Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Catching up...19 weeks!

Dear Scarlett,

I'm chugging along, catching up with these posts. Wooohoooo! 

So when I left off in your 18 week post, we were on our way to Lansing for the cheer competition. Like I said, you were a trooper with the trip, even though you were in unfamiliar enironments and had your schedule thrown WAAAAAY off. We are so lucky that both you and your sister deal so well with all the craziness that is our lives.

On Saturday, Daddy and I were at the competition all day. You got to play with Grandma and Grandpa all day! You did stop by the competition a couple times so I could feed you. The pump doesn't agree with either of us these days. I can't get much out, and you don't really like to take bottles, so we try to avoid that whenever possible. You did get a couple of bottles that I had pumped previously, but those couple "live" feedings saved us both. 

Speaking of which...4.5 months and ZERO formula for you. I feel so proud that neither your sister or you have ever had formula. And I feel incredibly fortunate that nursing has been so easy with both of you. The daughter of one of Daddy's co-workers who is just a couple weeks older than you had to get a feeding tube...and I just can't image how difficult that must be. I am so thankful that you both have (knock on wood) been incredibly healthy. 

You were awesome in the hotel again on Saturday night! Phew! What a relief! The last state competition when you were still an inside baby, your sister kept us up ALL night, so I am very thankful that we were all able to get some much needed rest. 

Sunday was more of the same. Everyone loved seeing you and meeting you. And although you were a little crabbier than normal, you still gave a ton of your super sweet smiles and charmed them all. 

Monday we all needed some down time from the long weekend, so we stayed around home. You and Ellie are spending a lot of time playing together. When I am holding you sometimes, especially in the morning, she demands "Baby, LAY DOWN!" She loves laying down and playing with you, and talking to you in her high-pitched baby voice. It is the sweetest thing. 

Speaking of sweetest thing, this is probably one of my favorite pictures of you two: 

Yes, you really are sucking her thumb. How is that for teamwork? You two will continue to be the dynamic duo as you grow up, I am sure!

Tuesday we ran a couple errands. Errands are getting a bit easier with the two of you, usually. Either that or I am getting immune to the chaos. Probably a little of both. Either way, I'll take any successful Target trip I can get!

Wednesday was more cuddle time, and getting back to normal from the crazy weekend. You are starting to get on more of a schedule, where you do 3-4 shorter naps a day. It is rare that I get the 2-3 hour naps I once got from you now. Oh well, at least there is always extra snuggle time to be had!

Thursday continue our lazy week of hanging around home. While we may not be going anywhere, we certainly still do a lot. We typically take 2-3 walks a day, plus play outside. Things can get a little crazy for sure!

Friday you got to spend some time with Grandma while I worked out. You were a very good girl and still love looking at that fan, especially when you are having your diaper changed!  I made it through the work out and even got to run a couple errands before you ladies were ready to come home and take a nap. 

When Daddy got home, however, the real fun started! You got to go for your first cobra ride! Daddy loved piling all five of us in the car and driving around the neighborhood. 

What else is new? Well you are really getting into toys. You are grabbing and holding onto all sorts of stuff. O-balls, soft toys, teethers...which also brings us to this teething possibility thing. You are a drooly mess and you want to chew on things CONSTANTLY. Therefore people are taking bets that you are teething. Which seems crazy to me, but I'll roll with it. I, of course, thought Ellie was teething at this stage (but admittedly not this much!) and those teeth didn't show up on her until 14 months. So either you really are the anti-Ellie and are going to be totally different, or you are a big faker!

So, Squish, that is 19 weeks. I love that you are interacting more with others and your environment, even if that means I need to stay on my toes with you a bit more. I love you to pieces and wouldn't change a single thing about you...well except maybe I'd slow down how fast time is going by and you are growing up!

I love you so much, Scarlett!

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