Saturday, January 25, 2014

The final countdown...

I cannot believe that now I am in the last week of this pregnancy. Seriously. This. is. nuts. Where did time go???

It has been a CRAZY week since last time I blogged. The weekend was a marathon!

But we'll start with my OB appt on Friday. Long story short...I had Evil Nurse again, who wanted to chat about how my 'unneccesary induction' last time lead to my c-section. Uh, no, moron. ACOG is pretty clear that going over 39 weeks with gestational diabetes is risky. I did not ask to be induced, and did not do the "squee...I am hot and tired and don't WANNA be pregnant" thing. And honestly, I have ZERO regrets about having the c-section. You won't convince me that I missed out on part of the birthing experience. But really. So of course my blood pressure was higher. Luckily the appointment was with my doctor, so I totally trust that he wanted to put me on meds. And he wanted to do an impromptu BPP just to make sure that she was OK in there. The good news is that everything looks great with Miss S and I totally convinced my doctor to just see me the rest of the time and skip NSTs, opting just for BPPs when I need them. After a number of horrible NST experiences with Ellie and being SOCLOSE to the finish line, he agreed.

So then, the weekend was a marathon. We were in GR for the state competition. Of course we decided to go up Fri night to get some additional rest but Miss E had other plans. Yup, she was up from 1:30am on. What. the. heck, kid! So that rest was a big joke. I had to judge the majority of the day, and do some credentialing tests, so it was packed. About 4pm, I hit a wall. I was tired, and my blood pressure started going bezerk, so I stepped out of judging a couple divisions to rest a bit. Luckily the Bean had a super fun weekend with Grandma and Grandpa, being a fishy in the pool. 

Sunday was more of the same, although we were able to sleep that night. I tried to stay 'down' s much as possible while chasing my 4 teams around. Needless to say, getting in the car and heading home felt REALLY good. 

Monday we spent time recouping from the weekend, and I had another OB appointment. Good news, S was doing great and my blood pressure was down. Yay!

Tuesday we ran some errands and continued to try to recoup. Well, at least I did. Ellie is always raring to go. Silly girl!

Wednesday we were at the gym as usual, and E had a blast playing with her friend Jack. He LOOOVES his tool kit and they both play with that constantly. E had to try on the safety goggles. Too funny!

Thursday early morning was a bit scary. I woke up at 1am seriously dizzy. Like, I couldn't walk down the hall without hanging on to the walls. I downed a bottle of water and a special K shake to see if it was a dehydration of blood sugar issue, but neither made it better, so I put a call in to the on-call doc. Luckily, he didn't seem too concerned, and told be I could avoid a L&D trip (wooohooo! So far: NONE!) and just call the office in the morning. I did, and they wanted me to come in. Baby sounded great,  blood pressure was fine, so no clue why I am dizzy, except for maybe the meds I am on. 

Friday, I had another OB appointment (I bet they are now getting sick of me!) and another BPP. Ryan came to get what we thought was our last peek at S as an inside baby. Nope, turns out I have 1 more BPP to go. But anyways, S rocked it out as always. She was sleeping though, so they had to get the buzzer out. Now they had to do that once with E too, and she went NUTSO the first time they buzzed her. Not S! They probably tried to buzz her about 15 times before she actually woke up and started moving. Might this be my deep sleeper? Might we have a baby that does not wake up when Daddy's ankle cracks while he is trying to put her in the crib? 

So today, we are enjoying our last weekend as a family of three and a fluffball. Yes, I've been an emotional basketcase about this. I was full-on sobbing Friday morning that it was Ellie and my last Friday morning just the two of us. I am so excited for S, but I just have so much fun with my girl, and I don't want to lose that for a second! 

How far along:  38 weeks, 2 days. 6 days to go.
How big is baby: The size of a celery bunch. 19.6 inches and 7 pounds.
What I've done to prep for baby: The nursery is almost finished. Got the crib skirt done, and the wall cabinet is together (although not attached yet. Maybe today.)

I am in love with how it turned out. Perfect! 
Truff has been prepping for his big brother times 2 duties by helping in the nursery too. 

Oh and Ellie 'helps' with the nursery too. By climbing on things (her new favorite thing) and trying to look out the window. Little stinker! 

I'm getting clothes out, washed and put away too. And hospital bag is packed, along with Ellie's bag. So really, the "must-do"s are pretty much done. Now I'm filling in all the "nice to have done" things. 

Best moment of the week: Getting a peek at S, and seeing some of her personality. 
Food cravings: Still loving rice krispie treats. I did get sick the other day after breakfast. I can't complain too much, though. At this point, with Ellie, I was sick pretty much every single morning. 
Symptoms: S is still giving me back problems. I have heating pads on my back pretty consistently. 
Movement: This goes in spurts. Her movements are smaller, so it is usually harder for me to notice when I am chasing Ellie throughout the day. But then from time to time...LOOK OUT!
What I’m looking forward to: More family time this weekend, and seeing S again Tuesday.
Next appt: Tuesday! Last OB appt this pregnancy! Woooohooo!

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