Monday, February 25, 2013

Okay one more vent...

I've got to get this out. And...amazingly enough, it is almost the exact same vent I had months ago.

Ellie is generally a happy baby. As long as she is entertained, semi-rested, and fed, she's all smiles.

Which is why, when people tell me she is grumpy or sad, or whatever, I get stabby.

She goes to bed between 8 and 8:30. If she is still up at 9, she is going to be in a meltdown. She normally wakes up around 8 and has a morning nap by 10 at the latest. If she is up at 7 and doesn't take a morning nap, then at 11:30, she will be in an epic meltdown.

See a pattern? It has nothing to do with her MOOD. It has to do with the biological need for sleep. E is actually pretty adaptable and not a baby that has a set pattern, but come ON. There are developmental expectations that you just can't push past. Oh, and don't tell me what to do with my kid. Thankyouverymuch.

I don't like people today. I am planning on spending all day hibernating with my babies.

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