Wednesday, May 21, 2014

2 under 2...for real.

I thought I should take a minute and write a post about how 2 under 2 is actually going. Now that the post-partum dust has settled a bit, I feel like I can look at life objectively.

Life is crazy. I asked Ryan the other day if he felt like we were just treading water. He laughed at me, gave me a hug an said "nope we're sinking."

And we are. The reality is that we will never catch up with everything we want/need to do. But at this stage of our lives, we just need to be okay with that. And we can't let the craziness of life take away from our time and appreciation of our little ones.

Overall, though it is easier than I expected. Some of that is due to Scarlett being an amazing baby. The work is constant. Don't get me wrong. I expect some of the work load will go down once Scarlett gets out of the baby phase a little and I can just double whatever I make for lunch, for example, instead of having to make Ellie something and then sit down to feed Scarlett. There are definitely some days where I feel like all I can do is change diapers and feed babies. The trick to my sanity, though, is realizing that like anything else, this season too will pass.

I love the chaos. Yes, I wish that I could walk through my kitchen just once without stepping on the fridge magnets that Ellie constantly pulls down. But there is just something about craziness and chaos that screams FUN. And we have a LOT of fun here.

Evenings are by far the hardest. Nursing 2 little ones to sleep is time consuming. When you couple that with the fact that I can't really get much done until they go to bed, and I am trying to cram all my house to-dos into about an hour of time after a full day of craziness an an hour of running between two rooms nursing, rocking, bouncing, shushing. All I want to do at that time is sit down with wine. But that doesn't work so well when there are no clean utensils in the entire house!

I am such a list maker, and the one trick that I have learned, for my sanity, is that I MUST add the little things to my list. Otherwise, it is SO easy to look at the 1 or 2 things I got crossed off my list. So I put things on there like Tummy time with Scarlett or art project with Ellie. Otherwise I feel like I got nothing done as I walk back in to restart the drier for the third time since I just can't find time to fold those clothes.

Overall, though, I really like it. I love the spacing of the girls. It is completely nutso, but so much fun!

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