Hello Miss 29-weeker (plus one day...busy Saturdays really stink sometimes!). What a crazy, busy fun week we had this week, bean! So much to tell you about!
So let's see. We left off Monday with me being TIIIIIIRED. Yeah, Sunday night you decided that I should really not sleep more than 30 consecutive minutes. YAWN! So Monday was rough. Luckily Daddy is really awesome and came home and took you to run errands and sent me to bed. But, we decided since your sleep is regressing big time, that we are going to start having you sleep in your crib. Now, I had all kinds of mixed feeling about this. I don't like the thought of being away from you, even though you are just down the hall. But you need to sleep and I need to sleep, so it is for the best. Daddy did hook up two new monitors. A second motion monitor to check your breathing (yes, I am THAT Mom!) and a video monitor that I can watch from my phone. I LOVE the video monitor. It is SO nice to be able to check in on you sleeping, and it allows me to take pictures of you sleeping which I am a little obsessed with now. See, my little Sleeping Beauty?
Okay, so back to Monday night. Daddy sent me to bed, you slept in your crib and he slept on the couch. I got a full night's sleep (minus one nursing session, but that is A-OK by me!) and Daddy took care of all the night wakings. You did pretty good in your crib for the first night ever, and I was so stinking tired that it wasn't TOO traumatic for me! We switched on Tuesday night (me on the couch and Daddy in bed) and then on Wednesday, Daddy and I BOTH slept in bed and you in your room. I can't believe you are getting to be such a big girl! And you've been in your crib for naps this week too. You are growing up SO fast, little princess. And while it kills me to not have you sleeping next to me, I am glad that the transition wasn't too bad and that you are sleeping well in your crib.
Onto Tuesday...MY BIRTHDAY! I was very excited to spend my day with the best little daughter ever! The day started out pretty rough, as we found out that Aunt Bee's mom passed away earlier that morning. My heart hurt for her so badly, and I just wanted to run over and give her a big hug, but instead, I went into your room, woke you up and gave you a big hug in her place. I don't think you minded the fact that I needed to cuddle you a little more that day!
You and Daddy were SO good to me, though! Daddy made me my FAVORITE breakfast (spinach and mushroom omelette with pineapple on the side...yum!) and I got cards from Daddy and from you (you left yours in your diaper drawer. Good thinking!) as well as an outfit to match yours and a coffee cup. But the best part? You and Daddy had a secret photo shoot on Sunday, so Daddy posted a new pic of your gorgeous little face! That smile??? Best. Present. Ever!!!
We went and walked around the mall a bit with Grandma to get out of the house, which was very nice. And then we went out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. You were SO good at dinner, and I appreciated that a lot. Of course, Grandpa wouldn't really put you down, which helped! You like your attention! You must get that from your Daddy...
Wednesday we had fun hanging around home. You are sitting up so well these days, I am so proud of you! Oh, and we added spinach and apples to your food repertoire! You had a hot of fun tearing the spinach, and I didn't think you ate much...until I changed your diaper the next day. Oh, you certainly ate some! You love the apples too. I serve them cold, and I think they feel good on your gums. You don't have any teeth that look too close, but I think those gums get sore with as much as you like your teethers!
Thursday we stuck around the house too! You didn't nap very well, which was frustrating, but you are sleeping pretty well, so that is good. Up about twice a night. We've been doing a lot more sensory activities, and I think you are liking them. We played with a water bottle (with glitter in it!) and we played with feathers this week. You especially liked the feathers. Not only are you ticklish, you also really loved watching them fall. You would giggle like crazy. Then you proceeded to try to watch everything fall...like your lunch. Truffle appreciated that!
Friday we needed to go run some errands. The sun was shining, so we were both in a good mood.
We went to the bank, Wal-mart and Kohls. Then we came home and enjoyed the sunshine even more by taking your brother for a nice long walk. You sat up like a big girl in your stroller and really loved that you could watch Truff run all over during his walk. You were all giggles at that fuzzball.
Saturday was more craziness. We were up and off to Ohio for a cheer competition. You are such a good traveler, little birdie! You slept most of the way in the car, which was awesome. Mommy is not so used to traveling with you yet. I meant to take some frozen milk to feed you in the car, and when I was busy during the competition, and...I forgot. Well, I took the cooler, but forgot to put frozen milk in it. DUH! Luckily we are nursing pros and just found a quiet corner for you to have the snacks you needed. You loved hanging out with the big kids and Daddy, though. All the girls just love you! You have pics with all of them all over facebook. And Daddy...well you always are all smiles for your Daddy. He is a pretty special guy and it warms my heart to see you two together!
That night at the hotel was interesting. You didn't sleep too well (no surprise there!) but then at 4am, the fire alarm started going off. Wonderful! Well, Daddy and I were bleary eyed, but you were all smiles getting to go down to the lobby and see everyone. After all, I think you want to have 4am dance parties every night. You were pretty pleased that you had such a good turn out to your party! Luckily it was a false alarm, and after you had a snack, you went back to bed.
This morning, we knocked off another first...swimming!
You LOVED it...after you got used to it. When we first took you in, you LOST it. Full on pouty face and tears. So we sat on the steps with you, splashing around awhile and then moved down little by little and before you know it, you were in and swimming like the little fishy we knew you'd be. You were kicking your little legs and everything! Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNYhRPtqhdY
However, all the swimming wore you out. You zonked on the middle of the hotel bed when we were getting everything packed up. I love that little thumb in the mouth. So stinking cute!
Then, it was home and an easy day the rest of the day. You are getting a little cough, and Daddy and I both have colds, so we will be keeping it low-key with you for a couple days.
So, little one, another week down, and it still just keeps getting better than ever. It is so much fun to be around you. Your expressions, your little coos, those big blue eyes...they all just melt my heart. You are by far the best little one ever, bean. You are such a special little girl, and you bring sunshine into every single situation you are in. I cannot wait to see what adventures we get to have this week, and I feel very lucky to have such an amazing sidekick in them all.
I love you SO much!
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