Tuesday, May 14, 2013

36 weeks

Dear Ellie,

You are 36 weeks old this week, baby girl! There have been a bunch of times lately where I just look at you and you look so big and grown up to me. I cannot stand it! Speaking of being a big girl, you have had a big week! I have so much to tell you about.

So, Sunday, you were a CRAB! You were all happy and smiley at church and at the gym, but at home you were ornery. I have no idea why. Teething? Need more sleep? Who knows! You are a mystery, baby bean!

Because you were so crabby and because wake-ups in the 12am-1:30am time frame are soooo hard for me, I tried something new with you Sunday night, a dream feed right before I went to bed. It worked perfectly and you were out until 7am. Now we do one every night. I will admit, however, that it is two-fold. I like that you are sleeping better, don't get me wrong, but I LOVE the cuddles from you! I pick you up out of your crib and you give a little sleepy scowl, but then I snuggle you into my chest and you let out this content little sigh. And when you are nursing you try to snuggle into me as tight as possible. I love it. It is my second favorite time of the day. The only time that beats it is our morning nursing sessions where you just stare at me with those big blue eye and then pull off to babble at me and touch my face. Both of those times are just so special to me, princess.

Monday we had to run some errands, so we stopped by the breastfeeding group to get you weighed. You had a MUCH better weight gain. You are now 15 pounds exactly! A 6 ounce gain in a week and a half is a lot better than the 10 ounces you gained in a month and a half, so I think we are doing something right. You loved talking to the other babies too, and were cracking the nurses up! One of the nurses even had to take a picture of you for the hospital website. Look how adorable you are!

Tuesday we had some fun walking around the mall with Grandma. We also went to lunch with Grandma, and found out that you really like fried rice. Go figure! But I am not so sure that the restaurant likes that you like fried rice, as you made quite the mess trying to shovel it into your mouth!

You also got to stay up a little past your bedtime Tuesday. Daddy had a late meeting and wasn't home until later, so I let you stay up. I know he misses you so much when he is away, and needed sme cuddles from his favorite little bean. You were all smiles for him when he got home and we got to take a walk together, all 4 of us, before you went to bed. You rode on Daddy's shoulders most of the way, which you just love. And he was jumping and bouncing all around to make you giggle.

Wednesday you spent some time with Grandma while I worked out. With it being such a crazy week, I wasn't sure that I would get to go Friday, so I tried something a little different. Then, I went to Sam's to pick up some stuff for this weekend. It was a very good thing that you weren't with me, because it took 10 times longer than usual. I was very glad to get back and see you, my love, but I was VERY tired!

Then it was off to the gym. Most of your regular baby-sitters weren't there, so you got to stay in the gym with us. We put a blanket down and you sat on it watching the girls tumble and shouting at them every once in awhile. You loved being in there. I think you've definitely got 'cheer' in your blood. 

Thursday I was getting totally overwhelmed by all we had to do for the weekend, so we were off to run errands. Even icky errands are so much more fun when you are around. We also finished up Mother's day presents for both of your Grandmas. We made them pots with your little footprints making a butterfly and planted some flowers in them. That was quite the spectacle! You were not very cooperative with the footprint thing, little one, and required feeding concurrantly with painting your foot in order for it to work. Which means I had to be a contortionist. Silly bean!

I already wrote about this, but Thursday night you started pulling up. Daddy and I were so glad we were both there to see it. By Friday, you were a champ at it, and now you are getting really mad if you are sitting down. You are all about standing, all the time. 

Friday we spent most of the day getting ready to go out of town for the weekend. You were very helpful and took some great naps for me so I could get everything packed. You are so thoughtful! 

We did need to spend some time playing, though. Always time for that! You love it these days when I turn the camera on my phone around so you can take pictures of yourself. Yes, little one, you area  big fan of 'selfies.' Ha! I've been telling everyone if you start doing a duck face, they should call CPS!

Saturday we were in Ann Arbor for a cheer competition. Again, you loved watching and yelling at all the cheerleaders. Oh, and you loved playing with Grandma and Grandpa. You even started taking some steps holding onto your walker. What? I feel like you are changing and growing at warp speed these days, bean. 

When we got home from that long, crazy day, you curled up with Daddy and I in bed. I love snuggling with you. It really is my favorite thing to do. I would never get any sleep, though, if you slept with us. I would just sit and stare at you. 

Sunday was Mother's Day, and your Baby Dedication at church. In a lot of ways it was a very hard day for me. Luckily, being able to hold you and cuddle you made it a whole lot better. I think the lesson I learned is that next year, Mother's Day is going to consist of you, me, Daddy and Truff snuggling and playing all day. That's what I need the most. 

Your dedication was awesome though. There were so many babies (18!) being dedicated at the service, and it was awesome to see the community that you will get to grow up with!

Monday we went out to lunch with Grandma and Aunt Danielle and then came home to play. Playing with you is awesome. You getting so much more mobile makes it fun. You get in the craziest positions now. Look at this baby yoga, princess...it hurts my knees just to look at it!

You took awesome naps for me (I think it was from being so tired this weekend!) and then played well with Daddy when he got home. Everyone in the house gets so excited when he gets home! He got a promotion at work, so he has been working long hours so we have to give him lots of love when we can!

You, my love, continue to just light up my world. Your expressions, the way you are obsessed with little details, your funny personality, all of that it just too much fun to me. I absolutely love being your Mom, and THAT is the best Mother's Day present in all the world!

I love you baby bean!


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