Well I mentioned that you were getting a little cough at the end of last week. Turned out to be your very first cold. Booo! So, unfortunately, 30 weeks was the week of the sickies.

Tuesday was a rough day. You went with us to the memorial service for Bridgette's mom. I was very glad that you brought a smile to a lot of people's face in such a difficult time. Being there made me really proud too, that you have a bunch of awesome, strong, loving role models in your life. If you turn out to be as strong and as caring and as thoughtful as a lot of your Aunties and Uncles there, I will be one very happy momma! After that, we had lunch with Lori and the girls, and then went back home for more love and cuddles.
Wednesday was then the cold really took over. You were a mess! Coughing, mucus-y, runny nose, the works! And you were a clingy mess! You wanted to nurse every hour or so, and did NOT want to be set down. Of course, I just wanted my little princess to be better! So we spent the day nursing, and napping, and trying to get you feeling better. Grandma did bring over some new teething necklaces, which I hope helped you feel at least a little better. Because you were not doing so well, we stayed home from the gym. You also had a rough overnight, waking up every couple hours wanting to nurse. Poor Daddy too! He was trying so hard to take care of both of us! He wanted to help you feel better by rocking you to sleep and give me a break, but you would have none of it. You wanted your Mommy! I didn't mind. I was so worried about you, I couldn't have slept much anyways.
Thursday you were feeling a little better. You were more smiley and I got a couple of good coos out of you, so we decided to get out of the house and walk around the mall a little with Grandma. Good thing because we were both getting a little stir-crazy! Oh, and I got a cool new trick from talking to your doctor about your cold...corn syrup works to break up mucus and ickiness. It worked really well for you, well except that you would then spit up mucus, my poor little bean.

Saturday we went to Aunt Stephanie's Grandpa's 80th birthday party. Daddy was taking pictures there and we expected it to be just a fun party, but it was one of those time where we are, again, reminded of how special you are. Joe, the guest of honor, walked in to the party and immediately wanted to know where you were. He hadn't met you yet and bypassed all his other friends and family in order to do that. Daddy and I know that you are special, my little baby bean, but it just boggles my mind sometimes that other people, beyond immediate family, can see that too. There is just something about you, and experiences like this are humbling for us. We are so lucky to have you in our lives.
After the party, the weather was BEAUTIFUL so we decided to make a run to Michigan City. For once you didn't get anything (oh no, call Grandma...Ellie abuse!) but Daddy and I got some great deals on clothes. Daddy even got some clothes to match your outfits. Now he can't make fun of ME for coordinating with a 7 month old, since he is doing it too!
Speaking of which...7 months old? Yeah, let's not go there. I still have a couple more hours as I am writing this...

So, one more "first" down. But instead of being sad, it has made me so excited for your second...and third...and every Easter after that. In some ways I hate seeing you grow, but it is also the most amazing thing in the world. Like your Daddy said this afternoon, you are such a cool little person. And that is so incredibly true. I love spending time with you. You are funny, and sweet and smart, and just...perfect. Seriously. I am so lucky that I get to be your Mommy, even when you are sick, or clingy, or an overtired mess. Even in your worst I would still rather be with you than anyone else. I love you, Baby Bean. Happy Easter!
I love you so much,