Monday, June 10, 2013

40 weeks!

Dear Ellie,

You are 40 weeks old (plus 2 days), princess! We had a very busy week, so I better get to telling you all about it.

Monday started out our crazy busy week with some errands and then your 9 month doctor's appointment. After all that worrying about your weight, you weighed in at 16 lbs 3oz, which was perfectly on your growth curve. And you are officially 27 inches tall! You did great at the appointment and appreciated not having to get any shots. Your favorite part of the appointment, though, was definitely Daddy lifting you up to the ceiling so you could play with the purple sparkly butterfly that was hanging from it. You really loved that. What you did not like so much, though, is when I tried to talk to the doctor and neither of us were paying attention to you. You threw quite the little fit, Miss Center of Attention!

Speaking of you and have your own little language together these the form of fart noises. He will make a fart sound with his lips and you will do it right back. Sigh. Such a lady, you are turning into. 

Tuesday, for the most part, we stayed around home. We did, however, get to go to the park. Your brother loves that, even when he tried to eat a chunk of dirt. There were lots of ducks out, which worked with you wearing your ducky shirt, and of course, swinging was a big hit as usual. 

Wednesday was really nice, so we decided to bust out the water table that Grandma got for you. You loved playing with the sailboats in the water, and you especially love that you can stand on it. You are getting SO good at standing! You can even stand now sometimes without holding onto anything, like when you had a sailboat in each hand playing at the table. You are getting to be such a big girl, bean!

Thursday we went shopping with Grandma, which turned into quite the ordeal. We went to lunch and you did an amazing job eating, and even ordered your own egg so you could eat that. Apparently, though, you ate a little too much. You were in your carrier, strapped to me, in the middle of Gymboree in Merrillville, when you got sick. Big time. All over. Poor little bean, I felt so bad for you. You definitely didn't look as scared as the first time you got sick, though. We were both absolutely covered. It was SUPER fun walking back through the mall to the car covered in puke, while trying not to gag too much myself. That was quite the Mommy test for me, little one! Luckily, we got both of us cleaned up, you nursed to calm you belly, and we were no worse for the wear. Especially after you got your very favorite toy to play with...

Friday you continued to be a little under the weather. You were even running a little fever. So we stuck to Tylenol, Mommy cuddles, movie time and naps. You were definitely not feeling like yourself. There was not nearly as many smiles and coos from you as normal. I hate to see you not feeling good, princess!

Saturday we headed to Lansing for a competition, bright and early. You are such a trooper with our craziness. You still were running a little fever, and you didn't nap too well, so I was pretty worried about you. Grandma and Grandpa came up later that day and helped watch you, though, which was good. They were able to get you to take some nice naps, and spent lots of time playing with you. 

Saturday night you didn't sleep too great, despite sleeping though the night every other night this week. Being away at a hotel will do that to you, I suppose. But that made Daddy and I even more tired than we already were. 

Sunday you were definitely on the mend. You had fun watching some cartoons while I got ready. 

Oh, and you were trying to convince Grandpa to let you hop the fence and get in the pool. You are a fishy, little one!!! You didn't nap too well, though, and were a disaster on the drive home. 

When you did get home and in your own bed, though, you were one happy camper. See what baby competition hangover looks like?

That brings us to today. You are FINALLY back to yourself 100%. You were smiling at me when I brought you your morning apples and cheerios. I missed that smile when you weren't feeling well. And you were singing up a storm in the car on errands. No fever all day. Thank goodness. I just hate seeing you like that, my baby bird.

Bean, you are just the most adorable little thing ever. You are so much fun. Even though it has been one of the most crazy, tiring weeks since you got here, I have still loved every single minute of being your Mom. Even the puke-filled ones! I still ask your Daddy how in the world we got so lucky that we get to be your parents. You are the most special, amazing little girl in all of the world.

I love you, Bean!

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