Friday, October 24, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

We seem to always have the most fun at the pumpkin patch. And it is too fun looking back at the time. I mean, two years ago, we had this:

Ellie was right around 6 weeks at the time, I believe. A year later she was running all over the patch, and I was almost to my third trimester in my pregnancy with Scarlett:

And then this year:

Craziness! But we had a lot of fun. We ran into a slight snafu with Ellie. We told her we were going to go pick a pumpkin. Well, of course, she has been picking strawberries and blueberries and apples, and has happily munched on them all. So I shouldn't have been surprised when she went to take a big bite out of a pumpkin, right? Sigh.

Ellie also tried to pick up EVERY SINGLE PUMPKIN. That was interesting. Even when Scarlett was holding on. Luckily, S only faceplanted once because of this.

"What do you MEAN I can't pick it up, Mom???"

S had an awesome time. She loves being outside, so I should've known.

Since she is SOOOO into standing these days, she just loved standing at the pumpkins.

And, of course, there was more important stuff to put in the wagon then those silly pumpkins!

My super sweet big girl though...when we were leaving, after picking out 2 pumpkins, one for each girl, Ellie insisted on getting a small pumpkin for me. "I need to get Momma a pumpkin. Momma needs a pumpkin." Love her kind spirit!

Overall another great trip to the pumpkin patch for this family!

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