Friday, February 7, 2014

1 week

Dear Scarlett,

You are one week old today! Right about now last week, Daddy and I were getting ready to leave for the hospital. Now I am sitting on the couch, waiting for you and your sister to wake up so we can start our first day home by ourselves. I am kinda nervous about not having Daddy's help today. It has been awesome to have him home with us for the last week!

So, how has your first week been? Awesome. I love getting to know you! As of right now you are such a calm, sweet baby. You are completely content just nursing and snuggling all day. As long as you are cuddled into someone's arms, you are a happy girl. Daddy and I have been happy to oblige! We've both been so happy to spend lots of time holding you and cuddling you. We just love our little snugglebug SO much!

Speaking of being a snugglebug...your sleep has been so funny! In the hospital, you spent a lot of time snuggled up with Daddy.

The first night home was rough. You were up every hour from 9-3am. Then you gave us a 4 hour stretch until 7am. Both Daddy and I were pretty tired from that!

The next night, you wouldn't even get us hour stretches. About 15 minutes after we would put you down in the cosleeper, your eyes would pop open and the fussing would start. So out of survival, you slept with Daddy again.

THEN, we figured it really are a snuggle bug and don't sleep well unless you are snuggled in. So we tried your swing since it has raised sides that "cuddle" you, and sure enough, you slept GREAT. 10-7 with only one wake up. WHAT???? Armed with this info, Grandma and Grandpa got you a rock n play to sleep in so that you could be all safe and still feel all cuddled. Sure enough, only one wake up in that too. You can keep up being this great of a sleeper, okay, Snugglebug? Daddy and I appreciate it!!!

Then there is that big sister of yours. She LOVES you something fierce. The first afternoon that we brought you home, she was definitely jealous, but by the next morning she couldn't get enough of you. Any time you are in your bouncy seat she wants to come over and say hello. She makes faces at you and gives you lots of kisses, and will lay her head down on you to give you hugs. She just adores you!

She tries so hard to make you happy when you are upset too. You've been decorated with stickers, and offered cheerios already. I can already tell that she is so proud of you and you guys are going to be awesome friends (I hope) as you grow up together.

We've had a couple outings this week too. Doctor's, Wal-mart, Target, etc. You've been great and slept through most of them. Next week I think we're going to brave an outing, the three of us, but for right now, my goal is just to make it through the day with you both. Luckily, you being such a mellow baby so far helps a lot. 

Even though it has only been one week since you've joined out family, I can barely remember life pre-Scarlett. You really were meant to be a part of our family, and we could not possibly love you any more. Your Daddy, myself, Ellie and Truff all just adore our little dark haired beauty and I especially feel so blessed that I get to be your Mommy. I am so excited that I get to be the one to cuddle you and learn about you and see your little personality develop. I love you so much, Scarlett!



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