Thursday, May 24, 2012

25 Weeks

Okay, so here is my first "normal" update. And yes, I'm using a blog template here.

How far along:  25 weeks
How big is baby: The size of an eggplant, or roughly 13.6 inches and about 1.5lbs.
Maternity clothes: Of course. Or monster sized clothes. In the past week, I've started to get pretty consistent "stranger" I guess I'm officially over the "Fat? or Pregnant?" stage. 
Sleep: Sleep is not so much happening. My hips kill me, all the time. I can sleep for about 2 hours max. But not working is making this much better. Sleeping in and naps are saving me!
Best moment of the week: I have three of them. It has been a big week. 
Friday-we picked up our crib. Cue the freakout of "oh. my. goodness. I have a CRIB in my HOUSE."  In fact, I'm pretty sure I sent that exact text to like 3 people! And, this is officially the first thing we bought for baby E
Monday-we picked up the rest of the nursery furniture while we were in Detroit at Ikea. We got a dresser, bookshelf, chair and wall cabinet. And poor Ryan had to do his best Tetris game ever to fit it in the car.
Wednesday-the second thing we bought for the baby, some diapers, came. We plan to cloth diaper and there was a really good deal on some of the highest rated ones, so I bought seven. They came, and I just had to try them out. Hmmmm...wonder how I should do that...
I am going to be SO good at torturing baby E! I am getting so much practice!
Food aversions:  still can't stand peanut butter or barbeque sauce. But so little actually sounds good. I'm not one of those people that wants to eat everything in sight.
Food cravings: Icees. I just want icees. All the time. 
Symptoms: Still lots of cramps. And still lots of pressure/swelling in certain...ahem...areas. It is freaking me out, but I'm trying to remember that the doctor warned me that is would get worse.
Movement: Tons! It definitely looks like there is an alien in there sometimes! I love it though. I try to spend some time each day out on my swing with a bottle of cold water. I pull up my shirt and just watch the tummy go...
What I’m looking forward to: Getting started on the nursery, although I have LOTS of work to do!
Next appt: Tuesday! My blood pressure has been great taking it at home (112/64 this morning) so I am really hoping I don't freak out at this one!

In other news, I just have to say how overwhelmed I am by those who checked out my blog since I posted it last night. Your love and support means the world to me! I struggled for awhile with both what and how much info to release. I feel like this is a really good "happy medium" and that being authentic about the fact that we are thrilled, but the fear never goes away, is the way to go. Being the intensely private person I am, it is difficult, but I think that opening up a bit is probably one of the other things I am supposed to learn through all this. The stigma around IF and loss is ridiculous (that is a whole different post in itself), and although it certainly doesn't define me, it will forever be a part of who I am. I'm extremely blessed to have amazing role models through this all, who have gone through similar things and traversed them with such grace. 

Ryan read the blog last night too (Hi honey!) and got a little emotional. It is weird to look back at a quick synopsis of how we've really lived our last 5 months appointment to appointment and milestone to milestone. I am however glad that he isn't into blogging. I can just imagine him posting things like "Cue freakout? You were in hysterics for 4 hours..." or "You left out the fact that we have enough equipment at home to test for many major pregnancy complications" (this is true by the way. I've never claimed to NOT be neurotic). Yup, glad he'll be sticking to reading... ;)

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