Monday, September 1, 2014

Dear Ellie,

Dear Ellie,

You are 2 today, sweet princess! It is so hard to believe. Time really does go so fast. You are not a little baby anymore. You are a spirited, funny, smart little girl who has me laughing about a million times and day, and sometimes wanting to pull my hair out too!

Sometimes when I am rocking you to sleep, and you remind me that I need to start singing, I think back to sitting in that same rocking chair with you when you were a tiny little one. I remember how your face would twitch into a smile as you fell asleep. And I wonder how my little baby bird grew up so fast. But the coolest thing is, as much as I miss tiny Ellie, I just love toddler Ellie so much that it isn't even funny. The conversations you have, how you have tea parties, and tickle fights and rock your baby dolls to sleep...those things are just so amazing to see. So while I sometimes wish you wouldn't grow up so fast, I also wouldn't exactly wish to keep you little.

Every day I still feel incredibly overwhelmed and blessed that I get to be your Mom. You bring so much joy to everyone around you, and your Dad and I could just not be more proud. Of course, I can also throw in that you are the world's best big sister...most of the time.

I hope you always stay as curious as you are now. I hope you never lose the imagination that dreams up dragons outside your window. I hope you keep your Dad's memory, so you remind me 3 months later that we saw a frog on THAT window. I hope you continue to care about others, just like you care about me and bring me my pretend coffee to drink. I hope you stay fearless. Or at least mostly fearless. My poor heart can't take your fearlessness sometimes. And I hope you always keep the energy to go down the slide again. Or two more times. Or five more times.

You are one amazing little girl, Miss Ellorie Mae Mason. And I love you to pieces. Happy birthday, princess!

I love you,

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