Wednesday, February 27, 2013

BLW- a week and a half in

Sometimes I feel like the spokesperson for some "alternative" parenting decisions. Both on here, and in "real life" I will talk anyone's ear off about the benefits of breastfeeding and cloth diapering. I feel absolutely passionate about both. So much so, that I am hoping for more cloth diapers for my birthday (just a liiiiittle obsessed), and I'm  little sad that I have to start solids. Which leads to another non-traditional parenting led weaning.

Basically the theory, in a nutshell, is that babies can feed themselves. No spoon "airplanes" and no purees. No trying to get them to eat. Offer food. Then they eat as much as they want. No stress.

Admittedly, I like the no-stress part. And the part where I don't actually have to feed her. It is awfully nice to all be eating as a family without having to alternate and feed her. But honestly, what tipped the scales in favor of this methodology is that even if this is completely bogus, you have got to admit that it is one heck of a sensory experience for the kiddo.

We are a week and a half in. She's tried avocado, broccoli, sweet potato and banana. I am amazed at how well she does feeding herself. And I have evidence that she is eating a lot more than I thought she was, at first. She handles to food, gets it to her mouth, and chomps away. Sometimes she squishes it between her fingers and sucks. She's pretty ingenious when it comes to eating.

It is MESSY. We have learned to strip her down as much as possible for meal times. But it is awesome. I can't say enough about how great it is. Not only is eating an active learning activity for her, it is so much less stressful for me. And it will only continue to get less and less stressful as she continues to branch out and can really eat whatever we are eating.

Yes, people look at me like I am crazy when I tell them that we are not feeding her, she is feeding herself. But I added another item to my "passionate parenting decisions" list.

Oh, and it produces cute pictures like this:

Monday, February 25, 2013

25 weeks

Dear Baby Bean,

I am a little late on your 25 week post! We had a very busy, and very rough weekend, so I didn't get a chance to do the post. Whoops. I'll make up for it now though, little one!

Let's see...we left off last Sunday. Sundays, as usual, were church, then home, then Daddy time, then gym. You were a cute little bean in your furry dress. You are so silly, though, you tried to get the headband off as quickly as possible, AND pull the bottom of the dress up, just so you could eat the fur. What? Silly, silly bean! You and your fur obsession!

We're still working on giving you solids. I am loving the baby-led weaning thing, but I will admit that I get a little twitchy about the mess it makes. You spent the day just COVERED in avocado. Truffle LOVES it, and has already figured out that when I put you in your high chair, he should come running over to see what you will drop. Who knew that puppies like avocados as much as little baby girls? You are doing so well at feeding yourself, though. I am impressed with you. You are getting a lot more solids then I thought, as evidenced by your diapers. Ick. Oh, and we also have to work on your manners, little one. No see-food here!

Monday was recovery day as usual. We did decide to take a little trek to Micheals since there were some good president's day sales going on, and we found some awesome stuff! Baskets for your room (that I have been looking for FOREVER!) picture frames, even your Easter basket! Yay! Good deals and you were GREAT on the shopping trip, as usual.

Tuesday was a bit rough. It is a good thing you are SO cute, little bean!

Because you were a STINKER. You did NOT want to nap. And then, when I finally got you to nap you woke up screaming. And then, even when we were down on the floor playing, you would start screaming even if I broke eye contact with you. You sure needed a lot of attention and I wasn't able to get anything done. Arg! The one thing that calmed you down? Truff. He got LOTS of treats because I could sit you next to him and you would just look at him and coo. And he tolerated you. I was awfully happy when Daddy got home and took the two of you to see Great Grandpa so that I could have a little down time. You wore me out.

Wednesday we were on the move again. But you LOVE being out and about, so no sweat for you! First we went and had coffee with a friend and her little one. You were awesome and napped in her stroller, but it sure was a wake up call for me about life with you in a couple years! I think you keep me on my toes now. Whoa! Regardless, this sweet smile makes it all worth it. 

Then, we walked around the mall (I wasn't chancing going home with as crabby as you had been the day before!) and finally met up with Grandma! The new Gymboree line had come out, and we were anxious to see it. Of course, we walked out with a good portion of it. More clothes for Miss Fashionista! Your Daddy and I are talking about family pictures this summer, and just thinking about what you are going to wear just about gives me hives. Too many options, baby bean!

Thursday was a little more shopping. And you were a HAPPY girl. I have no idea what had you so cranky early in the week, but I am certainly glad it has passed. You snuggled up and took a sweet nap with me when we got home, and then we went to Great Grandpa's house again. Your Great Uncle was in from Colorado, and got to meet you! How exciting! Of course, you charmed him with your sweet smiles and laughed up a storm at Great Grandpa again. I have no idea what you find so funny with him, but you sure do think he is funny!

Friday was the usual too...I went to the Y and worked out and you got some time hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa. We even stayed over there a little while so that I could get some work done. It was nice for both of us, I got some work done, and you got to play with Grandma and Grandpa. You liked that a LOT! You loved running your fingers through Grandpa's hair! And you took some great naps cuddled up with Grandma.

Friday night you spent some time with your Aunt Lori and Uncle Pete. They love seeing your cute little smile and giggle. And Daddy and I got to have a nice dinner. While we love having time out, we just miss you terribly. Aunt Lori and Uncle Pete yelled at us for coming back too soon, but we just couldn't stand any more time without our baby bean!

Little did we know, you were going to give us LOTS of baby bean time! You didn't sleep at all that night. By 1am I had been up with you about 3 times. Arg! I was one very tired Mommy, and you were one very upset little girl. I hate it when you get upset. I just want to see you happy and smiley and well-rested all the time!

Saturday, even though we were both tired, we went on a road trip! You came with me to Grand Rapids to a meeting and to meet Aunt Mandy for lunch. I dressed my baby birdie in lots of birdies and you looked adorable. You were VERY excited to go with.

You were fantastic on the trip. You napped all the way up and back, and had minimal fussiness the entire time. Yay! And everyone loved seeing you.

Sunday was church, as usual. But Grandma and Grandpa Mason had gotten home from their trip and came with us. They definitely wanted to see you! But another rough night made you very tired. You were singing like crazy in church...even when it was supposed to be quiet, so we got to spend some time outside. We tried to go to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa too, but that didn't work too well, either, because you were very overtired.

Luckily, you came home, took a good nap, and chowed on some broccoli. It amazes me how well yu eat, little one. You are SO good at that. Especially the broccoli. You love it, and I love that it is a little less messy than avocado.

Speaking of messy, those toes...they are your favorite things! You love to pull your socks off, and you can finally get your toes in your mouth, silly one! Since everything else goes in your mouth these days, why not you toes, hm?

You are SO much fun, little one. Even when you have bad nights and you let out those sobs that just break my heart, I cherish every single second we get to spend together. You are amazing, and even though you are growing up way too fast, it is so exciting to just see all the new things that you can do and all the things that click. Even 25 weeks later I wonder how, out of all the Mommies in the world,  I got picked to be yours. I love to see your face light up when you see me, but I've got to tell you, little one, my face lights up 20 times brighter when I see you.

I love you so much!!!

Okay one more vent...

I've got to get this out. And...amazingly enough, it is almost the exact same vent I had months ago.

Ellie is generally a happy baby. As long as she is entertained, semi-rested, and fed, she's all smiles.

Which is why, when people tell me she is grumpy or sad, or whatever, I get stabby.

She goes to bed between 8 and 8:30. If she is still up at 9, she is going to be in a meltdown. She normally wakes up around 8 and has a morning nap by 10 at the latest. If she is up at 7 and doesn't take a morning nap, then at 11:30, she will be in an epic meltdown.

See a pattern? It has nothing to do with her MOOD. It has to do with the biological need for sleep. E is actually pretty adaptable and not a baby that has a set pattern, but come ON. There are developmental expectations that you just can't push past. Oh, and don't tell me what to do with my kid. Thankyouverymuch.

I don't like people today. I am planning on spending all day hibernating with my babies.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

24 weeks!

Dear Baby Bean,

You are 24 weeks old today! You are growing so fast, I just can't stand it. Your Daddy and I have both had lots of moments where we look at you and you seem to grow right before our eyes. You are getting to be such a big girl...where did my baby bird go???

So, we left off last Saturday. We spent most of the day at home, cooking and having sing-a-longs. We did have to run out on a couple errands. You were a good girl, just chewing on your O-ring. You love chewing on that thing. In fact, you like it better than the actual teether we have attached to your car seat. Go figure!

Sunday was the, Daddy time, then to the gym. We did go and order your big girl highchair after church. AND we managed to squeak in a short photo shoot since we had your Valentine's dress on. You were not the most cooperative, but we did get one that is super cute. See?

Look how gorgeous you are, baby bean! I love this is my new favorite! I seem to have new favorite pics all the time, though. You are very photogenic, and Daddy does such an awesome job taking pictures of you, and I am so thankful for that. You are growing and changing so much that I love looking back on them. I've started making a book for your first year, and I cannot believe how much you'v changed! I love having all the pictures to remember, though. All the photo shoots are definitely worth it. 

Speaking of pictures, Monday Grandma and Grandpa Zaher got back from visiting everyone in Wisconsin, and brought back a cool picture; a painting by Aunt Jane! How cool is this? It is just amazing!

Tuesday we also got out a bit and walked around. We both get a little restless being cooped up all day. So, when we are feeling a bit stir-crazy, some Target or Mall time makes us much more sane. We got home, and you played with your new favorite toys:

Yup! You are OBSESSED with your toes. I cannot even keep socks on you these rip them right off in order to play with your feet. Silly bean!

Wednesday was crazy! I went and worked out, so you spent some time with Grandma, and then later in the afternoon, I had a meeting, so you hung out with Aunt Lori. Whew! You were one tired girl after all that. But, look how much fun you had with Aunt Haileigh? You love her...but you are never ever ever allowed to talk to her about boys okay? 

Oh, and just in time for Valentine's Day you learned about kisses! When someone blows you a kiss, you think it is hysterical and giggle up a storm. But now you can make little kisses back. How cute are you, princess? Let me tell you...stinking adorable!!!

Did I say Valentine's Day? Yup, that was Thursday...your very first Valentine's Day! We had an awesome day together and we both got a took two naps on me. I love spending time just curling up with you. I'd love to nap with you, but I just can't. I still just want to stare at you, so it is too hard for me to sleep. I'll take the sweet cuddles with my Valentine though!

We also spent a lot of time playing with Truffle. We've started referring to you as "The Claw" since we think that Truffle is sufficiently scared of you coming near him, as you sure like to grab all that fur! He does make you giggle though, and the only way we can get you to practice your sitting up is if he is there for you to watch. Sometimes you get to be too much for him, though, and he hides under your blanket to get away from you!

We had lots of fun hanging out and having a low-key Valentine's Day as a family. I definitely have the best Valentines ever this year. You, Daddy and Truffle are all so sweet and keep my heart so full! I just love you so much, baby bean!

Friday you went over to Grandma's again, then we went to meet Daddy for lunch. We had a nice lunch, but the best part was Daddy getting to show you off to his co-workers again. You put on a SHOW! Giggles and smiles for all, and Daddy threw you all around, showing off all your tricks. You are a ham.

Oh, one more thing about the feet and your new obsession with ripping off your is driving Truffle crazy. You will rip off your sock and taunt him with it. He KNOWS he will get in trouble if he gets it, but you always put it soooo close. You are such a little stinker!

Today was a big day. First we took a trip over to West End Bakery. Those ladies LOVED you and we got some yummy treats. We had to forego cake for Daddy's birthday because of you, so we made up for it now! When we got home, your high chair had come, so we decided to try it out and give you some avocado. You loved it and did fairly well with handling it too, even though it was really slippery. Eating real food makes you seem so big, now, though little bean!

Even though you are growing up WAY too fast for my liking, I've got to say, I absolutely love every single day with you. You are such a special little girl, and you bring your Daddy and I SO much happiness, I really think one of these times my heart will just burst. You are so amazing and watching you learn and grow is the best. I love you so much, little one!

I love you, Ellie!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What a difference...

What a difference a week makes!

I know I wrote about this in Ellie's weekly letter, but up until last week, things were ROUGH. The bean was up 4 or 5 times a night. We ended up bedsharing out of necessity, and no one got much sleep at all. It was miserable.

A week ago, we transferred her to her pack n play. And apparently she just needed her room. Since then, she's been up a max of two times a night (and honestly, those nights are the ones when I don't put her back in bed right away and we doze off together in bed). Really, she is up 1 time pretty consistently. Or, yesterday she slept 11 hours straight. No wake ups. Holy cow.

If you would have told me two weeks ago, I would have said that you were crazy. Lesson proactive about solving problems.

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

23 weeks

My little Ellie-bean,

Happy 23 weeks old today, baby girl! Wasn't I just 23 weeks pregnant with you, calling your Aunt Lori, freaking out about everything? It sure seems like that was just the other day. But it sure has been awesome to be your Mommy these last 23 weeks. I can't wait for the next 23, or 230 for that matter!

This has been a crazy week! Not only did we DO a bunch, you are growing and changing like CRAZY! So, what has been up?

Well Sunday was the usual church/gym day. Uncle Jon came to church with us, so we went out to breakfast with him too! Daddy was bad and gave you a little taste of his iced tea. What was he thinking baby bean? Like you need caffeine?!? You are still not sleeping great, so I was not very happy with that!

Aunt Lori made you a special present, though...a tooth fairy pillow. I think it will be awhile until you get to use it for its intended purpose, but for now, you like to hug it and chew on its little bow. Oh, and you like to check your mouth to see if any little teeth are popping through. Nope, not yet. And I'm okay with that, little one. No growing up too fast!!!

Monday it was pretty yucky out so we stayed home and cuddled. You were a sleeping rockstar! Awesome night (only one wake up) AND awesome naps! Yay bean! We had a lot of fun stacking blocks and then knocking them down. That makes you giggle, a LOT.

Monday night, I had to go to the gym so you stayed home with Daddy. He was in heaven, because you zonked out on his chest. He loves sweet baby birdy cuddles! You can be such an awesome cuddle bug!

Tuesday was ROUGH. You were up multiple times that night, which made Daddy and I so tired! Daddy and I kind of had a melt down, we were so tired, so on Wednesday, we decided that we were going to try something new. Instead of putting you in your cosleeper, we decided to have you sleep in your pack n play, by the side of our bed. Since the cosleeper is attached to our bed, it moves slightly when we do. And it is pretty small. We pretty much decided that since your sleeping can't get too much worse, we would start there in troubleshooting this sleep thing. So, the FIRST night in your "big girl bed" the pack n play you slept...AWESOME! You went 12 hours with only waking up once to eat and get a diaper change. What? Could it be? Well you did it again the next night. Yay! We LOVE having our good little sleeper back! You just needed more space, didn't you, princess?

One other big thing this are mobile! We found this out when we put you in your pack and play and you woke up rotated 180 degrees from where I had laid you down. And, you managed to freak me out on Thursday, as I set you down, walked out of the room for 2 minutes, and you were GONE. Yup, you are rolling and scootching everywhere. See? I caught you. In this pic, I had laid you down on your back with your feet facing the keyboard, and I come back to find you like this. 

Bean, I don't think I'm read for you to be moving around like that! Neither is Truffle. He is freaked out by that! He likes being able to get away from you, but not for long.

Your night sleeping has been a LOT better, but your napping has went down the tube. In fact, Thursday I could ONLY get you to nap on me. While it was frustrating to not be able to get much done, I never get tired of the sweet baby snuggles and just staring at this gorgeous face. Look at you, bean. You are so perfect. I love you so much, and cuddling up with you is the best thing in the world.

Friday you got to spend some time with Grandma. You had lots of fun. Your 3-6 month clothes are starting to fit, which is super exciting. You still were showing f your jumping skills, laughing and jumping ALL over the place. What a cute little bean.

You spent Friday night with Daddy while I went out with some friends. You and Daddy had a great time, but I missed you terribly and hated not being able to put you to bed. That stinks. I love cuddling with you at night. In fact, I cheated and kept you in my bed when you woke up at night so that I could get my fill of snuggles. Whoops! I had to deal with an extra wake-up but it was worth it for the sleepy princess cuddles.

Today, we spent most of the day around the house. Daddy was teaching you to pet Truffle nicely, without grabbing his hair. You love sitting in the kitchen, watching Daddy and I cook. And you really love our family sing alongs, when we put on the Disney Pandora station and rock out to some Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast. We have so much fun with that.

Ellie, those smiles, and that giggle of yours...they are the BEST. Really. Nothing can make me as happy as when you flash me that grin, especially when I walk in to a room. That makes me feel like such a special Mommy. You are just amazing, and still, 23 weeks after I first got to meet you, feel just thrilled that I get to spend every day with you. I love you so much, bean!

I love you,

Saturday, February 2, 2013

22 Weeks

Dear Baby Bean,

You are 22 weeks old today...that mean I am the Mommy of a 5 month old! How in the WORLD did that happen? Wasn't I just snuggling with my little baby birdy in the hospital, so scared to break you, yet so amazed that you were here? Wasn't that just yesterday? Time is going WAY too fast, little one.

So, what happened this week? Well, Sunday we went to church, and then we came back home for awhile until I headed to the gym. You were pretty good in church, although you refused to nap. You were flirting away with the other babies and the ushers.

Then you spent some time with Daddy before you headed to the gym. I got glowing reports from both Aunt Lori and Daddy about how awesome you were. You were all giggles and gummy smiles and no crabbyness! We LOVE happy little birds!

Monday we woke up nice and well slept from 9-7:15 with only one wake up. Could you possibly be getting back to sleeping through the night? I am crossing my fingers! We spent the rest of the day around the house, having lots of Mommy and Ellie time. I love that. Weekends are always so busy, I really like Mondays being kind of "our" day.

That night, Daddy came home and brought in the mail, it was a GOOD mail day! Your dress came! Well let me back up, I found the most perfect dress for your birthday (yes, I am thinking that far ahead already!) and Daddy was able to win it on ebay for us. It has pansies all over it, your Great Grandma's very favorite flower. I'm absolutely convinced that the reason you took your sweet time getting to us is because you were having a ball with her, so it only made sense to me to get you this dress. Oh, and your Grandma says that Great Grandma also taught you to suck your thumb because she always wanted a thumb sucker. Apparently she didn't get to the part where you curl your fingers under, since you suck yur thumb with your fingers cupped around your nose! Couldn't she have taught you to sleep a little better too?

Okay, anyways, we had to try on the dress. It looks BEAUTIFUL on you, bean. But you weren't in to a fashion show. Instead, you tried to eat your new dress. Arg!

Tuesday was a VERY busy day! Grandpa had to have a procedure, so we went over to keep him company and distract him. You were such a sweet little girl, and gave him awesome cuddles. He sang your song (jingle bells) and you fell asleep for an hour curled up on his chest. What a sweet princess you were. You stayed with Grandma and Grandpa while I had to leave for a meeting in Kalamazoo. Grandma and Grandpa dropped you off at Aunt Lori's on the way to the hospital, and you had an awesome time playing with her. I picked you up a couple hours later and Uncle Pete was singing away to you! Then, we went over to the hospital to see Grandpa. You couldn't snuggle with him, but you did enjoy jumping on his bed for him. You are a crazy little jumping bean!

Wednesday we got to see Grandpa again. He wanted to walk around, but it was cold and icky out so we went to the mall. We let you sit in your stroller the "big girl" way for the first time. I think you liked looking at everything. At least for a couple minutes until you conned Grandpa into busting you out and carrying you, even though he was not supposed to be lifting over 10lbs. You cuddled and took another nice nap with him, though.

Then, it was off to the gym. After the gym we went out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Mason. They left Friday for 3 weeks to go to Guatemala, so they wanted to see you before they left. You were such a good girl, even though you had a long couple of days and I expected you to be very cranky. I am so glad that you are so good to all the people that love you so much, bean!

Thursday I could have used a "down" day, but no sir! We were going again! We went over to Saint Mary's to introduce you to everyone. You were quite the hit, and had smiles for everyone. And you only interrupted a couple classes. I really did love working there, but now I am having such a blast being home with you. I did tell them that I would be up to discussing teaching only one class in the fall. We'll see.

We also went over to the breastfeeding support group. I'm so glad that is going well, little bean. You got weighed and you were 13lbs 1oz. Perfect growth. I'm so proud that you have always been 100 percent breastfed! What a cool accomplishment for us both! You loved looking at the other babies, too. You were completely into playing on the floor with them.

You were WORN OUT from such an exciting day, though bean, and napped for over two hours in your carseat. What?

Friday we were going to go work out like normal, but it had snowed a lot and the roads were bad, so we stayed home in the morning. You played with Truff which you LOVE. He is so good with you. He tries to bite off his fur when you get a handful of it, but he will NOT bite you. Such a good big brother.

That afternoon you went to hang out with Grandma for awhile so that I could work on my paper. She loved having you clonk out on her, and I was able to get a good amount of work done. 

That evening was photoshoot time. You were SO smiley, we got some great ones. We did 5 month pics and some Valentine's Day, but I am only going to share a 5 month one. The others are top secret! It was one of your best shoots yet, though!

I love how this captured your smile and personality. I love that it is showing more and more each day. 

Today, Daddy went to a swap meet, so we got to hang out together again. I love spending time with you, bean. Even when you are fighting naps like a crazy lady, you are still by far the coolest, sweetest, prettiest, funniest, most awesome little girl in the whole wide world. Really! Every day I just get so emotional and overwhelmed that I get to be your Mommy. I wanted to be A mommy for so long, that I just can't believe that I am lucky enough to get to be THE mommy to the best little girl ever. 

I love you so much, princess!