You have been with us 27 weeks today, my little love! And man, have I loved every single second. Even though it is all going just too fast, you are so amazing and I LOVE being with you.
So what's new this week? Well Sunday was the same church-Daddy time-gym routine. actually SLEPT in church! Daddy stood in the back rocking you in your carseat and you zonked. I couldn't believe it. It has certainly been awhile since that happened.
Time at the gym was pretty awesome too. You were getting a little fussy, so I grabbed you an immediately you were all smiles. You have no idea how special that makes me feel, little one! I love knowing that you love being with me even a fraction of as much as I love being with you.
That night you slept pretty well. Except that I can't seem to get you to fall asleep on me any more. That makes me kind of sad. Early Monday morning you fell back asleep spooning with Daddy. You had LOTS of snuggles for him! You had your thumb in your mouth and you BOTH fell asleep with big smiles on you faces. You are such a little Daddy's girl. He is wrapped around your tiny, perfect little finger!
Monday was, as usual, jammy and Mommy time. I love spending the day just playing with you, bean! When you got up in the morning, you were ALL about singing to me. I even got a video of your choir practice: You are such a good little singer! I love listening to you sing! You are so much more vocal these days, even starting to string some sounds together like "ba ba." I am looking forward to you getting to the talking stage, but then again, I'm not looking forward to it all at the same time!
You did give me a complete heart attack on Monday though, little one! You have never been one that can fall asleep playing. No way! You are way too into things. If you are playing and you get tired you let me know, usually VERY loudly, that you need a nap. But you do not just fall asleep. So, you were playing on your play mat, and I realized that it had been a couple minutes since I heard you. I came back to check on you and found this:
I went into complete PANIC mode. My heart just about stopped. I ran over to you, stirred a little. WHAT? You fell asleep playing. How crazy!!! You NEVER do that! I spent the next 15 minutes watching your chest rise and fall, because this was just SO out of character for you. Then, you moved again, and kicked the piano, which woke you up. Rookie mommy move right there, I totally should have flipped the piano off, but I was so out of sorts with this happening, I just couldn't think straight.
Tuesday we met Grandma and Grandpa Zaher at the mall for some walking around after Grandpa's doctor appointment. You got a couple early Easter presents, including a new DVD and a little birdie for our little birdie from Sophia the first. You are very interested on chewing on the poor birdies legs! But the bird certainly makes you smile and heaven knows we like your smile better than anything else in the world!
You also got another something special this week. Grandma Zaher made you some new sleepsacks. They are so adorable, and they are bigger so you can roll around like crazy. Which, speaking of rolling like crazy, you are so funny rolling in bed these days. You've figured out you can roll over on your belly and then lift your head to peek over the edge of the pack and play to see if I am in the bed next to you. You smarty pants!
Wednesday would normally be a gym day, but the weather was bad so we didn't have practice. Well, at least it was bad in the morning. By the afternoon it had cleared up so we were able to run some errands. We got some stuff to make for dinner, and we got some supplies from the dollar store to make sensory bags for you. I made you a St. Patrick's theme one which you liked to play with, but I am having a little trouble showing you that you need to PLAY with it and not try to eat it, silly little one!
Speaking of eating, you are doing AMAZING feeding yourself. Through the week we added carrots and cauliflower to your diet. And you are at the point where you really are eating a lot. It amazes me to see how awesome you are at feeding yourself.
Thursday was a busy day! I decided to try to get the carpets cleaned since I don't think it will be long before you are even more mobile, so you and Truff both spent a good portion of the day at Grandma's house. You guys got lots of attention and were worn out! You looked at the lights with Grandpa and took some naps on Grandma, and Truffle snuck upstairs and found his toys to bring out. You two are a handful, for sure! But I was super productive and got the carpets done. It is amazing how productive I am when I'm away from you. I just want so badly to get everything done so that I can get back to you as soon as humanly possible. I don't like being away from my baby bean and my favorite fuzzball.
Friday I went to work out in the morning, then it was back home to cuddle with my favorite girl...YOU! You were in a pretty good mood. You are LOVING playing "this little piggy" these days. And you giggle up a storm when being ticked. You are so silly and ticklish, little bird. See?
We continued our tradition of taking afternoon naps together too. That has to be one of my absolute favorite times of the day. Oh, and you gave me these eyes and managed to get a new toy, even though I am not supposed to be shopping these days!
Look at those eyes...they are absolutely stunning. You are so incredibly beautiful little one. I love staring at you. I could look at you for hours. I still can't believe that such an amazing little person is my daughter! What a very, very blessed Mommy I am! But yes, you can use those eyes to get anything you want. I hope you don't figure that out soon. So I ordered you a new toy that I am hoping motivates you to sit up more. You can sit up pretty well, but you don't particularly like it. Hopefully having something to play with sitting up with help you practice and make it easier for you to balance.
Saturday morning started another busy day. We had pancakes for breakfast...even YOU! You loved pancakes. Yummo!
Then you spent some time with Daddy and came to the gym later for a stunt clinic we were at. You even ended up stunting with Uncle Jon! You will surely be doing a lot of that over the years, especially with as much as you like to be up in the air.
But you know what? I already knew that. From the first time I saw you 27 weeks ago, I was overwhelmed with how special and perfect you were, and I continue to be amazed daily. I love you so much baby bean. Being your Mommy really is the best thing in the entire world.
I love you!
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