Only a week late...but I must write a quick note about our Valentine's Day!
It was an awesome day! I was up early, and used my new pancake pen to make heart pancakes for Ryan and Ellie. I think they both enjoyed it. Ellie especially liked her whipped cream 'treat' and dipped her strawberries in it like a pro!
I got my Valentine's Day present from Ryan too...he did AWESOME. He got me a necklace with both of the girls' birthstones. SO sweet and I just absolutely LOVE it.
After everyone was up and around, we had to get ready to go to out and about. I dropped Ellie off at Grandma and Grandpa's and took Scarlett to my OB appointment.
Stinking adorable, my little Valentines! <3 Scarlett didn't make a peep at the appointment, as usual, and all the nurses loved seeing her. In not-so-great news, my body is going beserk again post-partum, and so I landed back on blood pressue meds. Drats. Those make me so sleepy, and so I am bummed that I have to be on them again. Oh well.
Then it was back home to enjoy the girls and wait for Ryan to come home. We enjoyed a nice quiet dinner at home and some family cuddle time, and gave him the present we had made for him...a shadow box with a pic of the girls and their footprints making a heart. He love it! He's pretty smitten with those girls of his.
Overall, a great 'first' holiday as a family.
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