Well, since we are getting down to it, I am really trying to make some special time with my girl and really treasure the Mommy-and-Ellie solo time we have left. Unfortunately, this weekend was not very conducive to that. I was in the gym all weekend, so Ellie was with Daddy on Saturday and then Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday. So, of course I missed her terribly and was really looking forward to Monday.
Uh, surprise. Monday was a NIGHTMARE. I don't know if she was making me pay for being away all weekend or what. It started with a screaming baby who woke up over and hour earlier than normal. Yay. THEN, we had a mega-diaper blowout. But heaven forbid I put her down. I mean, she could literally climb up me if I tried. So the bathroom ended up being coated in poop, and we both were. Of course I was smart enough to grab clothes for her, but not for me, since I was not planning on taking a shower. We got cleaned up (without me putting her down. Ever.) and I was able to get her dressed by letting her watch "George" on the tv in our bedroom, while trying not to get her soaked since I was still dripping (and still had no clothes. Sigh.). We nursed, and she calmed down a little. Had breakfast, took Truff out, and I got ready to let Bubble Guppies do a little babysitting as I was EXHAUSTED from the weekend when...POOF...the tv goes out. Are. You. Serious. The TV repair guy was here Friday fixing it, and it is out again, when I need it most for a little break. Arg!!! And Ellie is pointing at it and yelling "Bubble, Bubble". Calgon, take me away, and it wasn't even 9am.
The day didn't get much better unfortunately. But Ryan came home and send me to hide out in the bedroom while he took care of the kids and made dinner, which I am eternally grateful for. I needed that!
Tuesday was a MUCH better day. We stuck around home for the most part. And I got TONS more smiles and giggles.
Probably her new favorite thing? Sticker fights. She gets stickers, walks around, and puts them on my back. So I randomly have stickers EVERYWHERE. Hey, if it keeps her happy...
Wednesday she was up early again, so I thought we'd try to catch story time at the library. That didn't go so well. We got there and she was happy to look around and check things out, but then when the actual storytime started, the book they read was "The Going to Bed Book." Uh, most 16-month olds (including mine) have the cognitive ability to understand that it is about bedtime. Which, at 9:30am makes mine go beserk. She was not happy that someone was trying to make her go to bed that early. So we didn't make it the whole time. Oh well. We picked out a couple books and headed home.
She was a real crab that evening too. While I was in the shower and Ryan had just finished dinner with E, he brought her in and said "Uh, remember how you were saying that molars are really uncomfortable for them?" Yup, felt back there and her upper left molar is through. Poor baby. So we're keeping up on the tylenol.
In pregnancy news...well, nothing much. Which is OK by me. I made it through half of my marathon (this past weekend with practices and our show-off) and now just have this weekend in front of me to keep S baking. Through 2 full days of competition/judging/testing. No problem...I hope!
It is weird, I start having contractions if I sit a certain way. Not sure what that is about. Okay, here is the official update:
How far along: 37 weeks. We get to meet this little one in 15 days, max!
How big is baby: The size of a leek. 19.1 inches and 6.5 pounds.
What I've done to prep for baby:
Ryan has been a rockstar in getting the nursery stuff together. All furniture is put together except for the wall cabinet, and the decal is even up. It definitely was another "moment" for me whe we got the decal up. Just seeing my girlies' names above their cribs gets me all misty.
I still need to finish the crib skirt tonight and the trim that I am making for the storage bins. But other than that, it is really getting there.
Best moment of the week: Nursing Ellie and seeing S kick her, and just remembering to take that all in and imprint it on my brain.
Food cravings: Food is hard. Nothing sounds good. But again, Ryan is a rockstar. He found these breakfast sandwich things that I LOVE. Those have saved me when I don't want to eat. Oh, and the bad craving...rice krispie treats. Oh. My. Goodness. Yes. I'm totally ambivalent to chocolate but give me all the rice krispies, please!
Food cravings: Food is hard. Nothing sounds good. But again, Ryan is a rockstar. He found these breakfast sandwich things that I LOVE. Those have saved me when I don't want to eat. Oh, and the bad craving...rice krispie treats. Oh. My. Goodness. Yes. I'm totally ambivalent to chocolate but give me all the rice krispies, please!
Symptoms: Sciatic pain is SO bad. With Ellie, she had moved off of it by now. No, not this one. Last night, I had to skip dinner to just go in the shower and try to get it warmed up and worked out. And then I only got a couple of hours of sleep because the pain was so bad. I'm sure it is worse since I am lugging around E, but wowza. I am totally to the point that I. Am. Done.
Movement: It seems to have picked up again this week. So that is nice.
Movement: It seems to have picked up again this week. So that is nice.
What I’m looking forward to: This weekend being over. State competition this weekend has been a major stress point, so having that behind me will be huge.
Next appt: Tomorrow. Since I am going out of town, I am guessing that this will include an internal check. Blah.
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