Saturday, March 2, 2013

26 weeks

Dear Baby Bean,

You are 26 weeks old today, which means that as of yesterday, you are OFFICIALLY 6 months old. Over half a year. WHAT? That cannot be possible. This week has been extra emotional for me. There is just no way in the world that I am the mommy of a 1/2 year old! Sniffle. Time is just going SO fast.

So what did we do this week? Well, Monday you woke up in the middle of the night screaming pretty badly, and so I was VERY worried about you. You get a little upset when you are tired but other than that, you really don't get that upset, little one. I think that those teeth might be really bothering you. We did finally get you back to sleep with lots of cuddles and a snack, though, and a touch of Tylenol. And you slept well.

There was a storm coming so we decided to go out Monday afternoon to get some errands done. You were great, as usual, and we were able to do a little running. The bad thing...the Easter bunny is going WAY overboard for you, bean. I asked him to only bring you some small stuff you need. That went out the window, BIG TIME. Whoopsy-daisy. It is just so much fun playing with you, he must know how much I love seeing your face light up when we pull out new toys.

I already wrote a little bit about your eating, but I just have to tell you again, you are doing SO well feeding yourself. And you LOVE food. I don't think there is anything that you've tried that you don't like. It is funny, you get SO impatient when I am making your food. I put you in your highchair, and you give me this look:

Yeah, got that LOUD and CLEAR, baby bird. That is the "Momma. Food. NOW." Look. Heaven forbid there comes a day when I have to do more than heat something up for you. There might just be a melt down. Yikes!

The other funny thing with eating (you've had avocado, banana, sweet potato and broccoli) is that Truff has learned EXACTLY what your highchair means too. He happily trots over and lays down right next to you to help "clean up" after you. See? He likes sweet potato best, and would like to request you drop more of that, okay? 

Okay, so back to our week. We went to walk the mall Tuesday morning in order to get a little exercise with Grandma. We had to get home early, though, because the bad weather was starting, and there was NO WAY I wanted to be out in icky weather with you. That evening, you did get to spend some time alone with Daddy, as I went to get some writing done. I'm always more productive when I leave to get work done, but I just miss you so stinking much, bean! Luckily, Daddy took great care of you, and even sent me some pics of you chowing on your sweet potato.

Wednesday was definitely a homebody kind of day for us. Lots of cuddles, which I love so incredibly much. We also decided to do a fashion show with some of your stuff from summer. Look at how stylish you are going to be, little one. 

You are so beautiful. I just can't get over that. Every time I look at you I am just amazed. You are absolutely perfect in every way!

The fashion show wore you out, and you fell asleep on me after nursing that afternoon. Truff had just gotten a bath (that is a long story of a naughty dog who learned he liked to dig...) and you both curled up on my lap and zonked for about an hour and a half. I was freezing, and not too comfortable, but it was still just perfect. I had tears in my eyes the entire time, and I spent the whole hour and a half just staring at you and thinking about how thankful I am for the two most amazing kiddos ever. The very best thing about having to wait for you much longer than I would have liked is that I appreciate you SO much more, bean. These moments, well, they are the best. I cannot tell you how many times I hoped and prayed for a moment like this, and now that I've got it, I soak up every single second. 

Wednesday night was gym night as usual. You typically hang out with Aunt Andrea, but she wasn't feeling good, so you hung out with your BFF Lily and her parents. She's a little younger than you, and you had fun with her. But you did pull off her socks. I wasn't surprised since you spend lots of time pulling off your own socks these days. Which makes sense because you LOVE to put your toes in your mouth. That is pretty much ALL that you do during bath time these days, silly girl!

Thursday was more walking for exercise, then back home so that I could skype into a meeting...but that got cancelled. And we were told to "be productive" which I took to mean take a nice nap with my favorite princess. I love curling up and snuggling with you and having a little snooze. 

Thursday night was photoshoot time! Putting that "6" on your onesie was crazy! We got some awesome pics of you. You were so smiley and gorgeous!

Trying to get you to sleep that night was fun. Or should I say funny? I nursed you to sleep like normal, but you woke up when I tried to put you in your pack n play. So we went in bed to nurse some more. You were looking up at me with those big eyes, pulled away for a second and started to giggle uncontrollably. Which made me giggle. Which made you see where this is going? Eventually Daddy had to come check on us to see what in the world was going on! Whoops, we were just having a little too much fun, Dad!

Friday, I worked out and you went to Grandma's as usual, and then you had to go to the doctor for your 6 month appointment. The good news is, you are doing great. You are 14 lbs on the nose, and you were smiling and giggling up a storm for the nurse, especially when she was tickling you! In fact, you were so smiley that she almost had to go get another nurse to give you the shots because she just couldn't bear to be the one to make you sad. You have that effect on people, princess.

I hate when you get shots, but I love making it all better for you. We always spend the afternoon after shots cuddling, nursing, and just loving on each other, since shots are rough for both of us. So we had a very nice afternoon.

Today, we went out to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate your half birthday, and spent the rest of the day around the house. But the best part about today? This morning snuggling in bed with you, Daddy, and Truff. You were so smiley and kept looking at me and smiling. When you look at me and those baby blues just light up, that makes me feel like the most special person in the entire world.

I cannot believe how fast time is going. You are changing and growing so much every single day. There is just no way that you can be 6 months old already. But every single day in these 6 months have been so incredible and you are just such a blessing, little bird. So although I wish time would slow down, I guess I will just have to make extra time to snuggle you and take in every single perfect little part of you, and every amazing new thing you learn and do. I am so lucky that I get to see all that! I love you so much, and I love being your Mommy. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring.

Happy 1/2 birthday, and I love you, baby bean!

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