in just a month.
Yesterday we had to go to the doctor. And you had to get your first set of shots. What? Shots?
Yes, shots. Ick. Daddy came to the appointment too, for moral support for me, and I wore my waterproof mascara in case I cried too. You were in such a good mood and played with Daddy the whole time we were waiting for the doctor. He LOVED that. He had you giggling up a storm. The good news is that you are doing GREAT. You're up to 9lbs 9oz (18th percentile! We're gaining!) and 22.5 inches long (55th percentile). The doctor said you looked perfect! Of course, I could have told him that! You were a champ for your shots...three pokes and one that you had to drink. You cried, but then you settled down pretty quick. I was so proud of how brave you were, baby bean! No more doctors and no more shots for 2 more months. I did give you some tylenol for the first time, to help your little legs stop hurting.
We also had to take Grandma and Grandpa Zaher to the airport. I think they are going to be going through Ellie withdrawal since they will be gone for a couple weeks. You gave them some good snuggles before you left, though, and even played the "mimic" game with Grandpa at dinner, with your your face and your arm! The arm thing was brand new...he reached his arm to you and you reached back. You're such a smart girl.
The tylenol started wearing off and you started getting crabby. We nursed when we got home and you were kicking your little legs, which made you even more upset. So we spent the night with you swaddled up, just snuggling and nursing in bed. You seemed to like that, and gave sweet smiles before you fell asleep.
You seem to be doing better this morning, although my entire plans today are to snuggle you and make you comfortable. Yesterday was traumatic for me too! But cuddle time with you is the BEST! I love it when you just need cuddles with Mommy to make you feel better, and nothing else will do. I love you more than I ever thought possible and am so lucky that I've gotten to spend so much time with you.
I love you Baby Bean!
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