Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Beach baby!

So between my Mommy guilt of missing a week and having too much fun with thr kiddos last night, I think this deserves its own post.

It was beautiful yesterday. Any time that it hits high 60's and sunny in April, getting outside is just a priority. A must. So when Ryan got home last night (at a semi-decent time...phew...) we decided to give Ellie her first beach experience. 

We drove up to Silver Beach. Ellie had some great naps that day (2:15 total) and then fell asleep again for a half hour on the way up there, so I wasn't too worried about being out past her bed time. We ordered a pizza for take-out (yum...first Silver Beach pizza of the season!) and hit the beach to walk around with the kiddos. 

Truff had a blast digging in the sand. We realized that he hadn't been to the beach either. So his only sand experience was Ryan's parents' little beach area on the lake. He thought digging was the coolest. 
Ellie loved us burying her toes in the sand, so that she got to dig around and find them. Oh, and as usual, she loved kisses from Truff. 

We spent some time walking along the beach. Amazingly, it wasn't too crowded, which was good since both kiddos thought they were the welcoming committee for everyone. Truff was bounding over to everyone with his tail going and Ellie was cooing and waving constantly. 

Oh, and Ellie got to try her first pizza since she was VERY upset we were eating without her. I guess that is the downfall of BLW. She is used to eating with us and if we are eating and she is not, there is a PROBLEM. 

Overall an awesome night with the best kids and husband ever. And bonus: both kids were SO wiped out that they were practically comatose when we got some. Score one for Mom and Dad!

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