Friday, September 19, 2014

33 weeks

Dear Baby Squish,

You are 33 weeks old. And yay...I am on time with writing you your letter. Just wait for a minute while I adjust my SuperMommy cape.

Just kidding! It is hard. And life gets crazy. But I am still constantly overwhelmed with how blessed I am to have this amazing family.

So what adventures did this week hold? Well, Saturday I had a meeting in Grand Rapids, so you stayed home and played with Daddy.

You kept him on his toes, and had lots of fun playing outside with Ellie and Truff. You just LOVE your swing.

When I got home, I couldn't help but cuddle you, even if it did mean that I missed a good portion of the ND game. They won, and I got sweet Scarlett cuddles...perfect!

Sunday we went to church, where I had to take you into the hall because you were making too many little happy cooing noises. You are the happiest, sweetest baby. People were even commenting on it in the hall, my little Squish!

This made it extra hard for me to leave again for the afternoon to go to the gym. I just wanted to stay and play with you. But, again, you had a good time with Daddy. Of course, being up way past bedtime is still awfully hard on you. Princess. Sunday are just SO hard schedule-wise.

Monday was our recoup day. We hung around the house and played. I love those days with my girls. We dressed up, and played with play doh, and went on walks, and read books. I cannot think of a better way to spend a dreary Monday. But, again, I had to go to the gym to help with the start up for our younger classes, so it was Daddy-time again. You were quite the stinker for Dad and would not go down. I felt so bad as everyone was pretty upset when I got home. Let's not do that again, okay?

Tuesday we stuck around home too and played and enjoyed the nice weather. You are SO mobile these days, it is crazy. And you are FAST. You sure keep me on my toes!

You also took your first bath in the big girl tub! Now truth be told, that was mostly because you, Miss Kickypants, make a MESS in your whale tub. You and your sister had a blast.

Wedensday we had a busy day where I went to the gym, and then Ellie and I went to swim lessons. You got some one on one time with Grandma and Grandpa, which I think everyone likes.

Speaking of liking things, you are ALL about food these days. Pouches, in particular, are a big hit. You just suck them down. Chicken, pasta, veggies, you are such a great eater!

Thursday we had a house guest come visit...Ginger the PUPPY. I need to specify because your sister thought we were getting Ginger, the rabbit from Sophia the first. She was VERY upset when we did not go to a castle to pick him up. And also very upset that despite her standing in front of him and telling him to HOP, he does, in fact, not really jump. Oh silly Bean. You guys are proving to be quite a bit of excitement for him!

Today, I got a hair cut, so you got some more Grandma and Grandpa time. You were having a ton of fun watching Ellie play on the inflatable slide. Oh, and the giraffe toy that Grandma has that spits out balls? I total hit. You were belly laughing up a storm.

So, baby Scarlett, that was this week. I must say, I really did hate being away from you guys so much. I really do enjoy spending time with you guys. You guys bring such love and laughter into my work, and I am so lucky I get to spend as much time with your girlies as I do.

I love you, Squish!

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