Dear Ellie,
Well, baby bean, you are officially 17 weeks old. Almost 4 months! This week has been a big one...your first Christmas! But let's not get ahead of ourselves...
Sunday was a crazy busy day. We went to church, as always. BUT, you normally sleep until just before we leave so that Daddy and I can get ready, THEN get you ready. Not this time! You were up when we were, which led to us being 15 minutes late. Whoopsie! After church, we met Daddy's side of the family for brunch and Christmas. You met 2 of your cousins for the first time, and the other two were excited to see you again. You were a good girl and took a nice nap while we were eating...even when your cousins were touching your little hands in amazement! They couldn't believe how tiny you were either! We then went back to your Aunt Robin's house to open presents. That was kind of crazy, and I was glad I got to sneak away and feed you. That is definitely a perk of breastfeeding. Just me, you, and lots of cuddles. You did get some cool presents! Lots of books, which are awesome!
When we got home, we both needed a nap, so we cuddled up together and took a nap. I LOVE taking naps with you cuddled up next to me! I don't sleep very well, since I am very busy staring at you, but you sleep awesome, which I love!
The nap meant you were fairly well rested for the Christmas service at church that night. You loved listening to all the kids sing. Although I hate thinking about you growing up, it will be really cool to see you up there one day. Because there was lots of music, you did really well in the service. Grandma and Grandpa Mason appreciated that, and got lots of cuddle time!
Monday was Christmas Eve! During the day we stayed around here, doing some cleaning and cooking. In the evening Daddy took us out for dinner to Bonefish. Yum!!! You were a very good girl, and I got to have the sashimi that I hadn't gotten to have in almost a year. It was delicious, but you were worth not being able to eat it, baby girl! We then drove around to look at lights. Well, at least Daddy and I did. You fell asleep. That's okay, we'll take whatever naps we can get!
Then we went to church with Grandma and Grandpa Zaher. It was very nice to see all the people at that church, and we got to show you off, which we always love. You did have a meltdown about halfway through, but that was to be expected. I took you into a side room to feed you. There was a kind of creepy picture of Jesus on the wall, and he was looking straight at us when we were feeding. Maybe that means Jesus is pro-breastfeeding too? :)
We got home and Daddy and I both got a little emotional putting you to bed. We love you SO much and just feel so incredibly blessed to be celebrating with you this year, little one! This Christmas felt so much different than the last few. Neither your Daddy or I could wipe the smiles off our faces for even one second.
You got up about 8:00am on Christmas morning. This might be the only time that you sleep in that well! Your eyes did definitely light up when you saw that Santa came! You must have been a good girl because Santa brought you an awesome jumperoo! You were reaching down, out of my arms for it, as soon as you saw it! I think that is your second favorite toy...after your thumb. You LOVE sucking on your thumb all the time, these days!
You got lots of other cool toys too! And some DVDs. You are definitely spoiled. Dad really liked the Geek Dad book you got him too. That was a hit!
That afternoon, Great-grandpa Neese as well as both sets of Grandparents came over. You got to open MORE presents. You got a new ND outfit, toys, a puppy that looks just like Truff, some awesome cloth books, and a bunch of other stuff! I think you were a little too caught up in the excitement, though, because you had a little meltdown in the middle of the day. At least the rest of us got to enjoy the yummy soup Daddy cooked while you took a little nap.
After that, we went to the gym to see the Trujillos and Schopbachs and play some games with them. Like everything, though, you were a distraction, and soon enough everyone ended up down on the floor playing with you!
Wednesday Daddy had to go back to work, which he was really sad about. He really loved spending so much time with you over the long weekend. But you and I met up with Grandma and hit some after-Christmas sales. We got some great deals on presents for you for next year. I feel so ahead of things.
The one bad thing about the day: you made quite the mess of yourself. Yup, a little poosplosion, and I didn't have a change of clothes for you. Luckily since we were at the mall, this was fixed with a run in to Macy's.
Thursday we hung out around the house, playing with all your new toys. You love to watch the toys light up! I spent a lot of time explaining all the toys to you...hopefully you were listening well!
Thursday night was ROUGH! You were up a bunch that night. I don't think we even got 2 hours straight of sleep. Some people talk about the dreaded 4 month wakeful period. I'm not sure if that is what you are going through or not, but it was an awfully rough night for both your Daddy and I. I am very lucky that he is good at helping out though. I needed it!
Friday morning you went over to hang out with Grandma while I went an worked out. Ouch! I got my booty kicked! You really did a number on my abs, baby girl! But you had a great time with Grandma as usual. Then we came home and...the power went out again. Grr! So all three of us snuggled up in bed. It came on again soon, but we all enjoyed a little nap.
Friday afternoon was rough. You were pretty cranky and nothing I could do helped. Luckily Daddy came to the rescue and send me straight into the bathtub when he got home so I could relax a little. I appreciated it a bunch! It is very hard on me when you are unhappy. I just want to do everything I can to make sure you are thriving and happy, so when nothing I do can get you to calm down, it is very hard on me.
Friday night you did much better. You were only up once. Wooohooo! Saturday you took an awesome morning nap. Then we ran some errands, including getting a darkening shade for your room. That looks so much nicer than the cardboard that was taped over your window! This evening we had dinner at Fat Cam's with Brad and Sondra. You were the hit of the restaurant Not only were you so good, we had a bunch of waitresses telling us how cute you were!
It is simply crazy how fast time is passing these days, baby bean! I can't believe that it has been 17 weeks since I first looked into those gorgeous eyes and fell completely in love with you. You are so special, and so fun, and you just light up every single day for your Daddy and I. Regardless of whether we are having a good day or a not-so-good day, I always feel incredibly blessed to be your mother. I have absolutely no doubt that you were hand-picked to be my baby girl, and I am so happy that you were!
I love you!
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