Dear Ellie-bean,
Well I mentioned that you were getting a little cough at the end of last week. Turned out to be your very first cold. Booo! So, unfortunately, 30 weeks was the week of the sickies.
Monday you were starting to show signs of not feeling well, so we stayed in and played most of the day. You took some awesome naps, but still fought an icky cough, which I didn't like at all. For the most part, though, you were in a fairly good mood. I think I was more worn out from the weekend than you were! That evening you had some time with your Daddy while I went to the gym. I know that there are times when I have to be away from you, and you are a big girl and are just fine with that, but I have got to tell you, I pretty much HATE it when I am not there to put you to bed. I miss you so very much. Our bedtime nursing and rocking and cuddling is so special to me, love. When I miss it, it makes it hard for me to go to bed. Of course THAT is the night that you chose to sleep REALLY good, and so I had to wait until very early morning to get to feed and snuggle you. I'm glad you got sleep, but I wanted snuggles.
Tuesday was a rough day. You went with us to the memorial service for Bridgette's mom. I was very glad that you brought a smile to a lot of people's face in such a difficult time. Being there made me really proud too, that you have a bunch of awesome, strong, loving role models in your life. If you turn out to be as strong and as caring and as thoughtful as a lot of your Aunties and Uncles there, I will be one very happy momma! After that, we had lunch with Lori and the girls, and then went back home for more love and cuddles.
Wednesday was then the cold really took over. You were a mess! Coughing, mucus-y, runny nose, the works! And you were a clingy mess! You wanted to nurse every hour or so, and did NOT want to be set down. Of course, I just wanted my little princess to be better! So we spent the day nursing, and napping, and trying to get you feeling better. Grandma did bring over some new teething necklaces, which I hope helped you feel at least a little better. Because you were not doing so well, we stayed home from the gym. You also had a rough overnight, waking up every couple hours wanting to nurse. Poor Daddy too! He was trying so hard to take care of both of us! He wanted to help you feel better by rocking you to sleep and give me a break, but you would have none of it. You wanted your Mommy! I didn't mind. I was so worried about you, I couldn't have slept much anyways.
Thursday you were feeling a little better. You were more smiley and I got a couple of good coos out of you, so we decided to get out of the house and walk around the mall a little with Grandma. Good thing because we were both getting a little stir-crazy! Oh, and I got a cool new trick from talking to your doctor about your cold...corn syrup works to break up mucus and ickiness. It worked really well for you, well except that you would then spit up mucus, my poor little bean.
Friday we did the normal routine of going to Grandma's house so I could work out. Grandpa was home too for Good Friday, so you got LOTS of attention. Not like you ever do that. The bad news is that for some reason you DID NOT want to nap and really kept me on my toes. Oy. You were fairly happy as long as I did NOT try to make you take a nap. Your tired little eyes played just fine all afternoon. Oh, and you are getting way too good at this standing stuff. You are standing all by yourself holding onto your walker. Slow down, little one! Daddy got home and we went to Good Friday service which was Don't get me wrong, the service was PHENOMENAL. But it started at 7pm. For a girl that starts her bedtime routine at 7:30. And hasn't napped all day. Luckily, Daddy was able to keep you semi-entertained.
Saturday we went to Aunt Stephanie's Grandpa's 80th birthday party. Daddy was taking pictures there and we expected it to be just a fun party, but it was one of those time where we are, again, reminded of how special you are. Joe, the guest of honor, walked in to the party and immediately wanted to know where you were. He hadn't met you yet and bypassed all his other friends and family in order to do that. Daddy and I know that you are special, my little baby bean, but it just boggles my mind sometimes that other people, beyond immediate family, can see that too. There is just something about you, and experiences like this are humbling for us. We are so lucky to have you in our lives.
After the party, the weather was BEAUTIFUL so we decided to make a run to Michigan City. For once you didn't get anything (oh no, call Grandma...Ellie abuse!) but Daddy and I got some great deals on clothes. Daddy even got some clothes to match your outfits. Now he can't make fun of ME for coordinating with a 7 month old, since he is doing it too!
Speaking of which...7 months old? Yeah, let's not go there. I still have a couple more hours as I am writing this...
Sunday was your very first EASTER! You and Truff were up early and found your Easter baskets. You got sippy cups, and a blanket, and a cloth book, and some sensory eggs and a dino popper. Okay, so we figured the Dino popper was probably going to be a joint toy for you and your brother. We were right. You are both mesmerized by it. That is a giant SCORE for Mommy and Daddy.
Then it was off to church where we saw Grandma and Grandpa Zaher and Uncle Jon. You were fighting a nap and kind of fussy, but you LOVED the confetti cannons they had at church. I love that you will grow up in such a crazy and passionate church that gets so excited about what happens on Easter that they do silly things like bring out the noisemakers and confetti! Then it was off to brunch with Grandma and Grandpa. You tried LOTS of new foods at brunch, and say in a big girl high chair for the first time! Ham, french toast, were loving the variety and actually ate a lot! It still amazes me to see how well you can feed yourself and what an awesome little eater you are! We went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house to see the cool stuff they had gotten you for Easter and then headed home for a much needed nap. Then it was off to see Grandma and Grandpa Mason and Aunt Robin. They hadn't seen you in awhile, and were amazed by how big you got. You are definitely bigger, but you are still a teeny bean. Your Easter dress is still size 0-3 months! But you were amazing and very tolerant of being passed around once again. Then finally we got to come home and go for a walk with the four of us! I love walks with my favorite people. They are the best.
So, one more "first" down. But instead of being sad, it has made me so excited for your second...and third...and every Easter after that. In some ways I hate seeing you grow, but it is also the most amazing thing in the world. Like your Daddy said this afternoon, you are such a cool little person. And that is so incredibly true. I love spending time with you. You are funny, and sweet and smart, and just...perfect. Seriously. I am so lucky that I get to be your Mommy, even when you are sick, or clingy, or an overtired mess. Even in your worst I would still rather be with you than anyone else. I love you, Baby Bean. Happy Easter!
I love you so much,
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
29 weeks
Dear Ellie,
Hello Miss 29-weeker (plus one day...busy Saturdays really stink sometimes!). What a crazy, busy fun week we had this week, bean! So much to tell you about!
So let's see. We left off Monday with me being TIIIIIIRED. Yeah, Sunday night you decided that I should really not sleep more than 30 consecutive minutes. YAWN! So Monday was rough. Luckily Daddy is really awesome and came home and took you to run errands and sent me to bed. But, we decided since your sleep is regressing big time, that we are going to start having you sleep in your crib. Now, I had all kinds of mixed feeling about this. I don't like the thought of being away from you, even though you are just down the hall. But you need to sleep and I need to sleep, so it is for the best. Daddy did hook up two new monitors. A second motion monitor to check your breathing (yes, I am THAT Mom!) and a video monitor that I can watch from my phone. I LOVE the video monitor. It is SO nice to be able to check in on you sleeping, and it allows me to take pictures of you sleeping which I am a little obsessed with now. See, my little Sleeping Beauty?
Saturday was more craziness. We were up and off to Ohio for a cheer competition. You are such a good traveler, little birdie! You slept most of the way in the car, which was awesome. Mommy is not so used to traveling with you yet. I meant to take some frozen milk to feed you in the car, and when I was busy during the competition, and...I forgot. Well, I took the cooler, but forgot to put frozen milk in it. DUH! Luckily we are nursing pros and just found a quiet corner for you to have the snacks you needed. You loved hanging out with the big kids and Daddy, though. All the girls just love you! You have pics with all of them all over facebook. And Daddy...well you always are all smiles for your Daddy. He is a pretty special guy and it warms my heart to see you two together!
Then, it was home and an easy day the rest of the day. You are getting a little cough, and Daddy and I both have colds, so we will be keeping it low-key with you for a couple days.
So, little one, another week down, and it still just keeps getting better than ever. It is so much fun to be around you. Your expressions, your little coos, those big blue eyes...they all just melt my heart. You are by far the best little one ever, bean. You are such a special little girl, and you bring sunshine into every single situation you are in. I cannot wait to see what adventures we get to have this week, and I feel very lucky to have such an amazing sidekick in them all.
I love you SO much!
Hello Miss 29-weeker (plus one day...busy Saturdays really stink sometimes!). What a crazy, busy fun week we had this week, bean! So much to tell you about!
So let's see. We left off Monday with me being TIIIIIIRED. Yeah, Sunday night you decided that I should really not sleep more than 30 consecutive minutes. YAWN! So Monday was rough. Luckily Daddy is really awesome and came home and took you to run errands and sent me to bed. But, we decided since your sleep is regressing big time, that we are going to start having you sleep in your crib. Now, I had all kinds of mixed feeling about this. I don't like the thought of being away from you, even though you are just down the hall. But you need to sleep and I need to sleep, so it is for the best. Daddy did hook up two new monitors. A second motion monitor to check your breathing (yes, I am THAT Mom!) and a video monitor that I can watch from my phone. I LOVE the video monitor. It is SO nice to be able to check in on you sleeping, and it allows me to take pictures of you sleeping which I am a little obsessed with now. See, my little Sleeping Beauty?
Okay, so back to Monday night. Daddy sent me to bed, you slept in your crib and he slept on the couch. I got a full night's sleep (minus one nursing session, but that is A-OK by me!) and Daddy took care of all the night wakings. You did pretty good in your crib for the first night ever, and I was so stinking tired that it wasn't TOO traumatic for me! We switched on Tuesday night (me on the couch and Daddy in bed) and then on Wednesday, Daddy and I BOTH slept in bed and you in your room. I can't believe you are getting to be such a big girl! And you've been in your crib for naps this week too. You are growing up SO fast, little princess. And while it kills me to not have you sleeping next to me, I am glad that the transition wasn't too bad and that you are sleeping well in your crib.
Onto Tuesday...MY BIRTHDAY! I was very excited to spend my day with the best little daughter ever! The day started out pretty rough, as we found out that Aunt Bee's mom passed away earlier that morning. My heart hurt for her so badly, and I just wanted to run over and give her a big hug, but instead, I went into your room, woke you up and gave you a big hug in her place. I don't think you minded the fact that I needed to cuddle you a little more that day!
You and Daddy were SO good to me, though! Daddy made me my FAVORITE breakfast (spinach and mushroom omelette with pineapple on the side...yum!) and I got cards from Daddy and from you (you left yours in your diaper drawer. Good thinking!) as well as an outfit to match yours and a coffee cup. But the best part? You and Daddy had a secret photo shoot on Sunday, so Daddy posted a new pic of your gorgeous little face! That smile??? Best. Present. Ever!!!
We went and walked around the mall a bit with Grandma to get out of the house, which was very nice. And then we went out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. You were SO good at dinner, and I appreciated that a lot. Of course, Grandpa wouldn't really put you down, which helped! You like your attention! You must get that from your Daddy...
Wednesday we had fun hanging around home. You are sitting up so well these days, I am so proud of you! Oh, and we added spinach and apples to your food repertoire! You had a hot of fun tearing the spinach, and I didn't think you ate much...until I changed your diaper the next day. Oh, you certainly ate some! You love the apples too. I serve them cold, and I think they feel good on your gums. You don't have any teeth that look too close, but I think those gums get sore with as much as you like your teethers!
Thursday we stuck around the house too! You didn't nap very well, which was frustrating, but you are sleeping pretty well, so that is good. Up about twice a night. We've been doing a lot more sensory activities, and I think you are liking them. We played with a water bottle (with glitter in it!) and we played with feathers this week. You especially liked the feathers. Not only are you ticklish, you also really loved watching them fall. You would giggle like crazy. Then you proceeded to try to watch everything your lunch. Truffle appreciated that!
Friday we needed to go run some errands. The sun was shining, so we were both in a good mood.
We went to the bank, Wal-mart and Kohls. Then we came home and enjoyed the sunshine even more by taking your brother for a nice long walk. You sat up like a big girl in your stroller and really loved that you could watch Truff run all over during his walk. You were all giggles at that fuzzball.
Saturday was more craziness. We were up and off to Ohio for a cheer competition. You are such a good traveler, little birdie! You slept most of the way in the car, which was awesome. Mommy is not so used to traveling with you yet. I meant to take some frozen milk to feed you in the car, and when I was busy during the competition, and...I forgot. Well, I took the cooler, but forgot to put frozen milk in it. DUH! Luckily we are nursing pros and just found a quiet corner for you to have the snacks you needed. You loved hanging out with the big kids and Daddy, though. All the girls just love you! You have pics with all of them all over facebook. And Daddy...well you always are all smiles for your Daddy. He is a pretty special guy and it warms my heart to see you two together!
That night at the hotel was interesting. You didn't sleep too well (no surprise there!) but then at 4am, the fire alarm started going off. Wonderful! Well, Daddy and I were bleary eyed, but you were all smiles getting to go down to the lobby and see everyone. After all, I think you want to have 4am dance parties every night. You were pretty pleased that you had such a good turn out to your party! Luckily it was a false alarm, and after you had a snack, you went back to bed.
This morning, we knocked off another first...swimming!
You LOVED it...after you got used to it. When we first took you in, you LOST it. Full on pouty face and tears. So we sat on the steps with you, splashing around awhile and then moved down little by little and before you know it, you were in and swimming like the little fishy we knew you'd be. You were kicking your little legs and everything! Check it out:
However, all the swimming wore you out. You zonked on the middle of the hotel bed when we were getting everything packed up. I love that little thumb in the mouth. So stinking cute!
Then, it was home and an easy day the rest of the day. You are getting a little cough, and Daddy and I both have colds, so we will be keeping it low-key with you for a couple days.
So, little one, another week down, and it still just keeps getting better than ever. It is so much fun to be around you. Your expressions, your little coos, those big blue eyes...they all just melt my heart. You are by far the best little one ever, bean. You are such a special little girl, and you bring sunshine into every single situation you are in. I cannot wait to see what adventures we get to have this week, and I feel very lucky to have such an amazing sidekick in them all.
I love you SO much!
Monday, March 18, 2013
28 weeks!
Dear Baby Bean,
You are 28 weeks old, big girl! Well, technically 28 weeks and 2 days, since it is now Monday. Weekends get so busy that I often have a hard time getting to write. Mondays are usually easier since things are much less exciting and we are much more in our schedule.
So what awesome things did we do this week? Well, let's see. Sunday was church, like usual. But Grandma and Grandpa Zaher came to church with us. You showed them how you like to sing sing sing along with Pastor Micah! I love your singing. You are doing that so much more these days, and I just melt. You also enjoyed playing with Grandma's necklace...until you pulled a LITTLE hard and it broke. Whoops! Looks like I'll have to get you a teething necklace that I can wear and you can play with. Maybe for my birthday....hmmm...crossing fingers and toes!
You didn't sleep during church, but you did conk out afterwards, and stayed asleep long enough for us to have lunch. That was much appreciated, birdie! Then it was home to spend some time with Daddy and then off to the gym.
Monday you slept pretty well, and then, thanks to the time change, you slept in until after 9am. I loved that! But then you were up, exploring and grabbing as usual. You are so, so interested in everything. I can almost see your little mind just racing away most days!
Friday evening, we went to check another "first" off our list with you...your first visit with the Easter Bunny! Seeing that you weren't the best napper that day, I was a little worried. But NO! You were a pro like always! You smiled and did an awesome job, so awesome, even, that we got asked to sign a release to let them use your picture for advertisement, in exchange for some extra pictures. My baby princess, a model? Well, why not! The pictures did turn out awfully cute (even though Daddy's pictures turned out even better!). You certainly did have both Daddy and I jumping all over in the center of the mall, trying to get you to smile and get your attention. I can't say I ever thought I would be spending my Friday night doing THAT, but for you, little one, anything!
Then Sunday was church/time with Daddy and gym. You did not want to nap. Princess, don't you understand that sleep is good? What is up with all these sleep issues from you lately? We are going to have to start troublehooting them a bit. were still in a good enough mood to talk fashion at the gym with your BFF Lily. You both are serious baby fashionistas (and the two cutest babies EVER, if I do say so myself!)
Which brings us to today. I'm exhausted, as I've been up since 3:30 with you, and in need of a caffeine IV drip fr the day, but still, I have got to tell you, my love, you are the best thing ever. One look into your eyes and I can't even complain about being worn out because I get to be something so much more awesome...your Mommy. I have no idea what I did with all the time I must have had before you were in my life, but I can tell you something absolutely true: I wasn't nearly as happy. You are so special and amazing, little bird, and I love you so incredibly much!
I love you,
You are 28 weeks old, big girl! Well, technically 28 weeks and 2 days, since it is now Monday. Weekends get so busy that I often have a hard time getting to write. Mondays are usually easier since things are much less exciting and we are much more in our schedule.
So what awesome things did we do this week? Well, let's see. Sunday was church, like usual. But Grandma and Grandpa Zaher came to church with us. You showed them how you like to sing sing sing along with Pastor Micah! I love your singing. You are doing that so much more these days, and I just melt. You also enjoyed playing with Grandma's necklace...until you pulled a LITTLE hard and it broke. Whoops! Looks like I'll have to get you a teething necklace that I can wear and you can play with. Maybe for my birthday....hmmm...crossing fingers and toes!
You didn't sleep during church, but you did conk out afterwards, and stayed asleep long enough for us to have lunch. That was much appreciated, birdie! Then it was home to spend some time with Daddy and then off to the gym.
Monday you slept pretty well, and then, thanks to the time change, you slept in until after 9am. I loved that! But then you were up, exploring and grabbing as usual. You are so, so interested in everything. I can almost see your little mind just racing away most days!
We ran some errands, and then spent the rest of the day playing. Your brother is no so sure that he likes the fact that you are increasingly aware of the world around you. You were playing on a blanket, when he came up beside you with his toy. You grabbed it, and rolled the other away. He, very calmly walked around you, grabbed the toy, took it around the couch (so there was no chance you could steal it again!) and then came back and laid with her. It is nice to see that you two CAN be sweet to each other, as long as you don't have to share, apparently!
Tuesday, we walked around the mall a bit with Grandma. But the biggest news...your new toy came! I wasn't completely sold that you need another new toy, but let me tell you, this one has me on board!
It is JUST the incentive you need to practice sitting up. You love sitting at it, playing the piano and opening the "peek-a-boo" door. Starting Tuesday, every day you played with it more, and more and more, until now, you are ROCKING this sitting up thing. I think we can finally check of the "sitting up unassisted" milestone off you list. Way to go baby bean. I am so proud of you!
Speaking of moving, I have to tell you; bath time is now a bazillion times harder, little one! We used to have so much fun splashing and playing in the bath. Now, all you want to do is roll! Have you tried washing a slippery baby princess while she is trying to be a roley-poley? No? Well let me tell is a challenge. Then again, you are just a challenge some days, princess!
Wednesday we stayed around home and played again. I'm a liiiittle worried that you're about to get MUCH more mobile. You are dangerously close to crawling. Especially when playing on your piano! You like to flip to your belly and push hard with those legs. I think it is probably only a matter of time! You apparently think that is funny, huh? I don't know, I don't think it is so funny! I'm not really ready for it, actually!
Thursday was an awfully weird day for you. Your schedule was crazy. You didn't eat much, and slept a lot during the day. What's up with that? It made me very worried when I had to skype into my meeting in the afternoon. Didn't you get the memo that I like predictability? Yeah, I know, you are God's little way of telling me that predictability just doesn't exist anymore!
Friday was a busy day. I worked out, came back to Grandma's, fed you, ran back out to the BMV (ugh!) and then we ran over to Louise's house. She hadn't seen you since Halloween, so she was, of course, surprised with how big you were! She had a lot of fun playing with you, as did Jan and Jill. You thought Jan was the funniest thing ever! And although she got skeeved out when you sucked on her finger, I think she was the one person that I was okay with you sucking on her finger since she is even more of a germaphobe than I am!
Friday night was the start of a couple rough nights. I'm not sure what is going on with you lately, but you seem to want to be up multiple times a night, and are only happy if you are nursed back to sleep. This makes for one very sleepy Mommy! I love the cuddles, don't get me wrong, but I'd appreciate some sleep, too! Even after a rough night, we were up and at em early on Saturday in order to make another family run to West End Bakery. We picked up my birthday cake, and got some doughnuts too! You were, of course, the hit of the bakery, especially since you wore a cupcake outfit for the occasion!
Then it was photoshoot time, because Sunday was St. Patrick's Day! Although we had a few issues, we did manage to get some awesome ones! Yay!
Then Sunday was church/time with Daddy and gym. You did not want to nap. Princess, don't you understand that sleep is good? What is up with all these sleep issues from you lately? We are going to have to start troublehooting them a bit. were still in a good enough mood to talk fashion at the gym with your BFF Lily. You both are serious baby fashionistas (and the two cutest babies EVER, if I do say so myself!)
Which brings us to today. I'm exhausted, as I've been up since 3:30 with you, and in need of a caffeine IV drip fr the day, but still, I have got to tell you, my love, you are the best thing ever. One look into your eyes and I can't even complain about being worn out because I get to be something so much more awesome...your Mommy. I have no idea what I did with all the time I must have had before you were in my life, but I can tell you something absolutely true: I wasn't nearly as happy. You are so special and amazing, little bird, and I love you so incredibly much!
I love you,
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Cloth Diapering...part 2
Okay, so now all the fluffmail is in, and I have full reviews of a couple brands of pocket diapers...
Bum Genius: We started with these pocket diapers. And they are great. Don't get me wrong. We've never had a problem with them. HOWEVER, they are expensive. And bulky. So we looked at other alternatives.
Alva: Holy cuteness! See that cutie in that adorable fuzzy bird diaper? Their prints are adorable. Fit is good, although they are of similar bulk to the Bum Geniuses. But you cannot beat the price. $5 a diaper? Yes, please! When we need to go to full one-size diapers, I will be ordering more. And their wet bags are amazing. I need to order a couple more of those, pronto. Shipping is painfully slow from Hong Kong, but FREE.
Kawaii: My new favorites. First of all, I just ordered 17 diapers for $81. What??? So excited about this deal. But seriously, Kawaii Pure and Naturals are BY FAR by favorite diaper. They are so much less bulky than other diapers. And they are a great fit on my skinny minnie. I would so recommend this diaper to anyone. Of course, it only goes to 22lbs, but by that time the Alvas should be fitting better.
Hope that helps my friends who are thinking of making the cloth diaper jump! Take home lesson: don't be afraid to try the cheap stuff!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Summer "Bucket" List
I am SO ready for summer to be here. Don't get me wrong, I am complaining daily about how fast time is going by these days. But still. I am over snowy, dreary, icky days. Bring on the sunshine!
I was inspired by a blog I found where the mom made a "Summer Bucket List" for her family, so I thought I'd do the same. There are so many things I want to do with Miss Ellie this summer, that I think it would be fun to write them all down to remind myself! We'll see how we do on this list! And I'm sure I'll be adding more constantly. Is it time to start yet?
I was inspired by a blog I found where the mom made a "Summer Bucket List" for her family, so I thought I'd do the same. There are so many things I want to do with Miss Ellie this summer, that I think it would be fun to write them all down to remind myself! We'll see how we do on this list! And I'm sure I'll be adding more constantly. Is it time to start yet?
- play at a splash pad
- pick some kind of fruit
- go to our local zoo
- play with bubbles
- hike up the Dunes
- go to an aquarium
- ride a carosel
- have a picnic
- play in a sprinkler
- take a nature walk
- go on a boat ride
- take pictures on the beach
- play in a kiddie pool
- fly a kite
- swim in a lake
- read books on a blanket in the yard
- go to the beach
- play with glow sticks
- eat outside on the deck
- play at a park
- go to a "big" zoo
- eat watermelon
- build a sandcastle
- play with balloons
- go to a kid's museum
- swim in the ocean
- watch fireworks
- finger paint
- play with ice
Sunday, March 10, 2013
27 weeks
You have been with us 27 weeks today, my little love! And man, have I loved every single second. Even though it is all going just too fast, you are so amazing and I LOVE being with you.
So what's new this week? Well Sunday was the same church-Daddy time-gym routine. actually SLEPT in church! Daddy stood in the back rocking you in your carseat and you zonked. I couldn't believe it. It has certainly been awhile since that happened.
Time at the gym was pretty awesome too. You were getting a little fussy, so I grabbed you an immediately you were all smiles. You have no idea how special that makes me feel, little one! I love knowing that you love being with me even a fraction of as much as I love being with you.
That night you slept pretty well. Except that I can't seem to get you to fall asleep on me any more. That makes me kind of sad. Early Monday morning you fell back asleep spooning with Daddy. You had LOTS of snuggles for him! You had your thumb in your mouth and you BOTH fell asleep with big smiles on you faces. You are such a little Daddy's girl. He is wrapped around your tiny, perfect little finger!
Monday was, as usual, jammy and Mommy time. I love spending the day just playing with you, bean! When you got up in the morning, you were ALL about singing to me. I even got a video of your choir practice: You are such a good little singer! I love listening to you sing! You are so much more vocal these days, even starting to string some sounds together like "ba ba." I am looking forward to you getting to the talking stage, but then again, I'm not looking forward to it all at the same time!
You did give me a complete heart attack on Monday though, little one! You have never been one that can fall asleep playing. No way! You are way too into things. If you are playing and you get tired you let me know, usually VERY loudly, that you need a nap. But you do not just fall asleep. So, you were playing on your play mat, and I realized that it had been a couple minutes since I heard you. I came back to check on you and found this:
I went into complete PANIC mode. My heart just about stopped. I ran over to you, stirred a little. WHAT? You fell asleep playing. How crazy!!! You NEVER do that! I spent the next 15 minutes watching your chest rise and fall, because this was just SO out of character for you. Then, you moved again, and kicked the piano, which woke you up. Rookie mommy move right there, I totally should have flipped the piano off, but I was so out of sorts with this happening, I just couldn't think straight.
Tuesday we met Grandma and Grandpa Zaher at the mall for some walking around after Grandpa's doctor appointment. You got a couple early Easter presents, including a new DVD and a little birdie for our little birdie from Sophia the first. You are very interested on chewing on the poor birdies legs! But the bird certainly makes you smile and heaven knows we like your smile better than anything else in the world!
You also got another something special this week. Grandma Zaher made you some new sleepsacks. They are so adorable, and they are bigger so you can roll around like crazy. Which, speaking of rolling like crazy, you are so funny rolling in bed these days. You've figured out you can roll over on your belly and then lift your head to peek over the edge of the pack and play to see if I am in the bed next to you. You smarty pants!
Wednesday would normally be a gym day, but the weather was bad so we didn't have practice. Well, at least it was bad in the morning. By the afternoon it had cleared up so we were able to run some errands. We got some stuff to make for dinner, and we got some supplies from the dollar store to make sensory bags for you. I made you a St. Patrick's theme one which you liked to play with, but I am having a little trouble showing you that you need to PLAY with it and not try to eat it, silly little one!
Speaking of eating, you are doing AMAZING feeding yourself. Through the week we added carrots and cauliflower to your diet. And you are at the point where you really are eating a lot. It amazes me to see how awesome you are at feeding yourself.
Thursday was a busy day! I decided to try to get the carpets cleaned since I don't think it will be long before you are even more mobile, so you and Truff both spent a good portion of the day at Grandma's house. You guys got lots of attention and were worn out! You looked at the lights with Grandpa and took some naps on Grandma, and Truffle snuck upstairs and found his toys to bring out. You two are a handful, for sure! But I was super productive and got the carpets done. It is amazing how productive I am when I'm away from you. I just want so badly to get everything done so that I can get back to you as soon as humanly possible. I don't like being away from my baby bean and my favorite fuzzball.
Friday I went to work out in the morning, then it was back home to cuddle with my favorite girl...YOU! You were in a pretty good mood. You are LOVING playing "this little piggy" these days. And you giggle up a storm when being ticked. You are so silly and ticklish, little bird. See?
We continued our tradition of taking afternoon naps together too. That has to be one of my absolute favorite times of the day. Oh, and you gave me these eyes and managed to get a new toy, even though I am not supposed to be shopping these days!
Look at those eyes...they are absolutely stunning. You are so incredibly beautiful little one. I love staring at you. I could look at you for hours. I still can't believe that such an amazing little person is my daughter! What a very, very blessed Mommy I am! But yes, you can use those eyes to get anything you want. I hope you don't figure that out soon. So I ordered you a new toy that I am hoping motivates you to sit up more. You can sit up pretty well, but you don't particularly like it. Hopefully having something to play with sitting up with help you practice and make it easier for you to balance.
Saturday morning started another busy day. We had pancakes for breakfast...even YOU! You loved pancakes. Yummo!
Then you spent some time with Daddy and came to the gym later for a stunt clinic we were at. You even ended up stunting with Uncle Jon! You will surely be doing a lot of that over the years, especially with as much as you like to be up in the air.
But you know what? I already knew that. From the first time I saw you 27 weeks ago, I was overwhelmed with how special and perfect you were, and I continue to be amazed daily. I love you so much baby bean. Being your Mommy really is the best thing in the entire world.
I love you!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Cloth Diapering
So, I pretty much relied on blog posts when I was trying to navigate through the world of cloth diapers, so I thought it was only fair that I do one. Hopefully this helps someone out!
We started cloth diapers on E just after she was a week or so old. Now, she is a tiny baby, so my recommendations probably wouldn't be the best if you have a chunk. We started out with a dozen newborn prefolds, a Bummis Super Bright Newborn cover and a Thirsties XS cover (all from I can't recommend them enough!) as well as 6 Bum genius pocket diapers. Since E was barely 6 pounds, the one-size pockets were laughable on her. Those didn't really start to fit well until 4-5 months old. At first, the Bummi's cover fit the best, and then she started to grow out of that and fit into the Thirsties cover better.
The stash was small, and I was washing every day, but I wanted to make sure we were going to stick with this, before investing any more money into cloth diapering. So we did supplement with disposables as needed, and she slept in disposables too. This kept her feeling drier, and therefore sleeping longer, and was easier for us to clip her breathing monitor on.
Oh, and it is helpful to say that as far as the pre-folds, we have never done any of the specialty folds or used a snappy. We've always just tri-folded and stuck them in a cover. Easy peasy.
We decided we really liked cloth diapering, and so we ordered 2 more of the Thirsties covers in size Small, and 2 dozen prefolds in size small. This way, I can wash ever other day (or longer, depending). The prefolds started out as just being a choice since newborn pocket diapers or all-in-ones are so darn expensive, but now, we really like them. Easy to change, easy to launder, etc.
I have since ordered a couple more covers when one of the websites was having a seconds sale. ($7 covers? Yes please!) They are the flip covers and they work great too. The bonus is that they are one-size covers, so we can use them until she potty trains. Wooohoo!
We've just started using the Bum genius diapers more and more. First, because we now use those at night, and second, because she's in disposables rarely now. So when we are out ad about and/or when she is with someone who isn't really cloth-diaper savvy, we now use those. I love them too, athough they are a bit bulkier, especially since she is so tiny.
Really, we've not had any major leaks with these diapers. I am so impressed with how they contain everything.
The washing hasn't been bad. I do a cold cycle with no detergent and an extra rinse and then a hot cycle with detergent and an extra rinse. I dry the pre-folds and inserts, but hang the covers. It is not really nice enough to hang them outside, so I recently came up with a new solution...a pants space saver hanger in the laundry room. Voila! Perfect.
I am waiting on two new packages of diapers, so I will update when I get those. They are all pocket diapers, and I am way more excited than I should be over cloth diapers. Here's what I'm waiting on:
1. Kawaii Pure and Natural: These are stinking HARD to find, but I have high hopes. They are organic (yay!) REALLY reasonably priced, and they are a small one-size diaper. Most one size diapers go to 35lbs. These go to 22lbs, but still have 3 adjustments, so I am hoping they will be a little more trim and fit my skinny minnie a bit better. They problem is they are out of stock everywhere. I finally found ONE and it is on its way. If I like it, Kawaii is have a 20 percent off sale mid-March and I am hoping that they will restock by then because I have high hopes for these and if I like them half as much as I hope I do, I want a bazillion of them. Or at least enough to hit the $80 free shipping threshold! :)
2. Alva: This is another "bargain priced" pocket diaper company and I ordered a couple of these last week. I want to love them. Mostly because they have the CUTEST cloth diapers out there. Really, any CD Mom who tries to tell you that one of the reasons she CDs is because there are some stinking adorable diapers out there is LYING. Seriously. These are some CUTE diapers.
Yup, got that one for my baby birdy! Squee. So I want to love them because they are cute and cheap.
Crossing my fingers for GREAT experiences with these kinds! I'll update when they come!
Oh, and anyone who says they save money cloth diapering clearly does not have the kind of obsession with this that I do. I'm sure one day, I may. But right now, notsomuch.
We started cloth diapers on E just after she was a week or so old. Now, she is a tiny baby, so my recommendations probably wouldn't be the best if you have a chunk. We started out with a dozen newborn prefolds, a Bummis Super Bright Newborn cover and a Thirsties XS cover (all from I can't recommend them enough!) as well as 6 Bum genius pocket diapers. Since E was barely 6 pounds, the one-size pockets were laughable on her. Those didn't really start to fit well until 4-5 months old. At first, the Bummi's cover fit the best, and then she started to grow out of that and fit into the Thirsties cover better.
The stash was small, and I was washing every day, but I wanted to make sure we were going to stick with this, before investing any more money into cloth diapering. So we did supplement with disposables as needed, and she slept in disposables too. This kept her feeling drier, and therefore sleeping longer, and was easier for us to clip her breathing monitor on.
Oh, and it is helpful to say that as far as the pre-folds, we have never done any of the specialty folds or used a snappy. We've always just tri-folded and stuck them in a cover. Easy peasy.
We decided we really liked cloth diapering, and so we ordered 2 more of the Thirsties covers in size Small, and 2 dozen prefolds in size small. This way, I can wash ever other day (or longer, depending). The prefolds started out as just being a choice since newborn pocket diapers or all-in-ones are so darn expensive, but now, we really like them. Easy to change, easy to launder, etc.
I have since ordered a couple more covers when one of the websites was having a seconds sale. ($7 covers? Yes please!) They are the flip covers and they work great too. The bonus is that they are one-size covers, so we can use them until she potty trains. Wooohoo!
We've just started using the Bum genius diapers more and more. First, because we now use those at night, and second, because she's in disposables rarely now. So when we are out ad about and/or when she is with someone who isn't really cloth-diaper savvy, we now use those. I love them too, athough they are a bit bulkier, especially since she is so tiny.
Really, we've not had any major leaks with these diapers. I am so impressed with how they contain everything.
The washing hasn't been bad. I do a cold cycle with no detergent and an extra rinse and then a hot cycle with detergent and an extra rinse. I dry the pre-folds and inserts, but hang the covers. It is not really nice enough to hang them outside, so I recently came up with a new solution...a pants space saver hanger in the laundry room. Voila! Perfect.
I am waiting on two new packages of diapers, so I will update when I get those. They are all pocket diapers, and I am way more excited than I should be over cloth diapers. Here's what I'm waiting on:
1. Kawaii Pure and Natural: These are stinking HARD to find, but I have high hopes. They are organic (yay!) REALLY reasonably priced, and they are a small one-size diaper. Most one size diapers go to 35lbs. These go to 22lbs, but still have 3 adjustments, so I am hoping they will be a little more trim and fit my skinny minnie a bit better. They problem is they are out of stock everywhere. I finally found ONE and it is on its way. If I like it, Kawaii is have a 20 percent off sale mid-March and I am hoping that they will restock by then because I have high hopes for these and if I like them half as much as I hope I do, I want a bazillion of them. Or at least enough to hit the $80 free shipping threshold! :)
2. Alva: This is another "bargain priced" pocket diaper company and I ordered a couple of these last week. I want to love them. Mostly because they have the CUTEST cloth diapers out there. Really, any CD Mom who tries to tell you that one of the reasons she CDs is because there are some stinking adorable diapers out there is LYING. Seriously. These are some CUTE diapers.
Yup, got that one for my baby birdy! Squee. So I want to love them because they are cute and cheap.
Crossing my fingers for GREAT experiences with these kinds! I'll update when they come!
Oh, and anyone who says they save money cloth diapering clearly does not have the kind of obsession with this that I do. I'm sure one day, I may. But right now, notsomuch.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
26 weeks
Dear Baby Bean,
You are 26 weeks old today, which means that as of yesterday, you are OFFICIALLY 6 months old. Over half a year. WHAT? That cannot be possible. This week has been extra emotional for me. There is just no way in the world that I am the mommy of a 1/2 year old! Sniffle. Time is just going SO fast.
So what did we do this week? Well, Monday you woke up in the middle of the night screaming pretty badly, and so I was VERY worried about you. You get a little upset when you are tired but other than that, you really don't get that upset, little one. I think that those teeth might be really bothering you. We did finally get you back to sleep with lots of cuddles and a snack, though, and a touch of Tylenol. And you slept well.
There was a storm coming so we decided to go out Monday afternoon to get some errands done. You were great, as usual, and we were able to do a little running. The bad thing...the Easter bunny is going WAY overboard for you, bean. I asked him to only bring you some small stuff you need. That went out the window, BIG TIME. Whoopsy-daisy. It is just so much fun playing with you, he must know how much I love seeing your face light up when we pull out new toys.
I already wrote a little bit about your eating, but I just have to tell you again, you are doing SO well feeding yourself. And you LOVE food. I don't think there is anything that you've tried that you don't like. It is funny, you get SO impatient when I am making your food. I put you in your highchair, and you give me this look:
Friday, I worked out and you went to Grandma's as usual, and then you had to go to the doctor for your 6 month appointment. The good news is, you are doing great. You are 14 lbs on the nose, and you were smiling and giggling up a storm for the nurse, especially when she was tickling you! In fact, you were so smiley that she almost had to go get another nurse to give you the shots because she just couldn't bear to be the one to make you sad. You have that effect on people, princess.
I hate when you get shots, but I love making it all better for you. We always spend the afternoon after shots cuddling, nursing, and just loving on each other, since shots are rough for both of us. So we had a very nice afternoon.
Today, we went out to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate your half birthday, and spent the rest of the day around the house. But the best part about today? This morning snuggling in bed with you, Daddy, and Truff. You were so smiley and kept looking at me and smiling. When you look at me and those baby blues just light up, that makes me feel like the most special person in the entire world.
I cannot believe how fast time is going. You are changing and growing so much every single day. There is just no way that you can be 6 months old already. But every single day in these 6 months have been so incredible and you are just such a blessing, little bird. So although I wish time would slow down, I guess I will just have to make extra time to snuggle you and take in every single perfect little part of you, and every amazing new thing you learn and do. I am so lucky that I get to see all that! I love you so much, and I love being your Mommy. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring.
Happy 1/2 birthday, and I love you, baby bean!
You are 26 weeks old today, which means that as of yesterday, you are OFFICIALLY 6 months old. Over half a year. WHAT? That cannot be possible. This week has been extra emotional for me. There is just no way in the world that I am the mommy of a 1/2 year old! Sniffle. Time is just going SO fast.
So what did we do this week? Well, Monday you woke up in the middle of the night screaming pretty badly, and so I was VERY worried about you. You get a little upset when you are tired but other than that, you really don't get that upset, little one. I think that those teeth might be really bothering you. We did finally get you back to sleep with lots of cuddles and a snack, though, and a touch of Tylenol. And you slept well.
There was a storm coming so we decided to go out Monday afternoon to get some errands done. You were great, as usual, and we were able to do a little running. The bad thing...the Easter bunny is going WAY overboard for you, bean. I asked him to only bring you some small stuff you need. That went out the window, BIG TIME. Whoopsy-daisy. It is just so much fun playing with you, he must know how much I love seeing your face light up when we pull out new toys.
I already wrote a little bit about your eating, but I just have to tell you again, you are doing SO well feeding yourself. And you LOVE food. I don't think there is anything that you've tried that you don't like. It is funny, you get SO impatient when I am making your food. I put you in your highchair, and you give me this look:
Yeah, got that LOUD and CLEAR, baby bird. That is the "Momma. Food. NOW." Look. Heaven forbid there comes a day when I have to do more than heat something up for you. There might just be a melt down. Yikes!
The other funny thing with eating (you've had avocado, banana, sweet potato and broccoli) is that Truff has learned EXACTLY what your highchair means too. He happily trots over and lays down right next to you to help "clean up" after you. See? He likes sweet potato best, and would like to request you drop more of that, okay?
Okay, so back to our week. We went to walk the mall Tuesday morning in order to get a little exercise with Grandma. We had to get home early, though, because the bad weather was starting, and there was NO WAY I wanted to be out in icky weather with you. That evening, you did get to spend some time alone with Daddy, as I went to get some writing done. I'm always more productive when I leave to get work done, but I just miss you so stinking much, bean! Luckily, Daddy took great care of you, and even sent me some pics of you chowing on your sweet potato.
Wednesday was definitely a homebody kind of day for us. Lots of cuddles, which I love so incredibly much. We also decided to do a fashion show with some of your stuff from summer. Look at how stylish you are going to be, little one.
You are so beautiful. I just can't get over that. Every time I look at you I am just amazed. You are absolutely perfect in every way!
The fashion show wore you out, and you fell asleep on me after nursing that afternoon. Truff had just gotten a bath (that is a long story of a naughty dog who learned he liked to dig...) and you both curled up on my lap and zonked for about an hour and a half. I was freezing, and not too comfortable, but it was still just perfect. I had tears in my eyes the entire time, and I spent the whole hour and a half just staring at you and thinking about how thankful I am for the two most amazing kiddos ever. The very best thing about having to wait for you much longer than I would have liked is that I appreciate you SO much more, bean. These moments, well, they are the best. I cannot tell you how many times I hoped and prayed for a moment like this, and now that I've got it, I soak up every single second.
Wednesday night was gym night as usual. You typically hang out with Aunt Andrea, but she wasn't feeling good, so you hung out with your BFF Lily and her parents. She's a little younger than you, and you had fun with her. But you did pull off her socks. I wasn't surprised since you spend lots of time pulling off your own socks these days. Which makes sense because you LOVE to put your toes in your mouth. That is pretty much ALL that you do during bath time these days, silly girl!
Thursday was more walking for exercise, then back home so that I could skype into a meeting...but that got cancelled. And we were told to "be productive" which I took to mean take a nice nap with my favorite princess. I love curling up and snuggling with you and having a little snooze.
Thursday night was photoshoot time! Putting that "6" on your onesie was crazy! We got some awesome pics of you. You were so smiley and gorgeous!
Trying to get you to sleep that night was fun. Or should I say funny? I nursed you to sleep like normal, but you woke up when I tried to put you in your pack n play. So we went in bed to nurse some more. You were looking up at me with those big eyes, pulled away for a second and started to giggle uncontrollably. Which made me giggle. Which made you see where this is going? Eventually Daddy had to come check on us to see what in the world was going on! Whoops, we were just having a little too much fun, Dad!
I hate when you get shots, but I love making it all better for you. We always spend the afternoon after shots cuddling, nursing, and just loving on each other, since shots are rough for both of us. So we had a very nice afternoon.
Today, we went out to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate your half birthday, and spent the rest of the day around the house. But the best part about today? This morning snuggling in bed with you, Daddy, and Truff. You were so smiley and kept looking at me and smiling. When you look at me and those baby blues just light up, that makes me feel like the most special person in the entire world.
I cannot believe how fast time is going. You are changing and growing so much every single day. There is just no way that you can be 6 months old already. But every single day in these 6 months have been so incredible and you are just such a blessing, little bird. So although I wish time would slow down, I guess I will just have to make extra time to snuggle you and take in every single perfect little part of you, and every amazing new thing you learn and do. I am so lucky that I get to see all that! I love you so much, and I love being your Mommy. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring.
Happy 1/2 birthday, and I love you, baby bean!
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