Hey there miss 15-week old! You are getting SO big these days. It is so incredibly cool to watch you grow up and learn and change day by day.
So when I wrote you last week's letter, it was like 1am on Monday morning and I couldn't sleep. Well, unfortunately, Monday turned out to be not such a good day. I ended up with a 101 degree fever. The worst part of it, though, is that I was so, so worried about you. I did not want you to get sick, AT ALL. I was nervous. But so far, so good, little bean. You are still doing well, no signs of fever whatsoever! Yay!
Tuesday morning, we woke up to your first snowfall! So of course we had to check it out. I'm not sure that you liked it too much, but at least you didn't immediately roll around in it like your brother. We did go make a snow angel, though!
You were also a little bit fussy and did NOT want to nap unless you were snuggled up to me. You're that way at night too. Night is one of my favorite times. You nurse, then we just stay cuddled up close until you fall asleep. I try to sneak you into your bed, but often you wake up. The cool thing is, even when you wake up and get upset when I try to put you down, you will calm right down when we snuggle up again. That makes me feel like such a special Mommy! I hope it works that way because you know that I love you so incredibly much!
Then, Tuesday night, we bundled you up and went to pic out your first Christmas tree. Juggling you and Truffle was a challenge for your Daddy and I. But we managed to pick out one that was JUST perfect. And, I got lots of cuddles from my perfect little princess...YOU!
You sure do love looking at the lights on the tree, though, so it is worth it. You love to lay under it with me or Daddy and just look up at all the pretty lights.
We also decorated the rest of the house. We took your stocking over to Grandma Zaher's house to have her put your name on it. I had ordered you a stocking last year when I ordered them for Daddy and I and Truff, hoping and praying you would be here to use it next Christmas. It is a little bit emotional for me to see all four of our stockings hanging up on the wall together. I've teared up quite a bit this week, but seeing this was definitely one of those moments.
Thursday we went to get you weighed. You have grown to 11 pounds 1 ounce. Just perfect. Yay baby birdy! You are doing awesome gaining weight! See? So big!
Have I mentioned that you are SO much more mobile these days? I left you alone for 1 minute in your bouncy seat, and came back to this:
That does not look comfy princess! You are also really into trying to sit up on your own. You do that a lot when you are in your car seat. I can't believe that you are trying to do that at only 15 weeks! You are one strong little girl!!!
Friday, you ran errands with me and Grandma. You love being on the go! You were such a good girl, but we dressed you all cute, just in case you were a little rotten.
Today, it is cheer competition number 3 as an outside baby. Luckily we only have to go to Michigan City. I'm glad for that!
Baby birdy, I love you so very much. I am incredibly lucky to be your Mommy, and all those little smiles and cuddles and coos mean more to me than you could ever know. You are such a special little girl, and I am so blessed that I get to spend every single day with you. I can't think of anything I would rather do than just hide away with you and love on you.
I love you so much!
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