Monday, December 31, 2012


So Ellie has slept swaddled from the first week she was home. Pretty much, if she wasn't being held, she was swaddled. When I tried to not swaddle her, especially at night, she wouldn't sleep well at all. And let's be honest, I REALLY enjoyed those 5-6 hour stretches she was giving me right out of the hospital.

You're supposed to start weening off the swaddle at around 4 months. I was TERRIFIED. Have I mentioned I like my sleep? That I have a really hard time functioning without it? Yeah....I might have even asked my mother-in-law to make giant, 6th grade size swaddlers for me. I was convinced we'd be sending her to college with some.

So 2 nights ago, we ripped off the bandaid and had her sleep unswaddled. I braced for the worst. She went down at 8pm and started fussing again at 8:45. Really? 45 minute stretches? Then something amazing happened...she stopped fussing and fell back to sleep. In fact, she did that a couple times. Thumb went in mouth and she was OUT. Without us picking her up and rocking her.

In fact, we had the best night we had in some time. 8pm until 8am, with just a quick change and feed at about 3:30am. Hmmm...

Last night, same thing. Down at 7:30, eat and change at 10:30. Now it is 7:30 and she's still out.

Maybe the swaddle wasn't really that magic. Don't we feel dumb. She sleeps better now unswaddled. So we were fighting something that wasn't even there.

Gotta love babies. They keep you on your toes!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Psalm 66

"For you, O God, have tested us; 
You brought us into the net; 
you let men ride over our heads; 
you have tried us as silver is tried. 
you laid a crushing burden on our backs; 
we went through fire and through water;
yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance."

This year, I have been reading through the bible. Every night, I've done 4-5 chapters. As of tomorrow night I will have read through the entire bible. I have learned so much through this experience, but the verses that I have highlighted are very telling. The majority of them center around challenges and adversity, like this one. The last couple years have most certainly been a test. Going through infertility and having our losses has certainly been a crushing burden. And the difficulties and scares with this pregnancy were certainly some fire and water to walk through. But right here, right now, the abundance overwhelms me.

It was a year ago today that we found out we were expecting Ellie. The baby book I have for her asks about how you felt/what happened when you found out. I haven't been able to fill out that page yet, because the truth of what happened with that situation makes it seem like I was not grateful. 

A year ago, I was up the in middle of the night just like I am now. About 4am, to be exact. I tested, knowing full well that I didn't have my beta scheduled for another 5 days and that it was super early. Almost immediately the second line popped up. I was pretty freaked out. Heart racing and just thinking about going through "this" again, hoping that the outcome would be different. In fact, I was so cynical and terrified that I didn't even bother to wake Ryan up to tell him that I had gotten a positive test. Instead, I told him rather nonchalantly when he got up that morning. I hate that I can't tell Ellie that we were jumping up and down, excited, crying, hugging. But we weren't.

This is just one "symptom" of how we dealt with the test we were being put through over the years. And I consider it a great failure of mine that my response was not one of pure faith. I feel a little like Sarah in this regard. When I had been given an amazing gift, my focus on how it was impossible that this was happening, rather than focusing on how an all-powerful God really can do anything. 

I hope that when I'm faced with more challenges, I can be better at relinquishing control and responding in faith. I've seen how a rainbow can follow a period of much rain. That rainbow is sucking her thumb in her sleep right next to me. 

17 weeks!

Dear Ellie,

Well, baby bean, you are officially 17 weeks old. Almost 4 months! This week has been a big one...your first Christmas! But let's not get ahead of ourselves...

Sunday was a crazy busy day. We went to church, as always. BUT, you normally sleep until just before we leave so that Daddy and I can get ready, THEN get you ready. Not this time! You were up when we were, which led to us being 15 minutes late. Whoopsie! After church, we met Daddy's side of the family for brunch and Christmas. You met 2 of your cousins for the first time, and the other two were excited to see you again. You were a good girl and took a nice nap while we were eating...even when your cousins were touching your little hands in amazement! They couldn't believe how tiny you were either! We then went back to your Aunt Robin's house to open presents. That was kind of crazy, and I was glad I got to sneak away and feed you. That is definitely a perk of breastfeeding. Just me, you, and lots of cuddles. You did get some cool presents! Lots of books, which are awesome!

When we got home, we both needed a nap, so we cuddled up together and took a nap. I LOVE taking naps with you cuddled up next to me! I don't sleep very well, since I am very busy staring at you, but you sleep awesome, which I love!

The nap meant you were fairly well rested for the Christmas service at church that night. You loved listening to all the kids sing. Although I hate thinking about you growing up, it will be really cool to see you up there one day. Because there was lots of music, you did really well in the service. Grandma and Grandpa Mason appreciated that, and got lots of cuddle time!

Monday was Christmas Eve! During the day we stayed around here, doing some cleaning and cooking. In the evening Daddy took us out for dinner to Bonefish. Yum!!! You were a very good girl, and I got to have the sashimi that I hadn't gotten to have in almost a year. It was delicious, but you were worth not being able to eat it, baby girl! We then drove around to look at lights. Well, at least Daddy and I did. You fell asleep. That's okay, we'll take whatever naps we can get!

Then we went to church with Grandma and Grandpa Zaher. It was very nice to see all the people at that church, and we got to show you off, which we always love. You did have a meltdown about halfway through, but that was to be expected. I took you into a side room to feed you. There was a kind of creepy picture of Jesus on the wall, and he was looking straight at us when we were feeding. Maybe that means Jesus is pro-breastfeeding too? :)

We got home and Daddy and I both got a little emotional putting you to bed. We love you SO much and just feel so incredibly blessed to be celebrating with you this year, little one! This Christmas felt so much different than the last few. Neither your Daddy or I could wipe the smiles off our faces for even one second.

You got up about 8:00am on Christmas morning. This might be the only time that you sleep in that well! Your eyes did definitely light up when you saw that Santa came! You must have been a good girl because Santa brought you an awesome jumperoo! You were reaching down, out of my arms for it, as soon as you saw it! I think that is your second favorite toy...after your thumb. You LOVE sucking on your thumb all the time, these days!

You got lots of other cool toys too! And some DVDs. You are definitely spoiled. Dad really liked the Geek Dad book you got him too. That was a hit!

That afternoon, Great-grandpa Neese as well as both sets of Grandparents came over. You got to open MORE presents. You got a new ND outfit, toys, a puppy that looks just like Truff, some awesome cloth books, and a bunch of other stuff! I think you were a little too caught up in the excitement, though, because you had a little meltdown in the middle of the day. At least the rest of us got to enjoy the yummy soup Daddy cooked while you took a little nap.

After that, we went to the gym to see the Trujillos and Schopbachs and play some games with them. Like everything, though, you were a distraction, and soon enough everyone ended up down on the floor playing with you!

Wednesday Daddy had to go back to work, which he was really sad about. He really loved spending so much time with you over the long weekend. But you and I met up with Grandma and hit some after-Christmas sales. We got some great deals on presents for you for next year. I feel so ahead of things.

The one bad thing about the day: you made quite the mess of yourself. Yup, a little poosplosion, and I didn't have a change of clothes for you. Luckily since we were at the mall, this was fixed with a run in to Macy's.

Thursday we hung out around the house, playing with all your new toys. You love to watch the toys light up! I spent a lot of time explaining all the toys to you...hopefully you were listening well!

Thursday night was ROUGH! You were up a bunch that night. I don't think we even got 2 hours straight of sleep. Some people talk about the dreaded 4 month wakeful period. I'm not sure if that is what you are going through or not, but it was an awfully rough night for both your Daddy and I. I am very lucky that he is good at helping out though. I needed it!

Friday morning you went over to hang out with Grandma while I went an worked out. Ouch! I got my booty kicked! You really did a number on my abs, baby girl! But you had a great time with Grandma as usual. Then we came home and...the power went out again. Grr! So all three of us snuggled up in bed. It came on again soon, but we all enjoyed a little nap.

Friday afternoon was rough. You were pretty cranky and nothing I could do helped. Luckily Daddy came to the rescue and send me straight into the bathtub when he got home so I could relax a little. I appreciated it a bunch! It is very hard on me when you are unhappy. I just want to do everything I can to make sure you are thriving and happy, so when nothing I do can get you to calm down, it is very hard on me.

Friday night you did much better. You were only up once. Wooohooo! Saturday you took an awesome morning nap. Then we ran some errands, including getting a darkening shade for your room. That looks so much nicer than the cardboard that was taped over your window! This evening we had dinner at Fat Cam's with Brad and Sondra. You were the hit of the restaurant  Not only were you so good, we had a bunch of waitresses telling us how cute you were!

It is simply crazy how fast time is passing these days, baby bean! I can't believe that it has been 17 weeks since I first looked into those gorgeous eyes and fell completely in love with you. You are so special, and so fun, and you just light up every single day for your Daddy and I. Regardless of whether we are having a good day or a not-so-good day, I always feel incredibly blessed to be your mother. I have absolutely no doubt that you were hand-picked to be my baby girl, and I am so happy that you were!

I love you!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

First Christmas

Christmas this year was, simply put, amazing! Seeing the bean's face light up when she saw her jumperoo from Santa was just awesome. She was reaching out of my arms and towards it as soon as she saw it. And watching her little eyes track the lights on her toys is just the sweetest thing ever.

Most of all, though, just spending time with Ryan, Ellie and Truff was just amazing. There is nothing that is more fun than just hanging with them all day. 

And as much as it was certainly special being Ellie's first Christmas, it was also really special because Ryan and I connected in a way we haven't in awhile. We're a really good team. I have joked since Ellie arrived that a newborn is nothing compared to taking 100 people across the globe. So in that way, the transition to having Ellie has been really easy. But there is something just really amazing about being up talking and laughing and solving all the world's problems until 1:30am. I'm incredibly thankful that I truly am married to my best friend. 

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sweet 16!

Dear Baby Ellie,

Happy Sweet 16, baby girl! 16 weeks today...I just can't believe it. I has been another crazy week, but as usual you've been SO much fun. Right now you are sound asleep, and it is late, as your Daddy and I just finished wrapping Christmas presents. But I just couldn't go to bed without writing to you.

Last Saturday started out with a cheer competition in Michigan City. Luckily, this went better than your last trip to Michigan City, and you did not end up at the casino! You had fun with Grandma and Grandpa Zaher. You even went with them back to their house, which let me and Daddy go out to dinner and catch up with some friends. Your BFF Lily was born too! When I got the text that she was here and safe, I started tearing up a bit, remembering how overwhelming that moment was with you, and thinking about how happy I was for her Mommy! I know she was as overwhelmed and happy to meet her rainbow baby as I was to meet you.

Sunday was busy too! Church, then out to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Mason. You were a bit better at church, probably because Grandma and Grandpa were both totally distracted by you! You LOVE watching other babies these days, and there are lots of them at church. You even held hands with one in the hallway. You are such a cutie, Ellie-bean!

Monday, as usual, was our recuperation day! You, as usual, were doing much better than I was! We spent a lot of time that day talking about Christmas, singing Christmas songs, and reading your Christmas stories. You favorite Christmas story is the one about the Gingerbread man. That book has sparkles and you like sparkles!

 You also LOOOOOVE hanging out under the tree, looking at lights. You are so amazed by them. I love laying under there with you and watching your eyes as they dart from branch to branch, taking them all in!

Grandma came over too, after she finished shopping. I had her pick up some extra Christmas presents, so she brought them over and snuck in a few cuddles too. I swore I was done shopping for you, baby bean, but I am afraid that didn't work. Instead, I am certain you are going to be one spoiled little bunny come Christmas morning.

Tuesday was another "down" day. Lots of playing and sticking around here. You're not sleeping quite as well as you have been. You've had a couple nights this week where you only gave us 3 or 4 hour stretches. I definitely hope that I can get my good sleeper back soon, because Mommy is going to turn into a coffee cup if you don't. Yikes!

You are learning and changing so much, though. You can now grab at toys on your play mat. Of course, your hands are your new favorite toy. They are constantly in your mouth! And you are are able to scootch yourself all around. I don't like this mobility stuff! Your Grandma keeps reminding me that I walked at 9 months, when you show everyone how you are pretty darn good at standing already. I keep covering my ears and screaming NO! I'm not ready for anything like that!

That night, we also took pictures of you for our Christmas card. They came out awesome! You are so photogenic and Dad is such an awesome photographer! I am one lucky Mommy to have both of you!

Wednesday we were running all over trying to get the cards printed and out. You were fairly cooperative. Until we got home. Then you pouted, probably since you like being out and about so much! You look absolutely ridiculous when you do that. See?

Wednesday night was another icky night, so we stuck close to home on Thursday. You spent some time playing with Truff. You two play so nicely, most of the time. You are so aware of him now, and think he is so funny!

Friday morning, at 4:30am, I had just gotten up to pump and your Daddy was in the middle of changing your diaper when...the power went out. YIKES. Daddy was cool, calm and collected and got candles lit and flashlights out. I admit, I freaked out. There was supposed to be a bad snowstorm and I was worried about the roads being bad and needing to go somewhere with you and Truff. Your Daddy is so amazing though, and went out for a drive to check the roads, at about 5am. After verifying that they were only a little slushy, I was able to relax a little. And I relaxed a little more when I found out that Grandma and Grandpa has power. So, we all ended up going over and hanging out at their house instead. It was very interesting trying to get you both packed and out of the house with no power. Changing diapers in candlelight is very interesting. I think you might have peed on me, but I don't really know, to be honest. How is that for a memory?

Saturday, you slept better and spent some time in bed cuddling with me, Dad and Truff. It is the BEST to have all our little family curled up together in bed like that. Then, big step, your Dad and I went on our first date and left you with Grandma and Grandpa. All was well and you had a blast, but it was hard on me. All through the movie, I was checking my phone, both to see my screen saver picture of you, and to see if there were any calls or texts. Even though we missed you horribly, it was nice to get out and spend some time alone with Daddy. He is a pretty special guy! We all went to run some errands after that. 

So, another full week! But when I get to spend it with you then it is always and awesome week. I love you SO much, baby bean. I love watching you grow, and learn, and do new things. You are just amazing, little one. Absolutely amazing. I am so lucky to be your Mommy. Even after 16 weeks, I still can't believe that such an special little girl is MY daughter, but I am SO thankful that it is true. 

I love you, Ellie-bean!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

15 weeks!

Dear Ellie,

Hey there miss 15-week old! You are getting SO big these days. It is so incredibly cool to watch you grow up and learn and change day by day.

So when I wrote you last week's letter, it was like 1am on Monday morning and I couldn't sleep. Well, unfortunately, Monday turned out to be not such a good day. I ended up with a 101 degree fever. The worst part of it, though, is that I was so, so worried about you. I did not want you to get sick, AT ALL. I was nervous. But so far, so good, little bean. You are still doing well, no signs of fever whatsoever! Yay!

Tuesday morning, we woke up to your first snowfall! So of course we had to check it out. I'm not sure that you liked it too much, but at least you didn't immediately roll around in it like your brother. We did go make a snow angel, though!

You were also a little bit fussy and did NOT want to nap unless you were snuggled up to me. You're that way at night too. Night is one of my favorite times. You nurse, then we just stay cuddled up close until you fall asleep. I try to sneak you into your bed, but often you wake up. The cool thing is, even when you wake up and get upset when I try to put you down, you will calm right down when we snuggle up again. That makes me feel like such a special Mommy! I hope it works that way because you know that I love you so incredibly much!

Then, Tuesday night, we bundled you up and went to pic out your first Christmas tree. Juggling you and Truffle was a challenge for your Daddy and I. But we managed to pick out one that was JUST perfect. And, I got lots of cuddles from my perfect little princess...YOU!

Wednesday, we managed to get that tree up. I think we went a LIIIIITTLE overboard. Yes, your Mommy and Daddy do that sometimes! Trying to get the angel on top of the tree was a little bit on the scary side! Daddy looked like he was going to fall into the tree!

You sure do love looking at the lights on the tree, though, so it is worth it. You love to lay under it with me or Daddy and just look up at all the pretty lights. 

We also decorated the rest of the house. We took your stocking over to Grandma Zaher's house to have her put your name on it. I had ordered you a stocking last year when I ordered them for Daddy and I and Truff, hoping and praying you would be here to use it next Christmas. It is a little bit emotional for me to see all four of our stockings hanging up on the wall together. I've teared up quite a bit this week, but seeing this was definitely one of those moments. 

Thursday we went to get you weighed. You have grown to 11 pounds 1 ounce. Just perfect. Yay baby birdy! You are doing awesome gaining weight! See? So big!

Have I mentioned that you are SO much more mobile these days? I left you alone for 1 minute in your  bouncy seat, and came back to this: 

That does not look comfy princess! You are also really into trying to sit up on your own. You do that a lot when you are in your car seat. I can't believe that you are trying to do that at only 15 weeks! You are one strong little girl!!!

Friday, you ran errands with me and Grandma. You love being on the go! You were such a good girl, but we dressed you all cute, just in case you were a little rotten.

Today, it is cheer competition number 3 as an outside baby. Luckily we only have to go to Michigan City. I'm glad for that!

Baby birdy, I love you so very much. I am incredibly lucky to be your Mommy, and all those little smiles and cuddles and coos mean more to me than you could ever know. You are such a special little girl, and I am so blessed that I get to spend every single day with you. I can't think of anything I would rather do than just hide away with you and love on you.

I love you so much!

Monday, December 10, 2012

The "must haves"

Since I'm more than three months into this "Mommy" thing, I think it is time I sit down and write about my Mommy must-haves. Otherwise known as things that have been saving my rear the last couple months, and I need to remember to recommend to other new Mommy friends.

1. Swaddlers-Seriously, Ellie sleeps a million times better swaddled. I totally think that the fleece sleepsack swaddlers are the reason she's been sleeping through the night pretty much since day 1. We are going to have to wean her off using these soon since she can roll, and I am TERRIFIED.

2. A Nice Robe-This makes feeding so much easier. I spend LOTS of time in my big comfy robe these days. Who needs real clothes?

3. Cloth diapers-Okay, so my cloth diapering decision was initially based on economics and environmental concerns. I did not expect to love it so much. I hate disposable diapers. She wears them when we are out, and at night since they keep her feeling "dry" longer. I don't know if it is just my kid, but when she wets a disposable diaper, it reeks! Like worse than a poosplosion. In cloth, it doesn't smell at all. The laundry has not been bad. And she loves diaper changes, so I don't feel guilty changing her a million times a day.

4. Co-sleeper-Just the thought of moving E into her own bed right now makes me twitchy. Her co-sleeper is basically a three sided mini-crib, so she has her own space, but she is sleeping level with me, literally inches away. I love being right there to check on her a million times. And i can just sit and listen to her baby coos before I go to bed. When she was waking more frequently in the night, it made feeding her a snap. She loves it too, because she often scootches right over to me. Love that! I am ridiculously grateful that Ryan is completely supportive of this. You often hear of Dads wanting their space back, but Ryan is completely on board. We'll have the discussion about when we will move her to her own room at 6 months. For sure until that point she'll be in our room.

5. The Snuza-So this is a little monitor that clips on her diaper and has a rubber tip that presses against her belly. If it doesn't sense movement for 5 seconds, it sounds an alarm. I realize this is not the be-all-end-all, but it certainly helps me sleep better. And yes, it works. Miss Wiggle Worm has kicked it off a couple times, and it has went off. Luckily the heart attack wasn't to bad as she was kicking away!

6. One-handed snacks-This is going to be my go-to gift whe someone has a baby. A basket full of snacks that can be eaten one-handed. Because for SURE in the first couple months, that is all you have. We quickly ran out of granola bars and such, and while eating "real food" is awesome nutritionally, it is sometimes laughable in the new mom stage. And breastfeeding makes me a ravenous monster who wants to eat everything in sight. The soup Ryan made was delicious...when someone else was holding Ellie. Soup plus squirmy newborn...NO. Granola bars. Trail Mix. Crackers. Yes. I'll leave the elaborate freezer meals for new moms to others. I will be taking a basket stuffed with one-handed snacks.

That is what I've got for now. I'm sure I'll add to this as Ellie grows. But for now, these things make a big difference for me. Big.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

14 plus 2

Dear Ellie,

Happy 14 week birthday, 2 days late! Whoops! I try so hard to write these letters on your birthday, but sometimes they just don't work out very well. Life gets crazy...especially with such a cute, yet demanding little princess!

So what happened this week? Well, last Saturday we got family pictures taken for Christmas. You did better than your newborn photos, but you still weren't the happiest. Dennis, who was taking the pictures got a kick out of our photography "trick" with you...turning on the hairdrier. It did save us from a meltdown, though, which was good!

Then we headed up to Ann Arbor for your first cheer competition. Well, at least your first as an "outside baby." I guess technically, this was number 12 for you! Grandma and Grandpa Zaher went with us to watch you while I was busy judging and Daddy was busy taking pictures. Grandpa was very proud that you spit up on the U of M floor. Being Pro-Leprechaun automatically means being Anti-Wolverine! I think you had fun hanging out with them, and I know they certainly had fun hanging out with you!

Monday we both were in full competition hangover mode, so we chilled at home. I tried to get some things done, but you just wanted Mommy snuggles. As much as it is frustrating to not be able to get things done, it is amazing to snuggle with you, my baby bird! There is simply nothing better than catching a quick nap being curled up with my princess. And considering you would only nap for a half an hour if you weren't on me, but over an hour and a half if you were, I think it is safe to assume that you like it too!

Tuesday and Wednesday were similar. Trying to prep for competition was a little crazy with you in the mix. Luckily Daddy was good about helping out in the evening so that I could get some stuff done. You are going to bed around 8:30 now, so we at least have a little time after bedtime to catch up on things. You definitely were a needy little princess, and gave me a run for my money sometimes. Even when I am so frustrated from your crabbiness, I still can just look at you and get overcome by how special you are and how incredibly much I love you!

Thursday we went to the mall. I was meeting someone there to get one of your Christmas presents (shhh...I'm not telling what it is!) and we spent some time walking around and looking at all the awesome decorations. You love, love, love lights!

Saturday was another LONG day...another competition in Grand Rapids. I only had to coach one team there so we got to hang out most of the day. You wore your adorable little NE outfit and cheered everyone on! Your "big sisters" spent a lot of time playing with you. They were making sure you knew that you couldn't date until you were 81. Works for me, baby bean! You met so many new people and were quite the hit of the day, just like normal.

Who needs to recuperate from such a busy day? Not the baby bean. Sunday was church, then breakfast with Santa, then the gym. You especially had fun seeing Santa again and telling him what was on your list. That is, if he could understand you through your fists. You are sucking on your hands like a mad woman these days. They are ALWAYS in your mouth!

That brings us to today. You are sleeping, but I had WAY too much coffee and am nowhere close to sleepy. I know I'll be tired tomorrow. Hopefully we can nap together. 

After 14 weeks of being your Mommy, I have to say that it is still the most awesome thing in the whole wide world. Every time I see you my heart just feels like it is going to explode with joy and gratitude. I hope you know how very loved you are, baby bean! There is just something about you that makes so many people just LOVE being around you. But NO ONE in the whole wide world loves being around you as much as I do. 

I love you, princess!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

13 weeks...3 months!

Dear Baby Bean,

You have officially been with us three months...or 13 weeks. I can't believe it! But actually I can't even remember life pre-Ellie. You light up every single day. I love that.

After the holiday last week, we took a low-key Saturday. But, you did cheer ND on to victory. 12-0, thanks to the cutest good luck charm ever!

Sunday we went to church and then out with Grandma and Grandpa Zaher for Grandpa's birthday. You were a sweet little bean and gave him lots of sweet snuggles. He also got to feed you a bottle, which he LOVED! He said he loved looking at your sweet little eyes. I can totally understand, because that is how I feel every time I feed you and you give me the "oh thank you Momma, this is the best milk EVER" eyes!

During the week we mostly stayed around the house since I had lots to do. You are getting so strong and so good at your tummy time! See?

In fact, you are so good with your head control that Daddy started putting you facing forward in  your carrier. You LOVE that. You're still so tiny that you look like a miniature little teddy bear, though!

Another cool thing you've been doing is when you are playing on the playmat, you can now bat at one particular toy, rather than just make your arms go crazy and hit everything. Once this week, you hit 3 of the 4 toys on there in succession. It is so cool watching you learn new things. I get so, so proud of my little baby birdy every time you do something new!

Friday night we did your 3 month pictures. You were beautiful, as usual, but I still can't believe that you are three months old!

I just love you SO much Ellie! Being your Mom really is the best thing in the world. I still catch myself staring at you in disbelief. I just can't believe that I have the cutest, sweetest, most amazing daughter ever. You are SUCH a blessing!

I love you,

So emotional

So these days I have been ridiculously emotional. I am blaming the hormones, but I'm sure that isn't all of it.

This time last year sucked. No other way around it.

A year later, I'm happier than I have ever been before.

What a difference a year makes.

But really, it seems as though going through the motions of this time of year just bring things flooding back, and sometimes the irony is just too apparent to excuse.

For example, we need to pack our small coolers this year when we go to the Detroit competition for E's milk. Last year, we had to take a non-food cooler too...for my meds. I can remember trying to make sure the people traveling with us got the one with the lunch meat, and NOT the one with the syringes.

This year I'm concerned with finding a place to breastfeed E in the midst of the competition. Last year, I was concerned about finding a place to give myself shots.

I can't even think about the emotions that are going to be wrapped up in Christmas. The holiday was a pretty dark and confusing time for us last year, and then Ryan's grandmother passed away 2 days afterwards on the due date for one of our angels. And then three days later we found out I was pregnant with E. I fully accept that this Christmas, I'm just going to be a mess between it being Ellie's first Christmas, anticipating Christmases to come, and also thinking back to last year.

The contrasts are insane. Really. In some ways it gives me increased faith on just how fast a situation can turn around. Yes, Lord, I'm not missing the irony in this. I get that this is a big "DUH" for me for being less than trusting that you had the perfect baby girl picked out just for me. Lesson learned, and plans turned over to you.