You are 28 weeks old, big girl! Well, technically 28 weeks and 2 days, since it is now Monday. Weekends get so busy that I often have a hard time getting to write. Mondays are usually easier since things are much less exciting and we are much more in our schedule.
So what awesome things did we do this week? Well, let's see. Sunday was church, like usual. But Grandma and Grandpa Zaher came to church with us. You showed them how you like to sing sing sing along with Pastor Micah! I love your singing. You are doing that so much more these days, and I just melt. You also enjoyed playing with Grandma's necklace...until you pulled a LITTLE hard and it broke. Whoops! Looks like I'll have to get you a teething necklace that I can wear and you can play with. Maybe for my birthday....hmmm...crossing fingers and toes!
You didn't sleep during church, but you did conk out afterwards, and stayed asleep long enough for us to have lunch. That was much appreciated, birdie! Then it was home to spend some time with Daddy and then off to the gym.

Tuesday, we walked around the mall a bit with Grandma. But the biggest news...your new toy came! I wasn't completely sold that you need another new toy, but let me tell you, this one has me on board!

Speaking of moving, I have to tell you; bath time is now a bazillion times harder, little one! We used to have so much fun splashing and playing in the bath. Now, all you want to do is roll! Have you tried washing a slippery baby princess while she is trying to be a roley-poley? No? Well let me tell is a challenge. Then again, you are just a challenge some days, princess!

Thursday was an awfully weird day for you. Your schedule was crazy. You didn't eat much, and slept a lot during the day. What's up with that? It made me very worried when I had to skype into my meeting in the afternoon. Didn't you get the memo that I like predictability? Yeah, I know, you are God's little way of telling me that predictability just doesn't exist anymore!
Friday was a busy day. I worked out, came back to Grandma's, fed you, ran back out to the BMV (ugh!) and then we ran over to Louise's house. She hadn't seen you since Halloween, so she was, of course, surprised with how big you were! She had a lot of fun playing with you, as did Jan and Jill. You thought Jan was the funniest thing ever! And although she got skeeved out when you sucked on her finger, I think she was the one person that I was okay with you sucking on her finger since she is even more of a germaphobe than I am!

Then it was photoshoot time, because Sunday was St. Patrick's Day! Although we had a few issues, we did manage to get some awesome ones! Yay!
Then Sunday was church/time with Daddy and gym. You did not want to nap. Princess, don't you understand that sleep is good? What is up with all these sleep issues from you lately? We are going to have to start troublehooting them a bit. were still in a good enough mood to talk fashion at the gym with your BFF Lily. You both are serious baby fashionistas (and the two cutest babies EVER, if I do say so myself!)
Which brings us to today. I'm exhausted, as I've been up since 3:30 with you, and in need of a caffeine IV drip fr the day, but still, I have got to tell you, my love, you are the best thing ever. One look into your eyes and I can't even complain about being worn out because I get to be something so much more awesome...your Mommy. I have no idea what I did with all the time I must have had before you were in my life, but I can tell you something absolutely true: I wasn't nearly as happy. You are so special and amazing, little bird, and I love you so incredibly much!
I love you,
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