Happy 35 weeks, my little love! Just the other evening, while you were down on the floor playing with Daddy and Truffle, Daddy looked at me and asked if I could believe that you had been here over 8 months! The truth is, I can't remember pre-Ellie life (probably because it wasn't nearly as fun!) so in that way it seems like it has been way longer, but I also feel like it was just yesterday I was meeting you for the first time and getting to look into those big eyes of yours.
We had a very fun week this week! The weather is getting a lot nicer, so we got to spend a lot of time outside. I am so glad to see the warm weather, and I am sure the puppy is too!
Last week, I left off waiting for you and Daddy to get home from Grandma and Grandpa Mason's house. I was so happy to see you when you got home. Sometimes it gets tiring having you attached to me constantly, but I honestly wouldn't want it any other way! I didn't get to hog you too much, though, because Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner. You showed them what an awesome little eater you are and chowed down on some chicken with the rest of us. You loved the green beans as usual too, but were not so sure about the pasta salad. I think those noodles were a little slippery for you!
You had a lot of fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa. You especially love that Grandpa was throwing you around and bouncing you, just like Daddy does.You are such a little daredevil. I would love to get mad at everyone for throwing you around like that, because it does scare this over-protective Mommy, sometimes, but with that BIG grin that you give, I just can't. You love it. And I love to see that smile. I mean, look, Daddy has taken to doing flips with you, even!
Sunday was church, as usual. We were able to get you to take a little nap in church again, even though you fought it hard. You woke up halfway through the sermon, though. And you are SO vocal these days, that you apparently thought that everyone wanted to hear YOUR sermon. While I personally love your little baby babbles it was distracting, so we went outside. You got to talk to a bunch of people, and you especially liked talking to other babies when you see them. I think that you are bossing them around. No, not my baby bean, right?
Then it was time to hang out with Daddy and then head to the gym, as usual. I got glowing reports from all your cheer "aunties" about how good you were and what a good time you were having. I love when you are a happy, playful little bean!
Monday you were up early, thankgs to you being a complete wiggle worm in bed these days and the snuza coming off. Even though you were woken up pretty abruptly, you were still in a good mood, so we got in some play time. You are rolling EVERYWHERE! You can even get into tight spaces, just rolling and turning. You LOVE going under your sit and stand toy. We've been working on the words over and under, so maybe you are picking something up?
We took Truff out for his walk in the morning and it was cold (so you had to wear your snowsuit), but by the afternoon, it had warmed up nicely, so off to the park we went! You and Truff both love the park and get REALLY worn out, which I love too! Good naps for all!
Tuesday you were up early again. But this time, no snuza to wake you up. You were just ready to be up and at em, I guess! I think it might be the fact that it is getting lighter and lighter in the mornings. The good part of you getting up early, though, is that Daddy gets to see you a little before he goes to work. I know he likes that. His day is certainly better with some morning gummy grin!
Speaking of Daddy, you tried some of his new yummy concoction...homemade applesauce! You loved it! And you loved eating from your new pouches.
During the day Tuesday we went to the mall with Grandma. It was nice to walk around a bit! Oh, and you sweet talked Grandpa into getting you some new bath toys. Between the new toys and your love of the water, you are going to turn into a little baby prune this summer, I'm afraid!
My Mommy OCD also took over a bit, and I downloaded software to track your growth, since I was a bit worried about it after the weight in last week. When I plotted it out, it didn't look too bad, which is nice. I definitely want to see it get back up there, away from the red 5% line, but as long as it picks up, I think I can take a breather. You are such a good little eater, I am not sure how in the world you aren't packing on the pounds. You must have Daddy's metabolism. Make sure you thank him for that when you are a teenager.
Then, after a nap, we tried some more new foods. Namely, you had your first asparagus, and I will tell you, it was a big hit! You like SO many different foods, it amazes me! We went to the park after that, and enjoyed another long walk and some time on the swings. You just love yelling at all the other kids!
Wednesday night, we had an interesting time with a little wake-up. Your sleep scehdule was a little off since we missed your last nap due to us being at the park a little too long, and so you ended up waking up after about an hour of sleep (around 9pm). The problem? You have figured out EXACTLY where the camera is in your room. I have no idea how you figured this out. But you will now look directly into it make the most pathetic faces ever until Daddy or I comes to get you. Yeah, we are in for it with you, little princess. See?
Thursday was another day at the park (see a theme here?). I think we are park-bingeing since it is just so nice out right now. The CUTEST thing happened on the way home, though. Truff has never liked riding in the back seat of the car. No way. But after the walk, he jumped back there with you because you were tired and crying. Love that. He is getting SO protective of you. I have been having lots of trouble getting him out of your room when you are taking naps, even. You guys really are best buds.
It looks like it won't be too long before you will be able to go on your own walks in the park though, bean. You are ALL about standing up these days. You'd much rather stand than sit. Can you slow down on this growing up stuff a little, please?
Friday, as usual, you went over to Grandma's while I worked out. You had lots of fun, and it was even nice enough out that you got to try out the new swing they put up for you, and watch the pinwheels Grandma put up in the yard. Oh, and we played with bubbles, which you thought was hysterical. You loved them! Such a busy morning wore you out and you zonked on the way home.
But, then we went to take Truff for a walk around the neighborhood, and we had another, not-so-good "first"...first time throwing up. I don't know what happened...the heat, the activitiy, some new food, whatever. But it was NOT good. It is funny because when you were littler, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between spitting up and throwing up. Oh, no. I could tell. You managed to get it all the way down in the foot well of your stroller. And poor thing, you looked so scared and upset, and you didn't know what was going on. A call to the doctor put my mind at ease a bit, and we spend the rest of the night snuggling and watching Sofia the First.
Oh, and you were a super sleeper that night too. But I have to tell you, you are sleeping in the funniest positions these days. See? In fact, I have to go try to find a mesh bumper for you. I went in to get you last night and you had both of your legs stuck through the crib slats. Silly girl, that can't be comfortable!
Saturday we went to have family pictures taken. I was REALLY worried as you decided NOT to go for a morning nap at all. Luckily, you zonked for a half hour in the car, but I was still a bit worried about your mood. I had nothing to worry about. The photographer was amazed with how smiley you were, and we had a really good time doing the pictures.
I was checking for them frantically over the last couple days, and I am so glad they turned out so awesome. I love them!
After pictures Daddy took us out to eat. You do so well at restaurants now. I am so proud of you! Then it was home to get some naps in, and out to enjoy the nice weather by going to the Mishawaka riverwalk with you two. They have some awesome parks over there! We had a really good time and walked a couple miles.
35 weeks...I can hardly believe it! You are such an amazing little girl, and I cannot even tell you how much happiness you bring to my life. Just one of those gummy grins just makes my day. I love watching you learn and grow and try to figure everything out! I feel so lucky that I get a front row seat to all of that. I love you so, so much, bean, and I LOVE being your Mommy!
I love you,
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