Monday, July 1, 2013

43 weeks

Dear Baby Bean,

43 weeks seems sooo old. I cannot believe that as of TODAY you are 10 months old. Wow! I cannot believe that it is time to start thinking about a birthday party! Weren't you just born yesterday? Time sure does fly...

Enough Mommystalgia. Onto this week. It was a pretty rough week, as you were feeling under the weather for a good portion of it, like I had mentioned before. Your naps weren't great, and you were pretty cranky. We kept you on Tylenol pretty religiously Tuesday and most of Wednesday. It was so hard seeing you so uncomfortable. I wouldn't given anything to switch places with you, bean.

It was pretty cute, you were fighting naps hard, but needed them so badly that you ended up in the funniest postitions. This 'faceplant' one was my favorite. You were sitting up, trying to stay awake, when all of a sudden you just fell (literally) asleep. Such a cute bean, even when you are sick.

By Wednesday evening, you were doing a bit better and your fever was staying down, so you did get to go to the gym, although you stayed in the gym attached to me. I'm pretty good at spotting the girls on their tumbling with you strapped to me in the beco! 

Thursday led to even more improvements. In fact, you were even into playing a little...not just sitting in front of Beauty and the Beast (which Mommy has seen WAAAAAY too much this week since it is the only thing you wanted to do!). You were having a lot of fun playing with your new vanity. You especially like putting on your lipstick...

...and kissing the pretty baby in the mirror. We definitely have something in common...I like to kiss that pretty baby too!

Since we had pretty much stayed home all week, we did have some errands to run on Thursday. We had to be over in that direction, so we went to the breastfeeding group. There was a 1 week old the same weight as you...she just looked soooo tiny. I cannot believe you were EVER that little! We did weight you, although I wasn't expecting much since you were sick this week. 16lbs 5.5oz. Not a great gain, but I'll take it, baby bean!

Thursday night Daddy took us on a date to Hacienda. You loved sharing my quesadilla again! But you loved the birthday song that they sang to another diner even more. You were squealing and clapping along. When we came home, there was a gorgeous rainbow that you and Daddy were looking at! Your first rainbow...since you slept through a couple good ones this year already...

Friday was pretty hectic! You got to go over to Grandma and Grandpa's house in the morning. You still got to chase butterflies with Grandpa, and swing in your swing...your favorites. Then we had a couple errands to run, then home for a nap, then out again with Daddy to get ready for this weekend.

What were we up to this weekend? Well Daddy did a Tough Mudder in Jackson, and we went to watch. You were SO good, and slept in the car on the drive there. We did a TON of walking, so you spent a lot of time in your stroller. We did manage to catch Daddy a couple times on the course and cheer him on though. You did miss him once, because you were snoozing in your stroller like a good little princess, after you managed to get your snack, a fruit pouch, all over you!

You were a TROOPER, though, little one! It started abslutely downpouring at one point when we were making the mile trek back to the car. Jugging the stroller and umbrella through the mud was NOT easy, but we did it! And even though you were soaked, and messy, you had the biggest smile on your face when we made it back to the car!

Daddy managed to do every single obstacle AND finish the 12.5 mile run in about 3 hours. Woooohooo! We were so proud of Daddy!

Sunday was the usual church then gym. You were a stinker at church and didn't nap, so Daddy got to play with you a bunch. Then at the gym you are still very much in Mommy-mode, so I got to do two parent meetings with you on my hip. I gotta say, I don't mind having you attached to me. 

Now it is Monday morning and I'm waiting for you to get up so we can start our day. I love every single day that I get to spend. Whether we play at home, or run errands, or have adventures pummeling through huge mud puddles, I love doing it with my favorite little girl in the world. I love you so much, and I just love being your Mommy!

I love you, Ellie-bean!

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